Would you guys like Itherael?

Drop your opinion on this archangel, I think Itherael is an interesting one.


I’m honestly not interested in seeing any more Diablo angels in the game.

Heck yea, I even made a concept for him.


Yes: complete the Council!

Nah: not enough to him in-game to pique my interest. <==


Would love to see him, but not as support/healer. I find most heroes in those categories to be really boring. From what I read his more of a scholar and has a scroll, so that’s another challenge.

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We already have 4, the council must be completed , Ithiriel is interesting and a full Angiris team would be very cool


I like Angels. The more the marryer
Demons on the other hand needs to be destroyed


I have a super cool concept for him that I need to get around to posting. Would love full council too.

Malthael the bruiser/dmg
Imperius the solo laner
Auriel the healer
Tyrael the tank
Itherael should be a zoning mage


That can be interesting, but we don’t know enough about him and also about his power, so we shall wait a little bit before we add him. But still, it can be interesting, and it will be complete the council

I’d like to see him, ideally as ranged dps to nicely round out the Angel comp.

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I love any lore hero. Whitemane for example I was thrilled about even if she is off the beaten path of main characters… kind of reminds me of some marvel crossovers where minor characters get the chance to shine. Maybe the nexus is random, sometimes murkies and vikings get sucked in… so why not ithereal, inarius, rathma, uldyssian?

Also a lot of lore characters aren’t constrained by many expectations of kit, so the devs have a lot of flexibility and can add in interesting or new mechanics



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Only if he is made into a mage to round up a full council team.
He would be boring as another melee angel.

i’d just as soon as give 'em qhira’s kit. “Fated to Lose” is a step up from her hired professional stuff while still being the brooding reluctant destroyer of stuff, things & tuesdays :no_mouth:

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Come on man, you gotta complete the council.

You make it sound boring when phrased like that. He literally knows the future and can control fate itself. There’s all sorts of application for a fate-based hero.

Hmm, I say we need another Nexus original. It's been a whole non-original hero since the last release!

Or more Orphea skins.


I’m in dire need of seeing a complete and functional Angiris Council team.
If Ithirael will ever come to the Nexus, I hope it will be a ranged caster because that spot is missing in the line up.

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A full angel team would be nice to see in action to be honest.


Look forward to it! Hail never Fails!