Worst main healer in the game?

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There are no objectively bad or too good healers atm - the balance is pretty good. However, Deckard and Whitemane are underperforming a bit and there are very few situations where they would be a good pick over anything else.
So I guess, at least in current meta, the answer would be Deckard and Whitemane.

Tyrande, lucio, ana and lili are the main goto healers now, filling pretty much all possible situations. And where neither of these fit and you need very heavy antiburst sustain, uther is by far the best pick.

So I would say 4+1 healers are top, 2 healers are bottom, all others situational and inbetween.

If I play healer, I usually go for BW (very hard counter to some opponents and canā€™t really be countered herself) or Malf (meh I like doing damage, and malf is still the king in getting kills (kharazim was never my style of hero, so heā€™s out of the equation for me)).

P.S. Rehgar is top3 of healers by winrate now, but is still pretty niche. But I guess meta is shifting and weā€™ll start seeing more and more of him. Will need to bring in some heavy antilucio stuff into the meta to bring him down tho.

TierS: Lucio, Tyrande
Tier1 (good, if they fit and the above not): Ana, Lili, Uther
Tier2/3 (can be optimal in some niches): Rehgar, morales, BW, malf, kharazim, alex, stukov, auriel
Tier4 (underperforming, very niche): deckard, whitemane
Tier5 (never good, need buffs): NONE


the worst main healer is definitely brightwing even post her recent rework. in fact the only time she was ever good was when she was first released and was kind of OP. it was an entirely different game back then though. with different mechanics. different devs. no loot boxes. everyone ran around naked.

I would argue across the entire skill spectrum, the worst is probably Uther followed closely by Kharazem. Both require your team to draft properly and play properly to be good ā€“ which doesnā€™t happen in 90% of games.

That being said, all of them have a place and are decent in their moments.

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Kharazim may be a bit draft dependent (although more on opponent draft than your own), but uther? Uther, being half tank with stun and redemption for 2nd chance is probably the most independent healer of all (not to mention his heals are long range and long cooldown = he can deal with mobile diver teamates well enough too).

Uther is top5 atm across all leagues in terms of winrate (#3 in bronze btw - so clearly team can do whatever it wantā€™s uther will do just fine) (heavy burst is coming back into flavor, also stunlock is pretty prevalent). Kharazim is middle of the pack, but heā€™s a hard counter to squishy teams and also chogall - heā€™s definitely high in those situations, if you could somehow filter by that.

Auriel for me
Ana is good right now

How do people feel about Tyrande as a healer?

Sheā€™s more focused over her utility than the healing, apparently sheā€™s currently a strong support pick in high masters.

Iā€™m not keen on whats good healing numbers. I thought Tyrande can put out some good healing so long as she has something to shoot to get the CD down faster.

I can understand her utility and how useful it is.

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Since the post is asking about the worst MAIN healer in the game, and tassadar is not the main healer on this team, I am not sure what the point of the screenshot isā€¦

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Iā€™d say most are fine except Bronzies or low Silv. youā€™ll simply know when the phrase ā€œpls pick a real healerā€ occurs in chat lolā€¦ Theyā€™re simply guided by pure numbers instead of actual impact in fights, and partially that holds a point cause they seem like simply canā€™t disengage, hence why Malf, Stukov, and Lucio seem to even carry those games :smiley:

I see. At least Iā€™m not as ignorant as I thought about the game.

Though, I would hazard a choice that Ana is the worst healer. This is purely on the fact that she needs to make hits and as I try to make myself harder to hit to my enemy it in turn makes me equally harder to hit for Ana.


As someone who has played her quite a lot, I nominate Ana as worst healer.

My teammates are better at dodging my heals than they are at dodging literally anything else.


Rehgar is weak, butā€¦
Ana is near the top as far as healers go. She has an interrupt (with possible talented blind), you can 1v1 someone like Li-Ming if you get the spell power reduction on trait. You have grenade which can either keep teammates alive or secure a kill (by 100% negating the enemy healing). You have two viable ults (one of them being a global ult).

I wouldnt say there is a ā€œworst healerā€ Iā€™d say there are very niche healers that are played at the wrong times/with the wrong team comp and then they look like bad healers but the problem was just when you picked them.

I think skill also plays into itā€¦ I retain a 60-65% win rate with Alex and many people think shes useless/bac but its about how she is played.

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i want to say tassadar because he is the worst healer in the game and incapable of being ā€œTHE healerā€ but i guess thats why you put ā€œmain healerā€
but arenā€™t ā€œmain healersā€ just healers that can do it well?
all of the other supports can do it solo, tass is the only one who shouldnā€™t even be called support, heā€™s more on medivhā€™s level as a specialist who can help mitigate a little bit of dmg.

Malfurion is pretty bad, no burst healing and low healing in general.

Thatā€™s very dependent on how good the malfurion player is and the composition of enemy team.
Moonfire healing scales directly with amount of enemy heroes hit. Hitting just 3 enemy heroes at once heals more than utherā€™s Q - and it heals all your team for that amountā€¦ Thatā€™s actually the MOST burst healing any healer can get.

And of course thatā€™s why his W radius lvl16 talent is just so critical to take - it makes it just soo much easier to hit many enemies at once (not to mention that the 3 sec duration increase on Q is also the thing that allows full 5-man healing at once with those megaheals).
If the malfurion is missing some Wā€™s altogether, well thatā€™s not gonna go too well; if the malfurion is hitting 1-2 targets consistently (and occasional 3+ superheal) - then it will be extremely hard to deal with him.
And of course on top of that he has the one of the best disables of all supports (which also does insane amounts of damage through the treant) and one of the best offensive ultimates of all supports.
Malfurion is still one of the best healers, just hard to play and his performance is quite dependent on map/compositions (Iā€™d say the minimum is a little below average, the maximum - complete monster).

The only problem with malf is that he basically has only 1 good build (can never go wrong with 231x224, x - any ult,based on taste), but a lot of people take bad talents:
not taking vengeful roots at 4 is huge mistake (malfā€™s main source of damage);
not taking natureā€™s balance at 16 is usually a huge mistake (very important healing powerspike);
lifebloom at 20 is completely terrible talent (yet for some weird reason - most popular) compared to lunar shower or healing ult upgrade (and if playing silence ult, then the only good choice is lunar shower (outside of very few niche situations where silence upgrade may be worth the huge healing loss)
Worst possible build I could think of would be: 1232113 - no damage, no burst heals, a lot of passive healing, but offensive ultimate (that dictates a completely opposite playstyle than the talents). I wouldnā€™t be too surprised if you actually see that build in action, thoughā€¦

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The oversized fruitfly that accidentally farts out heals every now and then and looks from the sidelines as a healer when youre dying to a DOT.
