Worst main healer in the game?

What is the consensus on who is the worst primary healer in the game?
my vote goes to Ana or Rehgar

W is countered by any AoE dmg. Had Alex on enemy team, what was picked vs KL. I don’t need to tell what happend with her team.
But if we don’t talk about counters, so anyway she’s bad, because less HP you have - less you heal. If enemy team goes on you - even if you survive, you won’t be able to heal good some time, because you’re dmged.
And if she goes Q build, she needs to pick up flowers to not get dmg from Q. But mostly this flower is on middle of fight and if you go there - you can die.

It’s my personal opinion.


Morales or Auriel

Gazlowe is up there too

Auriel. Even with the best batteries she is still just same level as rest while requiring entire team to stack up, without she is just heavily sub-par.


I would say Uther, not because he is bad, but because he is much easier to counter. Malfurion is in kind of rough shape at the moment, and could use a little love.


I would vote for Morales. Not because she is a bad healer, but because in my experience she is usually an Achilles heal. The rest of the team gets so used to her high single target healing that when she dies the rest of the team goes with her. That being said, a good Morales who positions correctly can be devastating.


I do find Ana to be a bit hard to heal with, I don’t like the idea of my teammates juking my heals. At least with deckard the potion is still there even if the placement isn’t the best. Worst in the game though, that sounds more like some math for the heal values per second per mana.


What’s your metric for “best/worst”? For me, it’s about how much fun someone is.

I think Morales can be very good, but she’s not much fun. Ditto Ana.

All the other healers are pretty fun, IMO.

Probius because you get spammed with “Great heal quotes” just for picking Shield Battery @ lvl 13.

Seriously I get spammed with a well timed heal from Jaina when she’s literally on the other side of the map because she walked in a pylon field.


Tassadar, can’t be a main healer for obvioius reasons.


Did you write it to get my attention?
Congrats, you got my attention.


But he never will be one except when you play him with Tracer.


This doesn’t count because you didn’t pick Khalas Embrace and that Tracer didn’t pick Ricochet and went for an out of meta Bullet Spray.


You’re wrong.

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Look she picked Bullet Spray instead of Ricochet, disgrace to all Tracers.


Auriel, to make it worthwhile your team need to group up for aoe heals.
Is the same with Alex but she has powerful single target heals and much more tools.

How much X amount of healing they can put out over X amount of seconds, How consistent is the healing, is the healing only good with certain comps, how good is their utility, how reliable is their Utility.

IDK which is worst main heal in game but can tell which one I feel least safe alongside with… Well, a few, not sure which hits the bottom of that list

1 = Lucio
2 = BWing
3 = Auriel

1 = I mean for obvious reasons, hero A does have zero peel/cleanse and heals are well… impossible to impact a dive (has to use Ult just in order to save)

2 = This is kinda ok-ish but feel lack of safety when BWing players go for blink-heal… I mean you already have heal and anti-magic things, even Z to heal up in need, but if lack of peel makes me worry, simply know we won’t have a disengage or at least that would be one less teamfight impactful ability

3 = IDK, her numbers are good/great, but if team lacks poke or tank plays overly safe and not providing space for semi/safe “poke interactions” between teams, she’s gonna have abysmal rate of healing as well as probably not reliable for her team… Quite frustrating when playing Auriel and the mage/backline on your team sux bad OR your tank refuses to peel for more/safer poking

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I play a lot of BW, and I almost always go blink heal. It’s a lot more healing, but risky if your team’s positioning is bad. You need your backline to blink back to. Poly is excellent for peel/CC follow up(with the armor reduction). I still only play BW on maps with split objectives for the global.