Worst hero lore-wised?

I rather would guess Lt. Morales is based on Pilot Medic Medic Girl from the Carbot Animation Starcrafts Videos.


I mean, yea, it’s really just Qhira really.

Probably the Butcher. Sure he is an iconic throwback to Diablo 1 and that room with all the corpses he had slain, but he’s really just a mindless demon who used to scare 10 year olds who never played a PC game before.

He’s not even a Lesser Evil, he’s just a random hellspawn who had a lot of early game HP and was hard to kill for a newbie.

I find it unfair to keep on bashing Qhira. She at least has lore while Murky and Probius have absolute zero lore to them. I consider Murky and Probius as joke characters (not gameplay-wise) in this game. Yeah, she is currently super lame lore-wise but I think it is better than, “Random Murloc with a name” and “Protoss drone worker with a name”.

Heck, no one mentioned Stitches. A GENERIC abomination that happened to be raise by some necromancer and just kept on doing it’s thing has more lore than the two.

Hanzo and Genji? Standard Asian mafia storyline here. I think Jet Li did a movie where he was called Romeo, once.

The only reason I put the Orphea and Qhira higher is because they at least shed a SLIVER of light on the HOTS lore. Which is also lacking. I’m positive Qhira’s and Orphea’s lore is lame is because they don’t want to reveal too much about WHAT the Nexus really is cause they will probably lose even more players.


I have no idea why revealing more about the Nexus wouldm ake them lose players,
I know lots of people were quite fond of the Dark Nexus theme and similar I’m sure if it came with Skins and stuffan event based on Nexus Lore would be fine (Havne’t we already gotten one out of Siege of Kings Crest event?)


Do you have the source for this? I would love to read the development behind Qhira.

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It’s been forever I’d have to go hunting for it again

But the gist of it if you’re willing to take my word for it is that Qhira was in early development when Orphea was released with the original intent being a potential Blizzcon tradition of a Nexus Original (back when they could hcurn out 6 heroes a year keep in mind)

Then Orphea got a lukewarm response and the devs reshuffled, though it wasn’t bad enough to warrent scrapping her they put her on the backburner
Then the team got cut and in the rearranging of resources the team realized Qhira was teh only hero left who had work done prior to the team getting cut

So the choice was made, a half baked lore hero would be better then nothing until Deathwing was ready 4 monthes later.


I believe that the team downsize made Qhira into the mess she is now. I don’t think that it has anything to do with Orphea though. I feel like people were generally positive towards Orphea.

Qhira had to have been in development around November 2018 just based on the timing, but I was under the impression Orphea resulted in a push for Qhira. Like, Orphea’s release gave them the courage to put their next Nexus hero sooner in the pipeline, but the reshuffle killed any plans for tie-in lore and comics.

The response was lukewarm, not even close to the mixxed (to put it lightly) response Qhira got but I assure you I was on the forums when Orphea was announced, there were a fair share of people ticked she wasn’t X Y Z hero (I think someone suggested a Lurker from Starcraft at some point)

Uh uh, Frick I’ll go find the quote but I assure you Qhira was not meant to be launched for years, then the downsizing happene.

I would much prefer a hero with terrible lore and a great kit, than a hero with great lore and a terrible kit. Personally, I don’t mind Qhira because she is fun to play, and as a tank, fun to play against, as there is decent counter play when facing her, and denying her a kill always feels rewarding. Same with Blaze, Brightwing, and Lunara.


I say this because the game has been out for 6 years now? The secret should’ve been revealed 3 years ago. To reveal anything now would only be an attempt to entice players to stay. In my opinion, it’s too little, too late.

You should know that when something is hyped to a point where anything they do is going to be less than expected. There is a word or expression to describe what I’m saying, but I can’t think of it at the moment.

I have learned my lesson with D3. And they are doing it again with D4. The best way to psychologically trick people, is to under promise and over deliver. Smart people know the value of the dollar, so this won’t work on them.

Horrifically, D3 conditioned players to expect nothing that even a lame tweak to a piece of armor is enough for them to go crazy over the game. Even Seasons is being defended. Which is sad to see.

Depends on how crazy you go with the story,
Like… I mean I guess I don’t see an event that has Nexus Lore in it any different then Nexomania

There is a thread asking what people think the Nexus is. I gave my take on the subject, but I know there won’t be anything else done with it. Because opening the can of worms means they need to fill in the gaps by EXPLAINING stuff. Fighting games don’t need a deep plot. Neither does this.

What would your take on what the Nexus be? What do you think will be “crazy” enough to justify 6 years of hype and not let us down?

I have already read fanmade theories based on the little they gave here. Doubt Blizz can top it.

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I mean, welcome to every hero they’ve ever released. I was there too. However, I remember a surprising number of supporters for Orphea. There were threads about how surprised people were that she wasn’t getting hate. The haters came in of course, but it was only the usual suspects.

It was a damn good announcement for a character nobody wanted. I was on the Orphea hate train from the moment they dropped her name in the comics right up until I saw her kit.

I dunno. You and I clearly remember different parts of her release. Maybe because I was one of surprised ones, I remember the part of community who agreed with me.

Maybe now, but not later. I still follow WoW’s story. Ten years, and I still have the urge to keep up with it. Lore nerds are forever.

Funnily enough, this philosophy is part of what killed League for me. They’ve slowly drained every bit of intrigue and fun from that universe and just made the most boring, generic mush - which is also an Eldritch being that rewrites all of reality every Tuesday, so there’s nothing to get attached to.


Build on the implications set forth by the FOrged in Fire cinematics and Jennifer Hales wonderful narration

It is the Valhalla of all Blizzard titles.

Oh, I am definitely a lore nerd, although mostly for WoW and Starcraft, but for me, I have those for my lore fix when it comes to the Blizzard universe. In my opinion, there will always be time to back-fill in lore if they wish, through events or what have you, or I can make up my own weird head canon, but a bad kit is just bad.

On the other hand, I do like how they incorporated the lore beautifully in hero interactions, whether it be at the start of a match, or for kills. I wish there were more of that sort of thing.

“Make no mistake, I intend neither to stay nor listen.” - Alarak to Deckard Cain


The only reason this isn’t superceding Qhira’s “Simple Subtraction” line as my favourite Kill Quote is because Deckard should not be mocked as much as Hanzo.

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You referenced something that happened 4 years ago…

Again? They explored this idea in WoW, and it’s not even their idea…

No seriously I’m trying to figure out how this is more bad when ti comes to “hey guys stick around”. Then what we get in content updates.

One gets tired of being strung along for the sake of money. I lost interest in the Nexus long before I stopped playing the game.

I have not been conditioned to be satisfied with the tiniest of mysterious reveals. I have been conditioned to expect very little and receive even less from Blizz. It’s not worth sticking around for that sort of treatment.