Winning Too Much? Here's Some Bad Players

There is no point. Drafting is meaningless under M/GM.

I didn’t accuse anyone of anything.
Not sure where you are getting that from.

Yet my win rate on the map is pretty high, above 50%.

Not sure what to tell you other than trying to talk about meta outside of Masters/GM is pointless and not at all useful to the conversation.

downside if written forms is people overlook other context clues (facial expression, voice tone shifts) to pick up on that. Lotta peeps will just read the last line of your first post and run with that. Gotta be more obvious with memes, hyperbole and multiple emojis to get people to pick up on anything more than the voice they’ve already assigned to anon.

“geez blizz, how am i supposed to jack-o challenge at my keyboard and still win games with the teammates i get! Yeesh”

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So you are telling me - if I pick TLV versus team with Butcher/Alarak/Ming, I will easily win?

Wow man, how are you NOT an GM yet?


I don’t know, what did the rest of your team pick?

This thread is weird


Of course you don’t

It doesn’t matter! If enemy team gets value from killing TLV, they will hunt them down across the map to stack and then - destroy my 4 men!

Dude, players below M/GM don’t even know what any of that means let alone capitalize on any of it.

We’re talking about players who push a tower and die to it.

And you expect them to be able to draft a comp.

I’d love to live in your magic fantasy land (I might actually get some games that are strategically and tactically interesting) but that doesn’t exist.

I don’t care about people under Master-Diamond if they are not my friends. And I don’t even care about high rank people so much too. If people are in my team, they either draft well and play good or they play/draft bad and I report them.

Don’t expect me to tolerate poor playing. If you want to cry about bad players, go to Reddit and get downvoted to oblivion.

What does any of that have to do with the topic?

You brought that

If you like to play xul on every game the best solution is to play Quick Match. Then teams won’t blame you for picking Xul(because there is no draft). Then can win lots of games as you claim that you pick heroes to win


Only because you all keep rambling on about draft meta.

I think you’re going way too easy on him. A game can be lost in the drafting phase.

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No, you don’t:
You are a Xul One-Trick-Pony

You are blatantly lying:


You can easily lose games with a bad draft. There’s a lot of people on the forums that push the idea that anything can win though. It’s true but drafting can make a game easier or harder. Drafting is essentially a pre game chess match. At worst you want a draft stalemate but often times games can be easily won or lost at draft.

Hahahahahaha, going AA build on Xul vs Artanis, Cassia and Mei?!?!
That’s just… I got no words… hahahaha

Also… the clip in general… just standing there and AA’ing while blinded for 4 seconds and then throwing Q behind himself so he tries to run behind the enemy Artanis to make it hit… instead of trying to run away?

Thanks for this laugh Lucifer.

I can pretty much envision how it works for Zenas.

He gets carries for a few games by people much better than him.
Then he gets people who are average on his team; they cannot carry him, so they obviously lose because of a person who can’t draft or play the game.
→ complains about team, being too self absorbed to consider that he’s the one causing the loss.

What a loser.


Not the first time he has been exposed and properly not the last.

Last time he got exposed for afk laning as Rexxar with no ult taken yet at lvl 13.

He is just a troll. Nothing more.

Seriously though, I don’t think Xul is a great pick on Braxis.

If you’re on braxis with absolutely no waveclear, and your opponent wins a large Zerg wave, it’s going to make it to the keep, and might even destroy it. Draft makes a HUGE difference. I wouldn’t tell someone to pick Dehaka on Hanamura.

Meta, and Synergies aren’t the same thing. Some heroes simply have an advantage on certain maps. Rexxar will do well on Dragon shire whether he’s in the meta or not.

If you solo with Xul on Braxis, you lose a large part of Xul’s value since you only ever have one lane to play in and can’t double soak. This is true reguardless of what your team mates do. You’re in a single lane with a hero who thrives on rotations.

Have to disagree. Players at all levels know that vikings are easy to kill. Especially vikings played by low level players. They WILL find and kill them. Getting kills is about the only thing you can expect unskilled players to focus on.


If you think I’ve only ever played 400 games in the past 6 years I don’t know what to tell you buddy.

You guys have absolutely no clue what playing the game is like outside of your Masters/Grand Masters bubbles do you? (just checked your profiles, most of you are barely platinum and some are sub gold, you all are just playing armchair quarterbacks :rofl:).

Every time I hear one of you talk as if anyone even remotely plays the game by any kind of standard it just makes it crystal clear you are oblivious to everything outside of the proscribed meta you haven’t deviated from for years.



hasn’t played for months. Has an MMR 500 points below mine.



Barely 100 points above my MMR. Paper dragon.



Another paper dragon with an MMR close to 700 points below me as well.



Has no storm league record. Doesn’t really play on the ladder.

You guys are a trip. Next time you want to pull out the profile card, at least have records to back it up. What a joke!!




:door: :walking_woman:

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