Maybe it’s just the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon in action but it certainly does feel like every time I’m winning just a little bit too much I suddenly get put onto teams with incredibly inexperienced and toxic players. It certainly makes you wonder what’s going on behind the MMR curtain.
You pick Xul after the Sonya pick on Hanamura, making a free game for the enemy dps.
Don’t even try to explain yourself.
get out of here with this nonsense.
Yes, YOU get out of here with this nonsense. We all know the 50% wr system exists, because it’s literally in every MOBA game (not sure about other genres).
They told you about it because, really, Xul against Sonya on Hanamura? That’s not your team’s fault.
It’s worse, Sonya was on his team. You can see the draft order on heroesprofile.
From his history, he picks Xul no matter what.
dudebro cherry picks “draft” issue without any context other than it supports the vague notion that I’m “not as good as you think you are, take that noob!!!”
Yeah, no.
I pick the hero that has the best al around ability to win games despite the clownfiest that is Storm League. I know… bad strat bro.
He’s right, though. If you play draft, drafting is part of the game. If you’re always picking Xul and throwing your team’s drafting phase off, your hurting your team’s ability to win.
Draft picks are not, by a long margin, what are hurting my teams ability to win games.
Oh…well, then it was a mistake to start the conversation, because everything is far worse.
I know you like to pull up that one time we played together and you got butt sore about being bad.
I like how spicy this thread is becoming.
You’re mistaken. We’ve never played together or against.
Yes, I’m a one trick bruiser main who can fill on ranged assassins and healers in master.
Lucy has an unhealthy obsession with jumping into my topics to tell me how bad she thinks I am.
I keep telling her I’m already married but she wont stop.
I feel like anyone who says drafting doesn’t matter shouldn’t be in any draft mode. Playing heroes you’re comfortable/good with is preferred by everyone, but in draft you have to adjust to the bans, map and what the enemy plays and your teammates.
It’s there because players want it to be there, despite the fact that for the most part, it’s not going to affect the outcome of any game outside of Masters/GrandMasters for the vast majority of players.
I know you guys are goo-goo ga-ga for meta play but for the vast majority of games what people are banning has absolutely no affect on what people are picking.
The only time draft is of any value are during tournaments or a ladder where you have spent some time getting to know your opponents strengths and weaknesses.
But I’m sure that’s not going to convince you otherwise and you will continue to draft and ban according to some meta that doesn’t even affect your opponents picks for the majority of the games which you are playing.
I’m not unsympathetic to the idea that the draft itself isn’t always the problem… but what you wrote here is simply untrue.
It may be true that in lower levels (Bronze, Silver, and to a certain extent Gold), players may not have enough game knowledge to take advantage of the draft… but that’s a limitation on the players, not the game.
In fact, a player or team who knows how to draft/ban in lower levels has a huge advantage over their opponents.
In lower levels drafting poorly can be exploited easily. Teams that draft no wave/camp clear, picks with multiple counters can be defeated without much issue. Poor drafting can lead to easy losses and this guy’s attitude (and personal profile) show that to be true.
Yes this is what happens in games all the way up into diamond. Players don’t draft, they don’t camp, they don’t wave clear, they barely know how to use their hero because they pick heroes they have no experience with because someone once told them that it was meta or OP. They don’t spend any time learning how to play heroes, let alone knowing how they might synergize with each other.
So focusing on one instance of a cherry picked out of context draft issue when most of those players could barely use the hero they did pick is just being a troll in this conversation.
This isn’t a knock on drafting. This highlights that players actively choose to draft poorly either out of ignorance or indifference. Kind of like how you drafted Xul despite having a Sonya already. By your own words you are the player you’re criticizing.
I mean the clip of you getting blown up by Artanis kind of speaks for itself. This is at least two instances in one thread of you doing something massively questionable in game. The fact that’s it’s also in a thread where you’re complaining about others is pretty wild too.