Winning Too Much? Here's Some Bad Players

Damn, this thread went way off topic. This is supposed to be a “Forced 50%” thread without any proof to justify vague assertions.


We can still make it a forced 50%
But that guy kinda justifies his loss by onetricking xul


Yet in the game just prior to that everyone agreed to draft 3 bruisers and the other team, unprepared, weren’t able to handle it and got brutally beat down.

None of it makes any sense outside of Masters/GM where those players are so small they never see a game outside of the self imposed meta they have chosen for themselves.

Cherry picked moment where I could have been: tired, distracted, lagging, or any of a number of other issues that had nothing to do with my ability to play. Context matters but okay, I’m sure you could cherry pick any number of bad plays from the thousands of game’s I’ve played over the last 6 years. I’m sure I can cherry pick a bad play from your game history as well if I wanted to waste my time to troll you as much as Lucy here likes trolling me.

But that means at some point someone would have to explain something!

I’m claiming no such thing.


Are you sure?

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Who else picks xul on hanamura?
You wanted trait value? He works at close quarters

And this

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Do you know the meaning of “tongue-in-cheek”?

I used to pick many different heroes that were map relevant but it turns out that the win rate is better when I pick xul across the board than when I try to play the map meta.

Yup, and thus my statement is still valid.

You made a thread to cry and troll.

No I made it out of frustration in a way that people should find humorous but you all are so serious about it that you can’t just have a conversation without calling each other names.

Imagine the potential you can do with a good hero for the map.
You barely get w build or trait build value. Only when contesting camps.
Even barely any Q value when I think off it

That would require a team that works together which only happens for about 4-5 games out of 10.

You best work on your “tongue and cheek” then. Or just put a disclaimer at the end, or else the newer players will believe your tripe. You also have no need to defend anything you say since you’re not taking anything you say seriously.

So were you lagging, tired or distracted in that moment ?

I’m sure there’s been a few games where I’ve been playing at a time where I probably shouldn’t have been.

But I’m sure you always play perfectly in every single game and never do anything wrong ever. Right?

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I am tired and distracted


What about Q build? I find Q-build very promising with spammable Q. It could help Jaina to finish off targets easier, because it’s not hard hitting multiple targets after 13.

W/AA-build on the other hand is just crap against Artanis, who can just use his heroic.

What’s your point? Is it that picking anything works below Masters/GM? Any comp can win but better drafting makes games easier. Being an example of bad drafting while showcasing another case of questionable drafting doesn’t help you here. All it does is show you to be a selfish player when drafting and quick to blame others when it doesn’t work out.

I was making the point that you are hypocritical. You accuse others of being bad and losing you games. Yet in this thread we see you made the bad draft choice and a spicy clip of you playing very questionably. All while complaining about other players losing you games.

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I respect that but there is a value per hero per map.
And in a map that doesnt have many tight spaces and fight near non minion places is not good for xul