It’s sad that Warcraft’s main character as GROMMASH is still in the game: ( …
No warcraft heroes anymore, time to Overwatch heroes !
I´d like to see the younger Mengsk in now, the dialog between him and Anduin might be funny.
Thats right we need more Daddy Issues in this game.
Well blizz has been spitting out big names nearly constantly since like 2017. Depending on the release schedule, it’s only a matter of time. Of course, we just got a WC hero, so we’re going to be waiting a while.
I predict we’ll see a SC hero followed by an OW one next.
Valerian? He’s not much of a fighter from what I can tell.
So is Abathur, Cain and others; yet they are in the game.
Let me rephrase it, he doesn’t do anything.
Cain is a major quest giver and a major part of the story line.
Abathur, major story line, playable in Co-Op.
Valerian, he kinda is a background character. I don’t remember him doing much in Starcraft II even in Wings where he only shows up like halfway through then just sorta does his own thing.
Maybe I’m just remembering wrong, but I don’t think he’s in that much of the Starcraft series compared to the Horners, his father, Swann, or anything like that.
EDIT: Main reason to include him over his father, who was a major bad guy, or the Horners who are playable characters and a major part of the story, is that he’s Star Anduin.
EDIT 2: reason he’d probably not be one I mean.
I would prefer his old man. He’s a much more interesting character than his son.
Do´nt mind that; was just a funny idea due to the similar design and same VA iirc.
Many people are waiting for him. I don’t know why Blizzard keep him in queue for this long. Maybe saving him for Warcraft III: Reforged release date? No character could be a better promotion than him.
Considering that Grom is either the second or third most asked for hero, yes i do think he will be in Hots.
I haven been waiting for him since beta. I had no hope for previous team but the current developer team is very good. Small but better than old one. I kinda trust them for releasing Grom in 2019. Possible Blizzcon 2019 hero imho.
Wasn’t he a Blademaster in WC3? So it could just be a new Samuro skin.
I’m old school to me Grom Hellscream is always the crazy grunt from Warcraft II: The Dark Portal.
Really wanna see Alleria as well.
Doesnt really fit him well.
Samuro can save himself, Grom had to be saved by someone else all the time.
grabs popcorn
But, to be fair. Auriel and Imperiex both have only slightly more ‘screen time’ and certainly no ‘gameplay’ time to their names but they are both in there.
I think characters like Arcturus Mengsk provide a nice chance to play around with themed ability sets that don’t match up with anyone else. I’d love to see Mengsk as a support-type character that on one hand does give powerful almost OP buffs, but they come with downsides that keep them from being genuinely OP.
I just really want to see more from any other franchise OTHER than WoW at this point… Unless they went back to the original warcraft and brought the peasant/peon into the game… just for the chance to hear 'Job’s done!" or “Zug, Zug!” in those voices again.
If we are down to 4 heroes a year (based on the time between Imperious and Anduin) then I would prefer it to be 1 release a year from each franchise.
In which case I would MUCH rather see some non-Orc/Human characters for the next few WC releases, like Lady Vashj, Cairne Bloodhoof (or Baine), Millhouse Manastorm, Master Apothecary Faranell…
He never been a Blademaster lorewise. Even in Warcraft III Manual states he is a Warrior. He is not a sneaky guile attacker with clones. He is a straight forward fighter. Smth like Orc version of Varian.
Yes, but Cairne first.
I don’t think anyone expected stukov to be released as a support. They can really do a lot of cool things when designing a kit around a hero, instead of the other way around. I’m always up for more supports
That said if we’re to get another warcraft hero, I’d much rather it be
- Bwonsamdi
- Lilian Voss
- Lady Vashj/Azshara
- An Old God/Titan/Titan Construct
Anything visually distinct that we don’t have in the nexus yet.