Why are players’ hidden MMR not reset after several ranked seasons? Resetting the player experience and then using their pre-reset rating for pairing in placements at the beginning of a new season seems like a logical conclusion and would prevent the massive amount of smurf accounts. MMR/ELO hell is a very real phenomenon and often players get stuck in a rut where the quality of the matches the
I noticed the trend myself. In the early years of hots I was a mid diamond player. Subsequent seasons saw me drop to plat, eventually to gold, and now I hover between silver1 and gold5. The reason I cannot make progress is not that I cannot win, but rather winning nets me less than 200 points and losses subtract usually anywhere from 200 to 225 ranked points. Then you have the artificial mm that strikes to keep winrates at roughly 50 percent and you just have a gradual decline in ranking due to net loss of points.
To make matters worse you have a seemingly large amount of trolls/afk’ers, and generally uncooperative players who actively work against the team by not showing up to teamfights, ignoring objectives, et cetera.
I am at a point where the MM system is doing something funky but it just makes for a negative player experience. It thinks I should be higher so I am punished more for my losses than I gain from my wins, but then it’s pairing me with people ranked below me and against players of higher ranking than myself. I just don’t understand this system that seems to handicap players but provides the user no explanation of why it is doing this or how to even correct the issue.
I have said time and time again I think players need a MMR reset each season. You could even water this down and say every year or something but this whole start where you left off thing I personally can not stand.
The the points minus the bronze 5 problem range from 160 to 230 i think. Its basically if you are in a premade or have a premade on your team while playing against a smaller premade or pure randoms you get less points for winning and more points for losing cause blizzard thinks that premades are at a disadvantage in this game and that trolls and game throwers do not exist.
As for the trolls and afkers as i mentioned before. This game has been ignoring it for sometime now and they really need an avoid player function or something. I mean I have hit the point that me personally I do not even bother to solo que this game anymore due to this problem.
The MM system needs to be changed bad, even if it makes que times go up. Having a small wait time only to get trolled over and over doesnt make it worth queing for.
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Because Esport , they wanted to keep a track of them and make them popular or very famous scene kinda like.
Well esports in HOTS is dead and has been abandoned by Blizzard. A matchmaking overhaul is long overdue.
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Its funny, because I havent posted in years on the fourm. I came on here to post exactly this, and low and behold its the first post.
Its unreal how many, abba auto locks, unrealistic bans, un-cooperation, doing stuff out of spite, bad plays, allowing towers to be taken undefended. I stopped spend money on this game once they cancelled the tourneys.
Anyway, for the past two years I was like the OP, the highest ive got was Gold1. Over time, and cause I work for a living, the rating degraded. I am now in bronze 5 and I see no way of getting out. Its simply not going to happen without a 5 man team.
Bronze 5 is like the cess pool of gaming. I have never experienced an online game where you meet the type of un-cooperative players like I have in HOTS at bronze 5.
OP is right, the ELO or whatever…needs to be COMPLETELY reset every season and have ALL players start from square one. Its only fair in a free game.
As of now, in order for me to enjoy playing your game. I have to create a new smurf account and do everything all over again just to get a chance to play at the gold level again.
I most likely wont do that, so you will just lose another player (again, ive left many times) Its a shame cause this is a great game but im almost done for good after the fact i simply cant get a good ranked experience.
Shame they abandoned this game, I was hoping it could come back with dota and league dying
hearthstone have millions players and hots have thousands