Why is muradin so bad

he’s never picked by pros, and everyone just knows he sucks. hell, even bronzies steer clear of him. it’s a shame because he’s so iconic. if i were blizzard I would want this fixed right away. i want to see that dwarf tanking in all levels of play like he should. so why is muradin so bad and how do we fix it. you’d think a nice stun like he has would be useful in this CC meta but I guess other tanks are just so much better at CC?

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People don’t pick him? Wow, i think we play different bronze versions.


He is very (too) dependant on his quest and it takes too much time to finish against teams that know how to avoid feeding stacks.

Also his trait favorises hit and away to regen gameplay which means you would have periods without a tank which is not really feasible right now.

If mura’s Q had a little less arming time and if the quest was brought to 15 stacks with 2 stacks with deaths blow and if his trait would activate faster as a base he would be better.

These are my personnal opinion anyway.


Muradin is ok. Quite literally ok.

If you really wanted to, you could give him unstoppable again on E (instead of armor) or ministun talent on E at lvl 16, again. He had both of these things, both made him broken OP in HGC, his performence didnt change at all in regular ranked.
Probably wont do much with current state of playerbase.


It’s not that he is bad. Other Tanks are just way too strong.

Malganis (already nerfed)

All need to be nerfed.

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I would rather have Q be more reliable than having E unstoppable.
It teaches bad positionning and invites bad gameplay.
This also means johanna’s trait needs to be looked at

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Why does your username start with the word Serious? lol.


Dunno how to respond to this, everytime I play Murad the Chad I usually roll over stuff on QM.

Strictly a ranked issue? Think I did decent in there as well whenever I can bully aa heroes with thunderclap.


Yeah, buff Anub’arak. I think reducing the CD on his W to 6 seconds might help.



Pros do pick him – this last tournament, Method Mayhem, had a game with him in it, actually. I don’t know where you’re getting your informati— oh, it’s a Lyra thread. Nevermind.


That’s the irony. Don’t you like the irony?


All tanks are too weak. Assassins are way too strong. That’s why so few are willing to play tank.

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I’ve always been annoyed that Mura was a Tank with a single hard CC. But that it’s a skill shot so you can miss it.

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Every game with mura and stitches lose .

Hes not bad. I just think he’s alot more work than other tanks. Why choose to stress over quest as mura when you can get a better stun baseline as etc.

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Like any hero, anyone that is good with him will wreck face. He has always been a bane of my existence. That said I think he’s always been a good hero and like any other tank the team has to take advantage of the openings he creates in the frontlines or he just ends up dying. I see no issues with him.


And what are the bans at the start of the game? Usually tanks

I think mura is a l2p issue with his Q stacking. Muradin is great with bronzebeard and avatar. He is my 2nd go to tank if our team is squichy

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Me and my group have actually been experimenting and we found that it’s suprisingly good if you go Dual Bruiser builds with Arthas and Muradin

Enemies never seem to expect the tanks to be hitting you with ehavy burst in the late game but yet here we are.


Im curious about your anub

Sounds like a strong fronline, I once drafted Muradin as a off tank in volskaya on the condition my team did the camps. surprisingly worked great (had a sylv and valla for the waveclear)


Just do not pick him against burst mage damage and all shall be ok.

P.s. And in vain developers changed his blocks and add them in E ability.