Why is every ARAM a one hero pick?!

Been playing since Beta and can tell you that there were weeks when Hero’s Brawl was MM and there were weeks where it was ARAM (no MM in these). Then there were all the other Hero’s Brawls in between.

I can distinctly remember the time right before they made the decision to make ARAM a stand-alone mode. ARAM would be Every other Week and other modes would be peppered in between. The numbers must have been so overwhelming that they just made the decision to scrap all the other Hero Brawl modes and stick with ARAM full time (hence what Brett Crawford/ Blizz Dev was talking about).

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They changed it to ARAM only because they couldn’t afford to update all the different brawl maps. With every update, they needed to update the brawls as well.

If the dev team was still big enough, we would have probably 2 gamemodes, ARAM and Brawls.


They definitely made the correct choice making ARAM a stand alone event. Though they needed to adjust QM to more like what Darak described earlier.
Though since it was already introduced and most popular mode it would be hard to get rid of QM

I should hold up a sarcasm sign :stuck_out_tongue: though I do want them to come back very badly!