Why is every ARAM a one hero pick?!

players complaining about a random aspect of a random mode that is especially all about being random

can’t tell if its irony or not.
but regardless it’s stupid.

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players complaining about a random aspect of a random mode that is especially all about being random

ARAM doesn’t mean “Random mode selector”. ARAM is a game mode. MM is it’s own game mode. They shouldn’t be intertwined with a 2% chance. It is forcing people to play a game mode they don’t want to.

Why not make ranked or QM have a 2% chance and force those players to play a MM? Those are both 2 other game modes. Why we picking on ARAM here? I’m sure we can find the one rando who would say “it would be fun to make QM and ranked MM sometimes”…

You see other popular games with ARAM modes (League of Legends) that don’t force MM on it’s players who want actual ARAM matchup.

it means all random all middle
and yet randomly people complain about aram, a random mode of the game to complain about

then go play that

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and yet randomly people complain about aram

Do you see anyone randomly complaining about MM in ranked mode?

That’s the dream. Please tell me it’s still doing it?


I have
it was funny

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Blizz should have made the olive garden skin for him while they had the chance… missed opportunity.

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I love all singles but I never get them. Just boring ARAM without any spice.

Then, they reduced the odds and now I’m less likely to get them.

Personally, I think these losers get so worked up over it that they overexaggerate their claims. I think it was funny back in the day when you had devs hopping onto the forums to fact check them.

Funniest was when some loser felt his ban was unjustified and the dev blasted his loser messages for all to see.

how come everyone else gets a mirror match and I still to this day have never had one!? I WANT TO PLAY ONE.


Then you should remember that MM was originally part of the ARAM “mode”, at conception. The “mode” has gone through several versions, this is just a feature they added back.

It’s fine not to like MM, I don’t like them for the most part, but saying MM are antithetical to “the mode”, is simply a sop.

It would strengthen your argument if you posted the end game stats of those games. You’re skilled enough to win all your ARAM games before that, so with ARAM titans like Zul and Rag, I think you would do OK.

The point is, I would like to see that you didn’t just see that it was a mirror match up and just quit. Which I’m pretty sure you did. If you determine the match up is un fun and just quit then you’ll never know and if you’re chasing some spurious claim to a good ARAM win rate then you don’t understand the mode.

The ARAM mode was not meant to be consistent and even non mirror matches will give chances to play weird comps. I think that’s just the attitude to be taken when entering an ARAM match.


You can have my all Genji matches (so super painful for me), just throw me any all Butcher games you get, I love those.

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ARAM exclusively going to 1-hero pick from now on sounds AWESOME…on the condition…they mix it up. Make the entire cast fair game and have them in non-stop random circulation.

In the past, my only gripe with the 1-Hero ARAMS is TOO FEW characters were in the circulation it seems. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve had a 5v5 Zebo match. OMG, after the 6th-7th time, ENOUGH. It’s time for the system to switch things up.

Edit: I’ve played at LEAST 11 5v5 Zebo matches. I lost count after that. The total number is probably nearing 20.

ARAM sure Loves that Zebo!

Then you should remember that MM was originally part of the ARAM “mode”, at conception. The “mode” has gone through several versions, this is just a feature they added back.

That was before they made ARAM an official mode. What you are referring to was called Hero’s Brawl which was formerly called Arena Mode before that. It changed weekly and were just twisted rulesets, mutated battlegrounds, alternate hero selection methods, etc…

Blizz took a look at the weekly numbers and it was a clear conclusion that players liked ARAM a lot and did not care as much for the other modes. But don’t take my word for it… Take it from Brett Crawford - Lead Game Designer on HOTS:
“The funny thing is, outside of a few crowd-favorites (Pull Party and Escape From Braxis), the weeks that we turned on an ARAM Battleground, our player numbers for the mode would skyrocket”

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Brawls was all about playing crasy comps including mirror matches. Just because you say you did not sign up for it does not mean it should be like you think it should.

Now its just called ARAM but with same rules as Brawl got.


Um, no. You are completely wrong.

Brawls changed weekly and were entirely different games with different rules, etc. There were over 20 different modes here, not all single lane, there were unique maps and even a PvE mode (all under the weekly rotating Hero Brawls mode). Aram was the one mode with-in that they created a stand-alone mode for in 2020 and got rid of brawls completely.

Saying that Brawls and ARAM had the same rules just shows you have no idea what you are talking about.

Someone needs to start a thread asking for these back. Has that happened before?

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From my understanding, they didn’t create a stand alone mode, they simple removed other brawls and renamed it ARAM, hence why we still have mirror matches albeit nerfed.

there’s also other quirks that indicated it used the brawl mode, eg it used to still treat tassadar as a ‘support’ in matching that was only (relatively) recently addressed.

However, since aram doesn’t start players off at lvl 10 or have instant-kill rules, clearly aram isn’t a ‘brawl’

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There were lots of threads asking for old brawls to become a thing again. There were a lot of them that people really liked.

Sadly Blizzard devs told us they don’t have the resources to maintain them.