Why Healers don't get MVP? let's give them more credit

Hello everyone.
as it says in the title… I play as a healer and I am a great support player at rank diamond for four consecutive seasons.
many times I said to myself oh boy I am going to be MVP this game, but suddenly some high dps mage gets it.
I don’t think healers get enough credit here. we do our best, we sacrifice our life for others and at the end if things go wrong we are the ones to blame.
honestly, I think this game doesn’t care about 150k healing and even if you die less than others, your main dps will get the title MVP.
I must add here, getting MVP doesn’t really matter to me, but its the feeling of being appreciated.
on the other hand, if we could encourage players to go healing, first of all it would make matchmaking much better(specially QM), by making more balanced teams. secondly it would make current healer mains motivated to do better, to be seen more, to be appreciated more.
thank you for your support.

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Because fountains don’t get MVP awards.


When I heal I get it all the time. Though if you ranked what I was good with and my win % my healer is way above anything else.

HEY! I’ll have you know I get MVP on Thicc mama Alex more times than not!
I get it on Lili too but I don’t know how fair it is to brag about a lili mvp. It always feels like someone on both teams really fudged up so mvp throw its hands up in the air.


What if we scrap MVP screen completely and just show all 10 players after each game?


I had mvp as Lucio today, dont know why. i had less healing done then Lili had but instead i had killed 6 and she had killed 0.

I see healers get MVP all the time though.


MVP seems to be strictly based on Total kills/assists to death ratio.

It seems to ignore all other factors and to me is usually inconsistent with the best performer on a team.

Like when a rag doesn’t get but has highest damage in both seige and hero damage, most XP and farmed Mercs like a pro, and was always at objective but the Illidan gets mvp with their 10+ kills and nothing else.

Tanks and healers get mvp when they are in the thick of it all game and those assists sky rocket (you’ll see this most on 2 lane maps or single team objectives).

Healing my fav, don’t get down about the bs MVP status.

i guess it depends on the healer. some healers are safer to use (or just plain harder to kill) and have better overall numbers, so they’re more likely to have a shot at MVP

see: Li Li with her deceptively high survivability and good sustained output

Fixed that for you.


Calling your healer fountains is insulting, if they are not Malfurion.

Here’s one story for you from Starcraft: WoL:
One medic in starcraft made a flying ship, called Medivac, what can transport units and heal at same time.

One of marines called Medivac “heal bot”, and medic-pilot of this ship killed him.

The end.

Respect your healers or they won’t save you next time.

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And for good measure we’ll take those kills you’re so proud of.





And to the OP, if you think healers have it hard, play a tank some day. For the heroes I play regularly, I have the highest rate of MVP awards on Lucio!


Play Lucio. Just play Lucio and kill people. BOOM, MVP.

Don’t die and participate in kills = MVP. Nothing stopping healers from getting it. Assassin may get MVP points from top hero/siege/exp over healer while healer gets theirs from heals. For every category assa tops more than you in game he gets additional 2 points, that means you gotta participate in 2 kills more than them to stay even or spend less time dead.

MVP is pretty meaningless. It does encourage people to participate in kills and not die though, so I guess that’s better than nothing.

Every role does it’s best when the team is performing well. You’ll heal more, kill more, soak more, and have fewer deaths when everything is going smoothly. Take that away, and when it’s everyone for themselves you’ll find only the heroes with good mobility/armor/shields or strong poke will still do alright.

Would be cool if there was some recognition for the hero that is enabling those impressive stat screen numbers. Probably not gonna happen though, seems too hard to program.


They way MVP works, healers are not handicapped compared to assassins because they are healers, to some extent. They can lose 1-2 points for hero damage, but they can get 1-2 points because of healing.
If MVP is for some reason important to you, focus on AA/landing abilities as well instead of healbotting from the back, so you contribute to kills/assists (basically equal value).

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huh. kind of off the main topic, but why is gall’s “time spent dead” modifier different from cho’s?

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I have absolutely no idea. My guess would be that he doesn’t have control over his positioning, so he gets a little more credit than most heroes?