Why Healers don't get MVP? let's give them more credit

To get mvp on healer usually you have to have the best kill participation with the fewest deaths and highest healing in game. Meaning while you want to keep everyone from dying… if your teammates die a few times, it increases your chances of getting mvp as their deaths will count against them.

Its counter-intuitive imo toward getting mvp since if you are playing exceptionally well, ideally none of your teammates are winding up dead, which means they are probably going to be the ones getting the mvp award for putting out high numbers for siege/hero damage. Basically let your teammates feed a bit if you want to get mvp, which you shouldn’t be letting happen if you are playing your role correctly.


Doesnt ChoGall count as 2 kills? Meaning, if you kill “them” you get 2 kills on the TAB table? If you count him as “ChoGall” instead of 2 separate heroes, you lose the ability to modify their value however you want. 1 and 0,85 looks better than 2 x 0.925 maybe :stuck_out_tongue:

I get MVP with Li Li all the time in QM
Though the only way I’d get matchups as favourable as I do when I do that is if I last picked herand the enemy didn’t see it coming (Playing a Li Li into a Butcher Tracer Illdian DPS comp is fun.)


Can confirm from Zul’jin he counts as 2 and grants 2 stacks of the headhunter bonus when you kill him (2% per hero on that quest)
Though he only counts as one body Gal is considered similar to an Aba Hat (also from stacking heroes, shooting him only counts as one hero hit)

It’s why as much as possible I try to vote for the healer on the result screen. A good healer is worth their weight in gold


do all the multiple heroes work like that? i had never thought about it.


are also each technically ‘unique’ heroes individually.

Li Li can be a power house in the healing department if used correctly. But i miss MVP with her for having like 40% damage and 40% healing.


MIsha counts as a hero when shooting her for stacking quest but she isn’t even registered on the Head Hunter quest
As for TLV, the wierd thing is no, they actually are divided to only count as one hero and the stack for Head Hunter requires all three of them

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No it’s not an insult. It’s how the HOTS devs think the healer class should look like. All viable healers are walking fountains with some high CD utility. And that’s exactly the reason nearly nobody wants to play it and QM is what it is.

A bit offtopic, but I like how supports were handled in hots. I find supporting way more fun on hots than on league of legends where I’m essentially a walking ward bot. I like being able to potentially 1v1 an opponent that gets too cocky, and just generally feeling more impactful in teamfights. Try to fight anyone as a support on league, with your lack of items and lack of levels from having to ward constantly, and you will quickly be waiting on a respawn timer.


The issue is more about how MVP is calculated than everything else.
They should change what it’s taken into consideration counting also things like how many CC you have landed or your hit % with skillshots.
That way it would not just be a stacking stats fest and k/d ratio.

But I would prefer if they’ll totally remove the current MVP screen and instead give us the change to upvote whoever we want (just show all 10 players): that way we could give credit to those players that maybe have done amazing plays that cannot be taken into consideration by sheer numbers.


I have no idea what you are talking about. You are just plain wrong and the opposite is true. But I don’t know your ELO tho, so maybe you experienced it like that.

A healer in HOTS will always stay a healer and will never heavily outplay are oneshot somebody. You are also no able to 1vs1 somebody in a fast paced manner. The only thing is that you can outsustain a bad player in a slow fight or with the help of your turrets, but that’s about it. You will always be the walking fountain with zero waveclear (beside Rehgar who lacks other things).

In LoL it’s completely different. They call it support. Only two of them are healing. Everything else are Shields, Utility and Damage. You are always important, can outclass enemy players, can really win 1vs1 and can have high waveclear. It’s very far away from being a ward bot if you play on the winning lane or if you have the more powerful jungler.

And last but not least. Even a losing game with something like Morgana, Pyke or Lux is much much much more fun than a winning game on Malf, Ana and so on. And I’m not alone with that opinion. QM play statistics are with me. Nobody wants to be the walking fountain.

I get it a lot when I play Rehgar. Though Im only in Silver 1 these days.

Objectively false.

There is a lot that’s wrong with support on league, and as I said, I much prefer how the role was handled in hots. You can have your own opinion on which is better, but for me its not even a contest when it comes to which game I have more fun supporting on.


Yes that’s fair enough. But overall the concept failed because it’s an issue since over 2 years that not enough people queue as healer or tank in QM. And that’s for a reason.

In LoL this isn’t a problem at all.

who cares of MVP ¯_(ツ)_/¯

HEY! You forgot D.va’s Mech.

The reason for people not playing a lot of Tanks or Healers in QM is probably because of the fact that there are about 3x more Assassins then Tanks or Healers.

D.Va’s mech is the equivalence of a Pilot death, they are the same thing so it does not count twice.

For others like Rexxar and Misha it can count twice because Misha is not Rexxar and Rexxar isn’t Misha.

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No the reason is that it’s boring and the positions with the least fun and carry potential. Just one of the many things the DEV team never realized.