Why doesnt Mei have a Chinese accent?

Like i said before, it doesnt matter who the VA is…it could be someone from Mars or Jupiter for all i care.
U are putting too much emphasis on the actual VA, looks over substance.
What is important is the way that Mei sounds.

Blizz obviously wanted Mei to sound like an “American Born Chinese” with no Chinese accent.
What I am saying is that Mei should be more like Zarya with a stronger accent from their native land.

U and I obviously disagree so that’s that.
We can end it there.

But it does matter… Her VA is a Chinese woman who has English as a second language… Just like Mei. So why is it bad that Mei sounds just like the VA, since they are both from the exact same background? Just so that you can have a racist stereotype fulfilled???

Why is this thread still going, she obviously has a Chinese accent. lol
This poster would only be happy or convinced if she had the very stereotypical Chinese accent.
Imagine thinking a countries accent only sounds like one thing, imagine if the U.S people all talked the same, all Chinese people don’t talk the same, their accents all range differently. What a crap show of a thread and should just die off, KEKW.
“Mei doesn’t sound like what I think a person from China sounds like, therefore, not a Chinese accent”

Also, imagine thinking Mei doesn’t have a Chinese accent when the voice actress literally using her natural Chinese accent is voicing her lines. OMEGALUL


I feel like the OP will only be happy if Mei sounds like the chinese shop from A Christmas Story.

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Mei sounds really cool idk what you all about.