Why doesnt Mei have a Chinese accent?

Sounds Chinese to me. She doesn’t pronounce like an american at all.

How is that me judging anything based on the picture? I only looked up her picture afterwards. As I clearly mentioned.

I said exactly why I think you can hear the Chinese notes in her pronunciation. None of it had anything to do with the picture. Like, at all.

Then don’t post the picture and definitely don’t say:

After you post it.

Don’t forget that a lot of “accents” are mostly just cultural stereotypes.

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Why does it matter what I post after I already gave the explanation?

You can argue it all you like. But the fact that a person is Chinese makes it more likely that that person may speak Chinese.

Just like a person wearing a lab coat is more likely to be the doctor than the guy in jeans singing welcome to the jungle.No point being offended (on someone else’s behalf) over common correlations.

This is all even funnier when you realize there are several American accents.

several? lol
Many more than that my friend.
BUt your point is correct I think

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Because it’s in the same post which would indicate that there’s a connection. If you wanted to contextualize that she’s Chinese, and she was born and grew up in China, that’s one thing. To just put in a picture of a Chinese looking woman doesn’t say anything and like I said, it’s just weird.

If you didn’t mean to put in a connection, well, this goes back to the question you never answered. What was the purpose to put in the picture? Maybe to point out that she LOOKS like someone of Chinese ancestry, but again, what is the purpose?

You can’t prove where someone grew up and what language they used just by a picture either, which is why it potentially perpetuates stereotypes. The only reason you would add a picture is thinking it somehow bolstered your argument in some way. You’re using race as a shorthand for where people came from and making incorrect associations to accent and that isn’t a fair assumption. After what’s happening with Covid and how Asian communities regardless of country are being attacked by their their own countrymen that have othered them solely because of the way they look, yeah, I have a problem, and growing up as someone who looked a certain way, and then had some claim I had an accent even though I didn’t and was born in the States, I’m getting offended on behalf of myself.

Look, I know you weren’t trying to be malicious or racist, or whatever, but it’s just weird.

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Mei speaks chinese, it is chinese enough to anyone who is a foreigner.
That said if enough chinese people complain bli$$ may revoice her.

What? She’s voiced by the same VA who voiced her in OW (Elise Zhang) who is Chinese :confused:
Idk what you mean by she having an American accent instead of a Chinese one.

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This thread started off yikes and gets yikes-ier by the minute.

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Well, seems there is general confusion of how a Chinese should sound. It’s not so much the pronounciation, rather the punctuation. It sounds more american than brittish in that matter.
I don’t care who the voice actress is, as long as every time I hear Mei speaks I hear a Chinese speaks. Take Zarya for example, the accent there is so exaggerated that sounds even over Russian. Genji has a clear Japanese punctuation, Hanzo a little less. But Mei sounds like she has never ever been in China. Born and raised in the US, just happen to know a word or two from her grandmother.
That’s the feeling.


A lot of Chinese people sound American because they learnt American English.

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The Voice Actress who plays her is Chinese. She was born in China, and still lives in China. She is also Mei’s VA for the Chinese version of the game.

I don’t even understand how this is an issue.


u are totally missing the point.
It doesnt matter who the VA is…she or even he can come from Pluto or Alpha Centuri.

The point is that Mei, being a Chinese, should sound like she was from China with a Chinese accented English, kind of like Zarya(who is from Russia?).
As of now, Mei’s voice sounds like she is an American-born Chinese with native speaker English.
If I hear Mei’s voice without even knowing how she looks like, I would think that Mei was brought up and raised in USA.

Blizz should have asked that Mei’s voice come with a more distinct Chinese accent, make it different from a generic American English voice.
This would make Mei more interesting rather than yet another Chinese-looking American.

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Gonna be honest here.

I’m getting the same vibes from you all as in Hail’s infamous " Whitemane’s legs" thread.

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She sounds like Chinese to me.
Ok, she doesn’t sound like an older age Chinese who just starting to learn English and never lives in an English-speaking area.
She sounds like a Chinese who had years of experience in English-speaking culture and has learned speaking English properly.


No, you are missing the point. She sounds EXACTLY like a Chinese woman would sound, because she is voiced by a Chinese woman.

Stop being racist and assuming that just because someone is Chinese means that they cant speak English clearly.


u obviously dont have many friends from China i guess.

There is nothing racist about people having an accent from their native language.
Having an accent does not mean they cant speak English clearly.
U are the racist person for assuming that only native English sounding accents sound clear.

Some people whose second language is English can speak far better than native speakers.

The voice actress is a Chinese Woman! Mei sounds EXACTLY like she should sound, because it isn’t someone pretending to be Chinese, it is someone who IS Chinese.


Actually people from different provinces in China have different accent when speaking English. People from Canton/HK would speak English quite differently compared to people from the Northern part like Beijing.