Why does nobody like playing valeeera

I have a lot of alts, I don’t think Blizzard cares at all tbh

  • Ekata
  • ThePoog
  • Jamuro
  • worldpeace
  • snupdup
  • Pepega

OT: Valeera is hard to play, that’s why. You have to play openers really smart and/or be really good at dealing damage in fights without dying, which is not easy, especially lategame/esp. esp. higher mmr. When you miss a Q, part of your soul leaves your body. That’s very costly.

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Blizzard only cares about alts if you get caught trolling with them. After that, you’re on their “watchlist.” Presumably they just compare the ip of the two accounts and draw conclusions from that.

People in charge of said “watchlist” - A dog and a pack of gum. I doubt they are allocating resources to keep track of alts.

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maybe they have an algorithm that makes what you describe, but saying “they have you in the watch list”, is kind of crazy, since this game still have many thousands of online players, they dont even have much staff for doing everything they need and still one of them is WATCHING YOU.

chill guys, i dont even know how this valeera conversation turned in to a go and **** yourself

i’m playing valeera just for “HEARTHSTONE BREAK!”

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Actually it was for deleting your own public history.
There was no witchhunt, you started things with claims not true, ppl came to tell that you’re wrong, “here’s why”, and you followed it with more lies, instead of being brave enough to face what you did in your not long ago history.
You can’t delete your past.
So instead of lying about it for your own benefit, you should focus more on your future.

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Another Forum drama. How exciting…


I wondered where the heck you went Pandaman! Cool, glad to see you’re still here.


The problem with Valeera is that she has absolutely 0 health sustain and is a melee assassin with only moderate health. She is near 100% reliant on allied support and healers. Any character which is reliant on allies can be unfun to play with outside of teams or high skill levels because your performance is then directly coupled with that of your allies.

She also is one of the worst stealth, as far as usability goes.

  • Melee unlike Nova. Has to put herself in danger to deal damage.
  • No teleport unlike Zeratul. Cannot escape efficiently or hit and run if things are going badly. Zeratul has multiple escapes.
  • Requires landing skill shots or normal movement speed auto attacks for optimum DPS unlike Samuro. Samuro just has to land auto attacks to deal optimum DPS and he has faster movement speed to help do this.

What she brings to the table is some of the highest burst damage of all heroes. She can also tank spell damage pretty well and has some zoning potential if the enemy does not have too much of a level advantage. However those weaknesses she has are pretty major and unless one can capitalize on that burst damage one might as well pick another hero. Which is why this topic was created since few people were pick her when they can pick other heroes which are less reliant on allies and have generally fewer weaknesses.

I’m a man of many epithets.

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Too many first-pick-potatoe-no-matter-what, that leads to incoming potatoegame…

  1. Not a fan of Valeera.

Her recognition is Heathstone, and why she was the rogue of choice there boils down to tokenisim for ‘variety’ . She brings “variety” where other rogues (like Shaw or Garona) are ‘filled’ by other characters.

Druid, pally, shaman, warlock all have out-standing characters that are known for their ‘class’ – Garrosh I would argue isn’t known as well for being a “warrior” in doing “warrior” things, but he has orange skin, and anduin isn’t a good choice for the duality of the shadow/light priest stuff that’s been thrust onto him due to Hearthstone.

For Heathstone, I’d probably have gone with Garona as rogue, despite being “another orc” because she’s a halfbreed which is a unique ‘representation’ as a hefty bit of strife in warcraft is cause by actual racism and in the fun of the books, canon, whatever, just about all the half-bred characters have been ‘done dirty’ and tossed to the wayside.

Trouble with a ‘rogue’ is those that stand out for being one, arguably don’t do a good job at it, or rather, the ‘best’ rogue, is one that wouldn’t ever stand out. Sans, that, Garona is about the best at being an assassin for assassinating things.

(Priest I’d then put as a forsaken priest as those ‘represent’ the duality of the light/shadow for the context of heathstone – which brings in ‘variety’ thrust onto another male human.)

after that, whatever ‘variety’ could be slotted for the warrior cuz every faction has those. Trolls and Taurens didn’t get their ‘variety’ and could fill for choices as well. So the ‘reason’ on her choice falls flat there.

  1. ‘Representation’.

The closest sort of unit to the ‘rogue’ cerca pre-WoW is akama. However, ‘lore’ has “fixed” the old draenai, so the not-being-a-faction wayback when has kicked unique possibilities in favor of cliche ones. So clearly we didn’t get that one for ‘first dranei’ nods.

  1. Hots is the ‘playable rogue’.
    The playable warcraft rogue is the playcharacter of WoW. However, Valeera doesn’t tote around with player/rogue things, so the things going for her are lanky legs, long-blonde ponytail, and elf that doesn’t have to deal with the addiction stuff.

So all the stuff that could stand out for a unique character, has been tossed away for “variety” that really isn’t that. Well, i guess if going by faulty rationalizations, lies, and counter-production self-deception are noteworthy attributes of a rogue, then sure, Valeera fits fine there :smiley:

  1. She’s too pigeonholed.

She’s a ‘representative’ of a lot of WoW stuff, but WoW rogue stuff doesn’t carry-over to other genres well and stuff that was tolerable in the context of WoW was due to things that weren’t brought over to HoTS. So in that regard, what she’s supposed to ‘be’ (as a representative of ‘variety’) doesn’t work by way of character choice, action, realization, and so on.

She’s not even really ‘herself’ she’s “Valeera” the token rogue and has to wear her gender more than anything else.

Doesn’t help that rogue-stuff doesn’t “make sense” but oh hey, here’s this WoW cinematic to show that rogues LEGIT! turn ‘invisible’ in plain sight. It’s not ninja bombs, distraction, and whatever else to explain being sneaky, NOPE they have forreeels disappear powers.

In a way, she’s Qhira before Qhira was Qhira and whatever stuff associated to Valeera was done for ‘reasons’ that could rationalize a lot of other options.