Why does Anduin look like a He/She

serious question. The art direction is taking a turn for the worse. Looks nothing like the WoW model.

HotS characters are a composite between every version of themselves. Anduin takes design inspiration from his appearances in Mists, Legion, and BfA. In other words, he’s made to look young.


she is looking very handsome for a young man of her age

sometimes I think developers do these things on purpose just to get a good laugh and see what stupid drama people on the internet will start developing


plz, the person i play always get confused. anduin is a she, kt is a she, hammer is a guy. the list can can go on.

Like soldier 76 became gay.
Anduin became trans to reach more people. His upcomming mecha skin also has a phone instead of a sword


Anduin doesn’t have to conform to your small view of gender.

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pride month


:butterfly: :rainbow_flag:

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And this is the thread I wish I had trust level 3 for so I could link the Moira Popcorn gif
The one good thing to come from my time on the Overwatch forums

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let’s stir the magical pot


Thank you kind sir/ma’am/attack hellicopter

This isn’t nearly so baffling a question as why Kael’thas looks like he’s wearing a queen-size mattress.


I miss the “Alex is obese” memes can we go back to those instead


I swear KT and Arthas have the same face model. It drives me insane.

I think hots does a pretty good job of showing gender. I don’t think Anduin looks like a girl at all.

Agree, he looks like a very young man


Or they just made him look like he hadn’t hit puberty yet. Quit looking for conspiracies.

At least we have not seen both his nipples…yet.