Why does Anduin have Shalamayne?

I’ve figured it’s a power siphon for him, as well as a momento of his late father. He can also use it if he gets into a scrap.

I feel like you WAY overuse that one video as your source of everything Anduin… Believe it or not, there is much more to Anduin than that video, and all of the rest of it says he is physically weak and sucks in melee combat.


I think it was one of the books by Christie Golden (The Shattering? I can’t remember.) that went into detail about how much Anduin hated his warrior training, and the origins of what inspired him to become a priest.


Not only the book, but also the comic: Son of the Wolf. http://content.madefire.com/s-d5a7dcd134f54d98b8dfd7d804e2e493/index.html#

He is very bad at fighting, has always been bad, and since being smashed by the bell, has a physical disability where his bones basically always feel pain.

Yeah, he isnt good at fighting, he smahes the Troll because he uses magic, and it is very clear in the video.


I do wish though that when using his attack at melee range he would have a different attack animation using the sword, similar to how raynor will bayonet his foes.


“human potential” bro. in WoW, having experience means basically nothing when it comes to different characters’ power levels. battle skills, especially magic, seem to be based almost entirely on natural affinity

see also: jaina

That’s a hyperbole. But why 2 hander specifically? Many warriors use 1-hand weapons. In lore some mages use swords not just as a stat stick. Kael’thas used to be a skilled swordsman, it just didn’t fit the game’s narrative.

Nothing really prevents one from changing their class aside from arbitrary in-game mechanics. So a mage could indeed drop their arcane spells and learn to swing even a 2-handed sword. He wouldn’t be strong and skilled enough at first, but he could learn. Drastically changing specialization mid-life is not how you typically become the best at your craft though. So a great priest trying the warrior thing didn’t look that inspiring.


You do believe that Yrel is just a slave? And she never grew up into skilled warrior (paladin)? Because that’s what you said. You’re showing that you care only about past. People (especially main characters) evolves and getting old and better. Anduin is no longer what he was back in MoP. He had long time since start of Legion. During BfA he fights with that sword. Even with Saurfang. He fight in melee combat with Saurfang. If young lion can stand against him. He has to have some skills now. He evolved. Now he is stronger than he was.

And that video you hate is actually as cannon as lightborne Calia Menethil. If you know who she is… :smirk:

I think it’s mostly fan service. People would have complained if he didn’t have it. And now some people complain that he does.

I expected that he would use it when in melee range, but I don’t really mind.

I didn’t say I hated the video. I said that people are using it as their ONLY source of lore on Anduin.

Why? Jaina is a very stabilished character that sirvived warcraft 3, her power is well earned over the years. It is only natural that she got stronger over the time (specialy since Azeroth has world ending crisis and wars every other year)

the issue is less “jaina is a powerful mage” and more “jaina is one of the most powerful living mages we know of, even though a good number of highborne (many of whom were/are obsessed with arcane magic) are still alive in some form (shen’dralar, naga, nightborne)”

the only mage i can think of that almost definitely beats jaina is azshara… who was also said to be naturally gifted in the arcane. over and over again, power level is based on being born with talent. i guess at least the writing is consistent about that, but it’s still a little “what” to watch 10k+ years of experience mean nothing

Way back when, Dungeons and Dragons had an explanation for that (Why Human mages were more powerful than Elf mages, who lived a LOT longer.)

Their explanation was that Humans, who had a relatively short life span have a lot more incentive to grow and learn quickly than races that have an unlimited lifespan, and would therefor take things a lot slower as they knew they had “all the time in the world” to increase their power.

So yes, the official D&D explanation was that living longer made you a procrastinator :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally, the highbourne were the ones who taught magic to humans, and were allegedly surprised at human proficiency for Magic’s.

Nope, Kadghar and Medivh, for example are know to be more powerfull then her. So was Aegwyn
Also, after BFA Jaina power level is very pinpont. As a raid boss we know exactly of what she is capable of AND she was defeated by the Horde (she may have moped the floor with then but in the end she had to fall back) so we now know what she is capable off and what her limits are.
There is a lot of inconsistencies in wow, but Jaina power level is right where it should be giving everything she went trhoug.

No, I haven’t said anything about Anduin beyond his physical strength in relation to those videos. I’m not summarizing his character with them.

It only contradicts the video if it comes out after.

If he’s in constant pain they do absolutely zero to show it. I don’t think he’s wow equivalent of Roosevelt.

I’m pretty sure this is every paladin. That or every thread where people talk about why forsaken can’t be paladins are full of people doing butt pulls. They use the light to bolster their physical capabilities.

Because Shalamayne is a two-hander.

And that is describing the situation with Anduin to a T. Would we be having the same argument about Jaina being frail if in the next expansion she was featured in a cinematic dressed like Sonya doing heroic leaps?

Two things: One there are shorter lived races than humans in Warcraft. And two, humans can attain immortality in the setting, I’m decently sure Anduin will be lightforged. So in the Warcraft setting humans have their cake and eat it too. And even before that nothing really stopping him from becoming forsaken if he so choose, he could even remain a priest.