Why does Anduin have Shalamayne?

Yes, I know he tells he is Priest now. My mistake, but everything else:

That point with father makes no sense as it would mean that Anduin should not be even priest in first place.

and no.
Warrior, Hunter, Rogue uses no spells or other powers of nature and so on.
Druids are using powers of nature by druidism that was given to the word by Ysera and green dragons. (Kul Tiran humans are using differently powers of nature and they are still druids)
Mages are using magic that is held by blue dragons ( Kalecgos nowadays )
Shamans are using spirits of nature and elements.
Monks are using inner chi (their own “spirit”)
Warlocks… some black magic?.. most likely not too different from what Demon Hunters are using… fel… Ok I can’t tell that one for sure

and finally Priest & Paladin that is using the powers of Light.

best proof for that is Tauren Paladin. They are not the same paladins as human/dwarf/Blood Elves…

This all means that no matter small details, they are always that class they fit the most.

oh and I almost forget…

Delas Moonfang find her. She used to be Priest, but she choosed to not stand still, but to take big mace and join the fight as Paladin by side of other paladins in Knights of the Silver Hand order.

Lore wise there really isn’t a difference between paladins and priests aside from their equipment. The paladins were created when the order of Northshire had their asses royally handed to them by the Horde, so they decided to teach a few warriors the ways of the Light.

That said, if you want to follow the thin distinctions, Anduin is not a paladin. He’s terrible at actual combat. He’s clumsy and useless at using Shalamayne. It’s not the tools that make the class, it’s the skills. Anduin lacks the skills.


What kinda logic is that? I’ve yet to see a mage character in plate leaping into action with a two-hander, and then have the game be insistent that they are in fact a mage.

So is Garrosh not a warrior because of how clumsy he was compared to Taran zhu?

You don’t need to be some kind of blademaster when you possess super human strength like Anduin does in lore.

Plus, how can you guy say he’s clumsy when Anduin only is really beaten there by Saurfang, a vet. It wasn’t a faceless mook that knocked him on his butt.

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lol, no he doesn’t. Anduin was either the most powerful priest in WoW or the second most powerful LONG before he got the sword.


If he beats out Velen then that really craps on Velen’s character.

It is hard to know if he beats out Velen, because Velen has literally never done ANYTHING in the history of WoW.


He’s a long lived Dreanai who’s been at for presumably the majority of his life he shouldn’t be beaten out by someone just coming into their own. I’m not saying he shouldn’t be able to grow more powerful then him, but I don’t think he should beat him at the moment.

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Whether you think he SHOULD is irrelevant though… It is up to Blizzard to decide that, and they have shown Anduin being extremely powerful, and have only talked about Velen’s power levels.

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Same reason why Garrosh has Gorehowl ;d

What kind of argument is that? Anduin got his face rolled by a random troll and only won because he wildly hit him until The Light gave him a crushing blow. He didn’t help until he dropped the sword and turned to the heavens.

Let’s ignore that being clumsy is kind of Gary’s thing: Not only was Garrosh on even footing with Taran Zhu, he won.

But again, disregarding that; even if Garrosh was beaten by Taran, he would’ve still fought well. Anduin didn’t fight well - not in comparison to the random troll - but in general.


If you consider face rolling being turned into crater I guess yeah. The ONLY person who beat him there was Saurfang. Surely if he’s so terrible one of the mooks would have put him on his butt before saurfang ever reached him.

And he can do that because he can overpower most of his oppnent because of the strength he possesses. Which is why he would have lost to Cairne a physically superior force to him.

You don’t have to be crouching tiger hidden dragon to be a Paladin or a Warrior. Especiallly when you are a Garrosh or an Anduin and can overpower most opponents.

Fair enough.

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Go watch that cinematic again. Anduin swings like a moron on the troll’s shield while he lazily blocks every hit. The only reason he wins is because the Light blesses him, which reminds him what is his true power is.

Anduin can’t overpower most opponents. He got a lucky break - a divine intervention if you will. Almost as if Warcraft God was saying “What are ya doing with that sword, man? Rez all your allies. That’s your strength.”


I don’t think Garrosh could out muscle a tank though.

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You don’t think he could jump on a tank and stab it twice in the gunpowder? That wasn’t exactly a pro move, there.

Aside from that, I will always hold cinematics over in-game cutscenes any day. Have you seen the way Illidan and Arthas fought each other in Reign of Chaos? The epic war of “both stand still and do the same AA animation”. In-game stuff is shorthand.

Irregardless of everything: We can natter about lore all we want, but Rexxar has never been ranged, Jaina has never exclusively been frost, and Malfurion can definitely shapeshift. Heroes in HotS are two things: they are composites of all versions of that character past, and they are representatives of gameplay in their home game. Anduin has the heavy armor from BfA but also the robes from Mists. Rexxar is a Beast Master Hunter, Jaina is a Frost Mage, Malfurion is a Resto Druid, and Anduin is a Holy Priest. This is the gameplay that they wanted to translate.


To be honest, I think you just want to ignore every feat Anduin has because you really like the scene where he drops the sword. He’s physically powerful the lore doesn’t just say that it shows it.

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Everyone is as physically powerful as the script needs them to be. It’s the reason Spider-man can go from struggling to hold one box car in one comic to lifting an entire train in another. In general, being physically imposing or skilled at swordplay has never been Anduin’s driving characteristic.


I’ll agree to disagree. I don’t think it was a mistake that Saurfang was the one to knock him down. But, I think you’ve been fair through out this for the most part.

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Err, what WoW World do you come from?

Original Paladins were a handful of Warriors AND Priests trained by Archbishop Faol, Uther (after a fashion) and Anduin Lothar (after a fashion).

They don’t even remotely share the same kits and, in general, channel their holy energy into defensive and offensive magic as opposed to priests who are so proficient in holy magic that they have two entire different schools of magic dedicated to healing.

Wait, did they remove Holy Paladins from the game when I wasn’t looking? I may have to tell our raid healer lead that her character isn’t really a paladin.


Their powers come from the same source, is what I was getting at. Obviously they do different things, they’re different classes. But a Paladin could be a Priest and vice versa, just depending on their exterior skills.