So, this might seem like both an unintuitive and intuitive question all at the same time.
Anyone who’s seen the cinematics for Legion and/or BFA probably realizes that Anduin currently posses Shalamayne after his father’s (Varian) died.
However, Anduin doesn’t actually use Shalamayne in any significant way in any of his attacks or moves, save Chastise. I mean Anduin is a RANGED HERO. This is the part that makes it most hurt. If he was a melee hero perhaps with a trait or a kickass talent that really played of Shalamayne, it would make more sense.
Anduin’s attire and stature is that of when he was still Prince Anduin — or at the very least its a blend of Prince Anduin and King Anduin borrowing more form Prince then King.
Finally, Varian is already wielding Shalamayne in game. It feels redundant having this iconic weapon on two heroes.
I could EASILY see a skin of King Anduin where he’s wielding this weapon; but his base skin and skins based off his base skin probably shouldn’t.
Based on his kit and his base skin, I think Anduin really should be wielding Fearbreaker and not Shalamayne.
I think he should have Shalamayne since Varian and Anduin are not extrapolated from the same timeline.
I just think that he should have a melee AA animation when in melee range of a target. Seems like an oversight to me.
While Shalamayne isn’t quiet as iconic as other weapons in the game since it doesn’t have super fantastic powers, imagine what people would say if two or more heroes had Frostmourne or Ashbringer in game. People would probably almost be rioting.
Shalamayne doesn’t have fantastic lore behind it, but it still has a lot of visual qualities to it that makes it stand out.
Besides, I already broke down the timeline aspects of this. Shalamayne in Anduin’s hands doesn’t make sense in the context of his attire.
Considering every single ret paladin had Ashbringer in Legion, I don’t see the problem.
This is BFA Anduin. As far as I know, he’s currently running around with Shalamayne in WoW.
Above all Anduin is a Priest not a Paladin.
He is no were near a swordsman like his father was.
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He has the weapon from his source material-- that is why he has it.
Why does Morales have her shield if she doesn’t have any abilities that make usage of it to defend herself?
Yet we’ve had Zeratul’s Void Blade on an Artanis skin for years at this point, I think.
I mean, it isn’t such a “legendary weapon” from the standpoint of lore. But it still is a pretty massive thing. Given Starcraft 2 lacks legendary weapons, this is pretty much the closest you can get.
Yeah, so it’s a blend. So why is this a negative towards him having the sword?
Why in the world what it matter if it is on the base skin, or a reworked skin?
Like–for real, if a weapon is a key part of the heroes identity, say Varian… Why make skins where they don’t use the weapon?
It’s a cosmetic thing that causes no harm to gameplay and shows that both of these characters, Anduin and Varian, have utilized the sword in their source material.
I don’t play WoW, I don’t follow WoW’s story. Maybe that’s why I don’t get it… But I don’t see why it’s a big deal as it is purely cosmetic–and is the weapon that Anduin uses as far as I can tell.
It also is a memento of his father.
And a symbol of having to take the reigns after varian.
The sword is more of a memento of Varian than a real weapon, since Anduin has never been a melee as his father but a Priest.
When he fight in the BFA cinematic is clear he’s not good with it.
Since the Anduin that joined the Nexus is the King of the Alliance it’s ok that he has the sword, even without using it.
Why can artanis equip zeratul’s warp blade?
Why is abathur not in his full form?
Why is fenix alive in the same timeline as artanis?
Can we not just have fun?
I’d prefer he have Fearbreaker, but ultimately his choice of weapon doesn’t matter. I’ll probably use that Neo Vigilante skin anyway with kinda generic sci-fi sword #8624B.
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Do timelines even make sense in the Nexus? I mean, we can have Yrel going “Another triumph for the Alliance” after helping Artanis free Horde cavaliers, directly sending them at the face of a giant Vanndar Stormpike.
What matters is what makes the hero iconic. I agree with the fact that Anduin does not need Shalamayne to be Anduin, but it makes him iconic as Varian’s son and heir of the throne. It’s a nice visual touch, and even if I’d like him to use it in one way or another (like in case of melee basic attacks), I don’t feel the need to cry about this. It does not make no sense.
Anduin is trying to follow in his father’s footsteps, yet he’s a priest, not a warrior. Disregarding WoW’s game mechanics, where you are either priest or warrior, Anduin tries to replace his father both as a leader and as a symbol in battle to inspire troops. Yet he’s not that good of a warrior, so he keeps Shalamayne mostly as a royal regalia and a memento of Varian.
i think he should wield it especially with battle for azeroth going in in world of warcraft in everything, but his basic attack animation at melee range should have him switching to shalmayne, another thing someone else suggested is a reverse of stuckov’s trait, allowing him to exchange his ranged attacks for melee attacks which could be stronger, i also like this idea
to be frank, i think that was a kind of a problem for the artifact system in legion, but blizzard simply let it happen anyways, for heroes of the storm lore or consistency don’t really matter half as much anyways
He draws his power from the Sword. That should be obvious…
It was the power of the sword combined with his own abilities that he used to save everyone in the battle for Azeroth trailer. He still uses its power in HotS to do something similar. It also is used for some of his other abilities.
Without it he would be a mediocre healer.
I don’t know much about WoW’s lore but…
Welcome to the Nexus! Where everything and anything can happen.
Did you try to play WoW for Alliance side during BfA? All the time we see him fight he uses that sword for melee attacks as he doesn’t cast spells as ordinary priest.
Also nowhere was ever told that Anduin is priest as far as I know. (Only hearthstone told so, and it was loong time before Legion. Even Arthas wasn’t Paladin since he was born. He had to learn it over time) Heal with the light is something even Paladin can do.
And if you know it better. What other difference is between Priest in robe that doesn’t want to get dirty and Paladin that doesn’t fear to wear heavy things to be able to fight tough?
Well, if you poke him enough times on the PTR, he says he is a priest and not a paladin.
In Mists of Pandaria Anduin was explicitly shown as priest, even trying shadow IIRC. His father was a warrior, not a paladin.
If you start with this logic - what’s the difference between paladin and priest, just different type of armor - then you can end up with ridiculous statements that all classes are the same. What’s the difference between mage and warrior? Both can swing swords and do stuff by shouting. One just prefers swinging swords and the other shouts more.