Why do you main your mains

What’s this thing you call a “main”? :smile:

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Mephisto/Diablo because i’m probably the biggest Diablo fan to walk the earth. So many years killing Diablo/Mephisto and now i can finally play them!

The main vein?

So more who she is or what she has?

Flame on!

Yes she is

Yaaaay another alex main :star_struck:

Smartly put

I agree

Shhhht! Nobody needs to know im actually a maeive player. Even tho I asked you to

Sleepy right now

Uhhhh. Aesthetics. If I hate their design I don’t play them. Goes for for all games too. I don’t care how op they are if I hate their design. Don’t care how weak if I love their design. Some of my friends make fun of me for this tendency.

But that’s only why I am drawn to them initially. I know it’s generic, but playstyle? I have lots of different characters that I love, and not a whole lot that they have in common other than waveclear.

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Attacks are awesome and satisfying. I get to float around too :). She looks kool too.

I tend to pick characters that look appealing to me and play them. If their kit sucks I may move to something else.


I like Samuro because I like illusions and playing mind tricks/confusing people.



You can outsmart someone. Going deep is a risk but also high reward. Great dualist, mark + lingering frost are simular

Garrosh because he is strong

Kharazim because he can do so much

I like living on the edge everytime.

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I like cocky personality, voice, hot look. :fire:
Resets-based gameplay is a deadly dance, hard to press everything perfect, but when you do it and getting team wipe as a result… mmm :yum:
Hero with endless opportunities for improvement and increasing arrogance :smile:
Amount of skins and their quailty, animations of skills.
Basically every small detail is perfect for me
MINGMING :heart:

Second and third place:

Nova: my gf mains her so I started to practice this sniper grill too and I fell in love with gameplay based on searching and destroying weak spots of opposite team, tricking them and staying alive all game :smirk:

Genji: turning on eurobeat music and dash into enemies team with dragon blade is best feeling ever :crossed_swords:

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she cute

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I don’t main anymore, just pick optimal at draft as late as possible. I have played a lot of Uther tank/doublesupport recently though

Abathur because his playstyle is similar to my personality in real life, in which I can relate to.

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Valla, when i first started playing i knew i wanted something that could AA.
I first kinda shunned away from it as people kept picking her quite often, i love having unique barrely played heroes.
I then found out that people didn’t like her AA talents nor builds.

At that point i picked her up, started building around her AAs and it spiraled from there, hit Rank 5 in the first pre season, went to plat from there and then slowly climbed up to the master rank.

Now my Valla is my go to when matches go to heck.
And the one my duo partner screams for me to pick when things don’t go our way, usually turning matches for the better if i get a sustained healer to follow along.

In short;
I picked her for her unique build, and her AAs.

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i have yet to play with you to see it. i have a friend that’s a Valla main and with my Morales you’ll live forever!

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I know u got me on speed dial, u just hit me up and we can jam together any day!

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My problem is that i can’t really decide who is my main ^^
If it’s just the hero with the highest level then it would be Tassadar.
He’s just very versatile, support/dmg/waveclear/hard to kill.
I still haven’t got any mastery ring even though i have enough gold… it’s time to make a decision.

Someone has to purge the heretics

Lux vult!

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Jaina, Li-Ming, Kaelthas. Because i love wizards with pation. Anduin because I like him as a character and find him a phenomenal healer, with a gameplay that, for me, is by far the most fun of all healers.
When Kadghar is released will be main faster then can make a pun