Why do you dislike playing assassins

I summon the healer tank and bruiser mains :sunglasses::facepunch:


Because as a tank main, I have some control issues, and just hate feeling like I am at the mercy of whether or not my tank knows what they are doing when a team fight starts. While I can still get damage in if they are clueless, it is far less likely we will secure kills. Seeing a tank yolo into the back line where I canā€™t reach their target and am left wide open to their Zeratul is disheartening. Having a tank that simply refuses to engage is frustrating. A tank that runs in, dumps their entire kit in a single rotation, then runs and hides behind the healer is maddening.

While I have had good tanks on my team, I would rather be the bruiser or healer as they arenā€™t quite as dependent on a smart initiation, and can often engage themselves.

Yes, I will engage as a healer. But then again, my most played healer is Lucio!


Healer, because I donā€™t know what the right call to make is so Iā€™ll just zoom around with Lucio and Li li healing, boosting, or blinding people.

Also, I feel like assassins and tanks have way more responsibility to the game and that is intimidating.


Because if i am going to be forced to go dive because the 4 other wusses stay at max range doing nothing thinking they are good players being passive while making nothing happen and padding stats at best i might as well play a tank.

This is not even sarcasm, i originally began tanking because someone in our group of friends had to do it and i was tired of imposing my dps picks all the time.
I just couldnā€™t go back to passive games or passive gameplays afterwards.

Also thank god devastating charge diablo and muradin existed so you could have damage if you were not a terribad.
Too bad one is gutted and whinners look at the other and imperius now.
Hopefully playing a tank gets more fun again sometimes.


Healer: its basically my mission to prove to the universe that healers can absolutely carry a game :stuck_out_tongue:
And it just feels super rewarding for your entire team to walk out of an even teamfight at full health

Tank: I just find the tanking experience to be A mei zing

Briuser: beacuse yrel is secretly a support


Because I donā€™t like healers who donā€™t know what theyā€™re doing :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Cause most tanks and healer do not understand the proper timing on engaging, peels is a word most do not even know what it means.


Healer main normally, but I started going back on assassin after a losing streak.

What I have to say is, actually having control over macro stuff is in fact incredibly satisfying. No more ā€œcalled it.ā€ after a fort gets destroyed by a big wave.


Because my positioning is too aggressive, I feel too squishy and dependent on my tank to do what I want. Being a bruiser main will do that to me.
Iā€™d mostly play Mephisto since I can E in and care less about my positioning. I like Tracer, too, for her diving style and E out. But, I need wave clear. I need to be better at Fenix since he can be very powerful in the solo lane vs certain match-up.


Well just kill the Zeratul 4head.


itā€™s mixed up honestly. like itā€™s not hating the role itself i feel comfortable to tank or pick any other role when iā€™m with my friendā€™s but with randoms i never trust them on assassins so i play assassin all time with randoms. when i tank they just donā€™t understand how to followup i expect much from them but i get nothing so i just :woman_shrugging: it off and play assassins only with randoms. only filling with friendā€™s that i can count on to followup when iā€™m a tank or a healer. last time i played Alex no one stands in the circle to heal up they just walk past it and then ask me for heals when they die ā€œheal???ā€ maaaaaaaan shadap you walked past my heal and then you ask for heal? no heal for you! die nowā€¦


And here I thought you were a Murky mainā€¦


but Murky is technically a tankā€¦ no one expected that but itā€™s the truth!


Its less disliking playing assassins and more nobody else will tank or heal.

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Same I have major trust issues if others tank or take the off lane

I agree but to be fair. Im confident in my tank skills but im getting accused reguarly that I dont frontline or peel. Its especially hard when they have a dive hero and I need to hold off the rest while also peeling that target
Or when im the solo tank or have a squichy next to me like qhira or thrall and I need to be in the frontline all the time accourding to themā€¦

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Bruiser-Main here.
Given that Iā€™m mostly playing QM I have to be more independent from my Team (you just donā€™t know what you get). I love to play Heroes who can be built in a Bruiser-Style like Orphea or Alexstrasza. When playing Healer I go for Ana, Alex, Rehgar, Li Li (to annoy my Opponents with perma-blinds :smiling_imp:) and lately Deckard (the old fart has some neat tricks up his sleeve).

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I like bruisers so I can beat the carp out of assassins. Iā€™m so tired SO VERY TIRED of assassins that just sit back all game to throw potshots at me. Playing a onesided game of dodgeball is not fun, so I like bruisers that can not only spit in their face by moving up to them but also shrug off their puny damage like it wasnā€™t even there.

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As tank/bruiser main I like playing Assasines lately, because my teammates usually focus tank only and never go for soak or camps.

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Oh and if you ask which Bruiser I prefer to play, itā€™s Yrel, D.VA, Dehaka, DW and Rexxar.


Healer, Cause I donā€™t want to be responsible for being the damage of the team.

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