Why do you dislike playing assassins

Except Rexxar I like all of them too, just add Imperius and Varian to the table.

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Great logic - now you are responsible for being the support of the team.
Do you feel like you can do nothing wrong as a support player and if you do the others are not allowed to criticize you because they should be glad you volunteered to support them? ^^

That is not what I meant. Of course I still make several mistakes as a supports and others criticize me as much as you think. And no. Iā€™m not playing support for gratitude (Cause I donā€™t give a single crap to what my teammates want to think about me. If they wanna be thankful, then cool. If they wanna be toxic, I donā€™t really care). I play support cause I enjoy it.


I thank that Murky is technically a tankā€¦ no one expected that but itā€™s the truth!

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I guess you just misunderstood him. For me his reasoning is just heā€™s not good enough as assasine thatā€™s why he donā€™t play them. Sounds valid to me, in ranked you shouldnā€™t play heroes you arenā€™t good with.


Exactly what I meant. Thank you for understanding ^^

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Well I donā€™t dislike playing assassins, but I have some problems when playing them. As a Bruiser main Iā€™m used to a more aggressive playstyle, which sometimes results in a little bit of tunnelvisioning. As a bruiser this isnā€™t as much of a problem, but when I do something like that as a ranged assassin I oftentimes find myself beeing out of position rather quickly. Which leads me to the second problem I have with them: they are way too squishy. If you are cought out, your done (outside of the intervention of your healer or tank). In addition most of the ranged assassins I like arenā€™t really good at 1v1 either, which is an aspect of the game I do enjoy a lot.

I do enjoy bruisers far more, because I feel like I am more independent from my team. I can play the macro game and give my team an experience advantage, I can prove my skill by pushing out the enemy laner and in a teamfight I can go ham without beeing too reliant on the other team members.


There are some Assassins that allow you to play in a Bruiser way for example

  • Orphea (her trait heals her, she can be built into armour and shields, dealing a ton of damage)
  • Lunara (never underestimate the deer, though she is the squishiest in my list)
  • Murky (easy to play, his Bubble is a good escape when you overextended a bit and he is quickly back in action should you have died)
  • Raynor (also easy to start with, two useful Ults, can heal himself)

Yeah I know, Fenix also fits into that category. However I do like the true bruisers more. Canā€™t really tell you why, but propably because I feel more survivabel on them. With Lunara, Orphea and Raynor you have to keep your distance until you can get a kill. Bruisers like Yrel and Leoric are more in the thick of the fight. I donā€™t know, I simply prefer a good fist fight. :grinning:

In terms of Murky, I think his powerspike comes too late. A lot of things that Murky does, can be done by other Bruisers aswell, without hampering your team for the first 20 lvls of the game.

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I like to lead and assert my influence.
I also like to be a mama bird that delivers fresh worms for my baby assassin birds to feed on.

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I donā€™t dislike playing assassins. Why would I want to tank or heal when I can have the most damage and flame everyone else for not having good damage?


I agree - i generally like tanking/supporting but it feels unrewarding if your assassin players are ultra bad. Thatā€™s why in some teams i prefer to play assassins.
On the other hand it also feels bad if your tank/support is ultra bad when you play an assassin.
Then there is the problem when you play solo with random teammates - you donā€™t know how they play. That might be a reason why so many players instalock assassins (and then suck at them anyways :D).

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I was just messing lol. But you bring up a good point. When I play tank, I feel like my allies never finish off kills. When I play assassin, I feel like my tank is picking flowers.


Well, thereā€™s your problem. Li Li isnā€™t a tank!




Because frankly speaking, Iā€™d rather do the setup and fail it than, as an assassin, struggle behind supportive roles who refuse to set up.

Itā€™s picking a poison, really. I also suck at assassins because my style is to play picks who can mitigate damage by the bunch.

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I would say my general ranking in terms of my favorite to least favorite role would beā€¦

Tank > Healer > Assassin melee > Assassin ranged > Bruiser > Support

Even though thatā€™s my ranking list of what I like to play I probably spend most of my time playing ranged assassins. A big part of this is because Iā€™d like to get better with them, many are fragile, and I find many of the other roles much more defined. Ranged assassins on the other hand feel the most complex to me. When do I poke? When do I try to help peel? Do I go for the objective now or hang back and support someone? What should I do next? If I donā€™t join a team fight will my team lose? If Iā€™m playing someone like a KT, Jaina, or Li Ming am I even landing any of my skillshots?

These are all things that go through my head at times when Iā€™m playing a ranged assassin. When Iā€™m playing any of the other roles usually itā€™s just a matter of set up, peel, go and support those going for the objective, maybe try to help secure a few kills, rinse and repeat.

Again I feel that with ranged assassins especially the stakes just feel higher and the level of responsibility is increased. This is probably just my own perception of the role but I do feel like Iā€™m under more pressure to perform correctly when in this role and if I donā€™t then Iā€™m letting my team down.

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A few reasons. If im playing healers frequently then my micro has fallen off on assassins and i miss skillshots and am out of position. Drafting is also one of my favorite parts of the game and while you can pick any tank/assassin and be effective with them the healer has to be picked to either counter enemy damage or strategically empower a few players. Picking the wrong assassin is generally just an annoyance but the wrong healer means youā€™re healing is pretty useless. Malfurion into hard burst is the best example because all he can really do is use silence and pray his teammate survives long enough so that he can be healed properly. I also hate locking early and forcing my team to fill for me. Though if they would rather tank/healer im fine playing assassin.

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Hmm summoning me, Harby?

Not sure what you mean ā€˜dislike playing assassinsā€™ :smirk:

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I just dislike being the main source of kills since I feel Iā€™m not consistent enough. Besides, I just have way more fun playing as tank/bruiser/healer.

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