Why do people tend to blame TLV for everything

As a TLV main, I’ve gone into a lot of games do my standard double lane split, and I get it, 1 less player in team fights is annoying, but you know, I’m drumming up xp, and I’ll occasionally go over and help in the fights depending on how they are going and so on. But even when I’m fully participating (or even if we actually win the fight sometimes) I’m still smacked with criticism, I don’t know if I am doing something inherently wrong of if its just general frustration is getting taken out on me, either way I don’t get it.

in my experience if you play good tlv you get significantly more positive feedback than blame. I can’t judge your play but maybe this will give you some hope. Few things that could help:

  • Communicate your intentions to a team, suggest macro moves like camp/give obj/push as 4. I rarely do this, but when i did, it saved few games for sure.
  • Keep 1 viking with team for obj cap (or cap yourself on ToD/SkyTemple). This makes them feel they are not completely 4v5. I would recommend Erik with spy games.
  • Keep their offlane hero constantly on low resources so they can’t just go and fight. Olaf+ Erik can do this vs many heroes
  • After 16 lvl teamfight as 3 or 2 while baleog is pushing
  • Don’t pick boat ultimate

I’ve done most of these (especially the whole avoiding boat lmfao). But I mean I’m perfectly fine with constructive criticism from the team and I do occasionally get it, like I fr didn’t know olaf’s charge was actually activatable until a few weeks ago when someone pointed out that I use charge terribly, but one in every 3 games some lad will make a storm about some random thing I did and go on a rant telling me to stop playing TLV or stop playing HOTS in the first place, and its not even that big of a thing its like i forget to cap a WT on the way to my lane or i forgot to grab the nuke etc. But I mean i’ll try to do those things some more i suppose.

It is still sometimes buggy, but using A-click instead of smartcommand helps a lot, but not always.

while they dead they have nothing else to do than watch a single viking, thats annoying, try to ignore them :slight_smile:

For instance i was hiding in bush with baleog ready to take over soak in empty lane while my healer and someone else were scratching the wall. Meanwhile teamfight was happening and they blamed afk baleog and not 2 guys soaking empty lane not damaging structures. I mean people say weird things, take the lesson if there was one and move on

happens every so often, especially when you queue next move action and then use spin/Z on other viking, which interrupts cap.

Can’t say much more without seeing replays though.