Why do people in the forums hate QM, the most popular mode in the game?

Everytime there is a thread of someone suggesting any frustration they have with QM, no matter how reasonable it is, it gets attacked into oblivion because “Lol QM go play a real mode instead and stom complaining”.

Nevermind the fact its the most popular mode in the game, the whole attitude is just rude. You can disagree with someone’s way to play the game but that doesn’t mean that 100% of what they say is invalid.

This kind of attitude does exactly the opposite of what you guys keep pushing for, which is more people go play draft mode. And you may be thinking “good, who need these losers anyways”. The game is getting closer to a dangerous state of low amount of players, and you encourage the group of most players (players that could in the future be part of draft mode too!) to leave because you think they deserve no voice for playing a mode you don’t care about. Its elitist, plain and simple, and this kind of attitude needs to stop.

We’re all trying to enjoy HOTS, no need to trip each other up.


people will always cry about QM no matter what there’s been tons of threads about whining about QM being “unfair” and “going solo is so horrible etc” and when someone say “play as a team if solo not going well for you” they cry even more lmao


Correct, Quick Match is the most played mode next to AI. Storm League and Draft are the least played.

QM is a “learning mode” so you should not expect balanced play. That’s not possible with this game.

Fact: The hots player base is so small now, Player level 1100 like myself now find players under Player level 50 in our games.

Talk about playing with noobies lol, this game only has the noobs left and a bunch of old school gamers like myself.


Well…that’s actually good for noobs like me. It’s like stepping into the dojo and being surrounded by senseis: hurts like hell, but what better environment to learn in?


Matchmaking threads.


Says who? 20 characters


The fundamental problem with these forum posts is the fact that they misunderstand what exactly are the benefits and drawbacks to playing in the Quickplay mode.

From the beginning, the developers recognized that a common problem with other MOBA’s was the fact that you weren’t assured that you could play a given character in any match… The drafting modes make it such that your preferred character could be picked or banned already, and it’s entirely possible that you could play an entirely different role. More serious and competitive players might be able to put up with this, but not people who are playing casually. It gets worse when you consider that Blizzards IP’s are PACKED with all sorts of characters that players will want to play.

So, in acknowledging that people would want to play a certain character, they created a mode where you could pick a character and be assured that you could play a game with that character quickly… Quick Match. The problem is, in order to play with a given character, you are giving up the chance to know what your map is going to be (so you may have a character playing on a map that isn’t suited to that character), and you won’t be able to create a cohesive team through a drafting process, nor will you be able to see your opposing team’s composition…

Long story short, Quick Match is a quick and dirty mode that bypasses a lot of the buildup that occurs during drafting modes, which are there to give the subsequent match more balance to ensure that both sides (theoretically) tried their best and the better team won.

While there are people who are being harsh on those complaining about QM, there’s also the fact that it’s one of the dead horse topics that there’s really no merit to the discussion… also since the devs have said that Quick Match isn’t going to be balanced, and that the drafting modes are where you go for a more balanced game.


because in QM you can find any type of people, there may even be 10-year-old children who do not know anything about the game, and you can feel frustrated by that player who does nothing and dies without purpose, and sometimes the compositions can be very bad and the games very chaotic, and for a player who knows how to play that can be very frustrating, but that is the question and that is why it is quick match

The only people who say that are those who don’t recognize any non-ranked mode as legitimate. They are wrong in this regard.


ehh. i feel like when people recommend others to play draft modes, they usually aren’t saying “go play a real mode.” oftentimes, it’s more like, “what you’re asking for doesn’t jive with what QM is meant to be; play one of the modes that DOES have what you’re asking for”

of course, that’s not to say there is no QM hate. there most definitely are people who’d rather see QM removed from the game just because they personally don’t like it… but i think it’s important to make a distinction between the two camps. when someone says “play draft” it doesn’t always translate to “QM sucks”


It’s not hate. QM is just meant to have fast queues and learn heroes. The problem starts when people “main” QM and want everything to be perfectly balanced when hots is a moba, which means it’s meant to be played with draft first.

People crying over balance in QM and asking for it is just kinda non sense.


Ad nauseam


Enlightened attitudes likes yours will not be tolerated here


Potatoes not defending top lane in spider’s stuff, another classic!

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Ad nauseam

QM could be balanced though… That is what the talent system should enable. Make talents tiers more versatile. If you are playing a squishy assassin in a proper team comp take the talent that makes you better as a team orientated assassin. Playing on a team that doesn’t have a tank or a healer? Have a talent that sacrifices damage for survivability.

The team talent will always be better in draft games but having a talent that lets another class soft heal or soft tank would be a welcome change.


I think there are two types of people who dislike QM here. Firstly, there are threads people like this

Those threads appear here from time to time. I think you should just ignore them.

On the other hand you have people like me. I don’t like QM, but I accept it, I don’t think it should be removed or reworked. I don’t play it if I don’t have to.

The problem is it took them too long till they realized that. There were times, when devs tried hard to make QM balanced or when they tried to balance heroes around QM. Do you remember when they nerfed Nova to non-existent shortly after stealth rework?

QM is OK now, but plenty of people have really terrible memories. It is not that people hate QM, they only cautiously approach such threads.


Not quite. Every time there is a thread with somebody suggesting changing QM into a mode it isn’t, it’s attacked into oblivion because at its core, the thread is about hating QM and changing it rather than liking it for what it is.


yeah wanting a change means you hate the game


Because most of the complaints have to do with compositions. Which is not fixable without driving up queue times. Which I am fine with, but the community overall is not.

That would be versus AI.

If they’re complaining about comps, which is not fixable without taking out the “quick” part of Quick Match… it is pretty invalid. not because the complaint is itself. But because there is no viable solution for QM.

Eh, the tone does maybe I agree. I dunno, I play QM for like, 80-90% of my games.
I tell people to stop complaining about QM balance and go draft if they want to avoid team comps caused by matchmaker.

Most of these people probably either.

  1. Want short queues.
  2. Don’t mind longer queues

To answer each of these cases.

  1. They want more rules and short queues. They don’t know what they want and are contradicting themselves.
  2. Sadly. This group is part of a minority of the community. I am part of it.

Yes. Any post about QM balance should have an auto-response which explains why it cannot be changed, which the poster must confirm they read and understand before continuing their posts.

This would mean the only people getting attacks by the “elitists” would be either:
a. Not able to understand what they want
b. Choosing to ignore the explanations about issues with their complaint.

Ezepeze solution!

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