I don’t want to play with people I have blocked and I shouldn’t have to and other games respect a block list and why even one if it is not respected?
I know hots only has like 20 players left but I still shouldn’t have to play with players I have blocked, especially multiple times in a row. If that means I have to wait longer for a match I’ll wait. I don’t care. I’m tired of playing with people I have blocked. They’re blocked for a reason and you might as well just rename it “mute” if this is how it’s going to play out.
Blocked players can still join your games. You only blocked ingame communication with them. If you really want to avoid then, you have to wait for them to enter a game before you que up yourself.
Sry but thats stupid. This can be easily added to to game. Avoid trash…after a while trash will play with trash and rest will play normaly without frustration…
Because Blizzard thinks that blocking others is toxic. You are supposed to keep providing your time and skill for them and carry them to victories, even if you don’t like them.
That’s also the reason why your block list is only 100 names long. It is very toxic to have people on your ignore list!!!
HotS never had an avoid option. Overwatch did and it got removed in a 2016 patch because players started blocking the best players just to avoid getting matched with them.
OW players asked for its’ reinstation and the developers still strongly disagree with having any sort of avoid in any of their games.
Well, it depends how quickly you filled up the 100, but one common method of gaining more block slots mentioned on the forum is trimming the top of the list every now and then. Since the list shows people you added to it in chronological order.
If you blocked those people years ago, chances are they may not even play the game anymore. And it just blocks their chat anyway instead of being matched with them.
Old additions only show a series of numbers in your block list, so there is a high probability even their names are unrecognizable from years ago.
The Ow experiement showed that if the playerbase was responsible enough to use it wisely it could have been a thing.
But here we got QM forced comps overtuned so…
They did this in ow. What they found out is that extremely good players would end up on peoples block lisy and have to wait hours in que. Tye best wm in the world at that time was on some 25k players block list.
No, full stop you’re right. Honestly if you have a player blocked it should shunt you from their queue. I’d say the reverse but honestly, that’s a bit unusable. If it’s hooked up to you at least it’s opt-in.
Of course, your queue times won’t like that. But if we kick blocked players instead we’re gonna have a bad time, and not all blocks are actually justified.
If nothing else a toggle for “queue with blocked players”…
Possible DoS vector. N accounts that can block N other accounts creates a worst case storage requirement of N^2. As the data base expands its performance will decrease as well.
100 is a very reasonable limit. Chances are that by the time you filled it up you will have already forgotten about a lot of the people on the list and will likely never see them again. If you do happen to see them again they might as well be another person.
Anything that can be used to shape who is in a queue becomes a possible exploit vector. Once one can reliably group accounts together in the same game on both teams one can perform match fixing. Match fixing can then be used to devalue MMR and push accounts towards Master or Grandmaster for sale. Actual Master and Grandmaster would then be pushed down towards Diamond since they cannot compete with the flood of fake MMR.
Wow, could you imagine that if you are… i don’t know… an amateur football player, and you look for someone to play against, and then you have to play against the worlds best football player, and that is YOUR fault?
How idiotic is this bs even? If i don’t want to play against someone, i don’t play against them, and there is NOBODY in the world, that should be able to punish me for that.
Yet Blizzard acts like it’s normal for people to be literally ONLY THERE to be cannon fodder. “You don’t like playing against people that could literally 1 vs 5 you? BANNED!” … “Oh hey, why do we have so few players all of a sudden? Let’s delete some features from the game again, THAT will bring our players back!”
What is to stop an average Joe in gold or platinum doing the exact thing and clicking “avoid” on every single good player he comes across in his own games, in order to make it easier for him to rank up?
The entire point of a ranked ladder is competition. Part of competing is running into people who might be more skilled than you.