Why am I quiting

I started playing this game because my friends were playing it and they insisted in joining them. At that time I liked LoL and I was trying to get back to Gold since it was the beginning of the season.
At first I didn’t really enjoy the game, I didn’t like the fact that you don’t have to last hit the minions, the fact that you have mounts and that you can go in 4 or even 5 people without dying. I felt like the game was something like a LoL for noobs. With time, I discovered that it was more to this game. I started to enjoy it a lot as I was more of an bjective-focused LoL player than a skilled one. So, after a while, I stoped playing LoL and focused on HotS. The more I played, the more I enjoyed it. Until my time to start playing ranked came. I waited for that moment the whole time, it was my turn to get easily into Gold here, maybe even Platinum 5. Of course, when I was placed Silver 4 I didn’t complain. It was only the beginning and it was time to climb. Though my friends were placed in Silver 2 and 3 respectively. I then managed to get into Silver 3 and suddenly the season ended.
And here came the preseason. I played some games with my friends and others alone. I lost 3, they lost 2 (every game they played, they were with me). Guess what? My friends were placed in Gold 3 and I was placed in Silver 3! That’s when I got a bit angry. If you asked them, they would agree I may even play better than them since I have a better KDA and die less times. I should admit that I was neglecting soaking, but eventually I started doing that as well.
And well, here is the problem: I wanted to become a Gold, like they are, like I think I should be. Let’s be clear: I am not claiming I am the best player or something, of course I do mistakes, but I think that division is ok for me. I wasn’t aiming for Platinum since I don’t know if I’m good enough for it, but for Gold I’m sure I am.
So the “fun” part began. I started playing alone and I easily got myself into Silver 2. I decided this weekend I would reach Silver 1. Everything was good, until I started to get paired with flammers and people that randomly fight on the map. I played, played, played until I dropped back to Silver 3. I then got back to Silver 2, feel back to Silver 3, got back again and then feel again. At that point I got really triggered but I thought that maybe I could learn more about the game 'cause I wasn’t carrying much, I was just being cautious and I was trying to help the team. So I watched some replays, noticed some mistakes (like still the lack of soaking) and then getting as many advices as possible. I even tried to greet the team everytime and congratulate them for good calls. Yes, I don’t flame, I don’t like to flame, that’s another reason I quit LoL: flammers in almost very game. Anyway, things didn’t really work out. I told myself that it’s better to play with my friends and learn new champs. So I tried Li-Ming and Hanzo in some Quick Matches and I feel in love with them. My friends came to play and I was ready to show off how cool I am. Yeah, I was finally feeling badass. In the first game there was a Platinum 5 Anub’arak in the opossing team. I destroyed him. We won. Next game, I was the only Silver in the game, the rest were Golds. Yet, our Gold teammates played way worse than me: no soaking, randomly fighting on map, dying alone right before objectives, going in when enemy team was 2 levels above. Of course, we lost. And that match really made it clear for me: either I should be Gold too or they should be Silver too.
Anyway, I did continue to play alone, I really wanted to reach the rank of my friends. Oh, and I should mention that one time I only played with one of them 'cause I was complaining about my teammates and he admitted that I really have a very bad luck, after he played with me.
This night, I was prepared to win my promotion game and get back to Silver 2. And I failed miserably. I played 4 hours straight, finally geting into Silver 2. One hour later, I got back from where I began. Actually worse, now I’m heading to Silver 4. Why? 2 games were partly my fault, I can’t lie, but what about the others where I got the MVP? Why didn’t I receive bonus points for that? Or the games where my teammates were simply not doing anything useful?
And all this time I endured. No swearing, as usual.
So yeah, I am stuck in a low rank just because my really “bad luck”. After the last game I started crying of anger and blood almost came out of my nostrils. I really don’t understand this ranking system, I don’t understand why we get punished for winning a game, I don’t understand why don’t we get some bonus points if we are MVP or if we have a good KDA and plenty experience contribution. I loved this game, but I am competitive, I like to learn many new things and play clean and I get really bored in Quick Matches. So, I quit. My health is more important than this game, maybe when the system will get fixed I will come back. Until then, goodbye!


dat wall of text is something


I’m feeling much the same. Taking a break now. I have my plat Smurf account (without many heroes which isnt as fun) and my main account which was gold last season and got placed low silver felt like a kick in the gut. Some really horrible placement games which sucked and felt I couldn’t really do much.


What I noticed in lower ranks is that players might be good mechanically on their heroes but they mostly have no idea how to play the maps. You can exploit this if you know what to do.
Alternatively, Ming and Hanzo are pretty good choices if you’re trying to drag your team over the finish line. Try to learn more heroes that are high risk high reward or are very good (Rexxar on Braxis is just nasty). Alarak, kelthuzad etc.


Dude…i either will take pause…i dont know how long…i either play sence beta test.
Until my best ideas for the game be to finaly complated.
Reasons are so many…this half sh*t player base and of course current game version.

these :…

Why we care:

I quit 1 year and a half ago
Im continuing reading this forum everyday since and stop playing this game was the best thing i ever did. This game as the potential to be the top game in this genre but they cant (or wont) fix many thing in this game that ruined it for years now

Activion was fatal. They cut jobs but i have to say it was a good decision… nothing changes anyway lol


I feel your pain. I wrote a comment also about why I quit.


i feel you
g5 to g2 back to redg5
the steal pick thing is getting really bad
its a crap shoot

If you do manage to quit please let me know the secret. Despite being so pissed off at this game and playing a lot less (And given up on ranked). I still want to give it up for good :stuck_out_tongue:

The rank doesn’t make you a good player. It’s just a number that get attributed to you based on your winrate in your first games results and is very grindy to change.

Once you understand it, you stop caring about the ranking system. It’s a mode design for the game, not for the players.

100% agree with your first sentence. The ranked system is horrible IMO.

I took that attitude and play quick match. Get terrible comps and “rant” about it and people say “Play Ranked or Unranked” . So I get on ranked (No UR in my region) then wait 20 minute for a game to get an AFK, Unbalanced match or general grumbling complaints.
Also when I’m giving advice People say “Your only a Silver scrub, do what I say” then charges into an unwinnable situation. People also complain if you want a balanced quick match. There is no pleasing everyone but without them showing MMR rank is the closest thing to “skill” I guess we get in game.

Long story short I find people care about ranks quite a bit and it should be fixed.

Nice little bookread, a page or two that was, and I enjoyed every little bit. We found a younger deckard cain everyone!

Anyways. I normally don’t play ranked because of my 1-7 win to loss ratio and i’m afraid it’ll carry over (Because it does). But i’ve found the game is either:

  • Rigged due to 50% winrate

  • The majority of the playerbase doesn’t have good awareness/map/coordnation

  • I’m just crap and its me thats throwins every single game every single time (I highly doubt this is a large reason)

Its either one, two, or all of the above that’s giving me this raunchy winrate.

I had to que up with a random person in general and they carried me to 2 wins, I was really happy to be out of my 7 loss streak.

I’ve also seen a lot of problems with people being toxic and hounding only one person about mistakes (Normally mine because, doo doo i’m a healer cries )

SO uh yah

I doubt I can say this in a way that’s refreshing but here’s my cent:
If you were truly better than silver you’d climb out in a week of relaxed gaming.
This game is not casual, it is not easy to learn and it’s not easy to play. If you’re worried about your delicate bloody nose go play something less demanding. I stopped worrying about ranks long ago. Rank is a side effect of performance, not an end goal in itself.