Why Am I being put against a 4 stack that has a GM and

Just played a quick match. My team had 2 players that were unranked, 2 bronzes (bronze 4 and bronze 2), and a gold. ALL SOLO QUE. Got placed against a 4 stack that had a grandmaster, and 3 diamond players. Please explain how this is remotely fair. Personally if I was responsible for this kind of matchmaking I would throw myself into traffic for being such an abject failure.

  1. QM has its own mmr where it doesn’t matter you are Bronze or GM in another mode.
  2. QM matches based on average mmr (giving a slightly higher average to the team of solos).
  3. There were not enough players of similar “party” sizes.

I looked on heroes profile and the other teams average MMR was 1236 higher than my team. And they were in a group of 4. So stupid.


Heroesprofile is unreliable on individual lvl.


Well I’m pretty GD sure that a GM and 3 Diamond players have MUCH F’ing higher MM than 2 bronze players, one player with a 34% lifetime win rate and a gold. Oh no wonder you are here defending this trash, you have 13k posts. Fanboy blizzard can do no wrong.


Read my first comment again then.

  1. You cannot know their actual QM mmr. Their Rank means nothing there.
  2. Parties with wide differences in mmr can make the average wonky. Especially if Smurfs are involved.
  3. The system cannot give you players that are not queueing atm.

So maybe everything was fair, at least on paper.
Or they cheated.
Or you got an unfair match because the system couldn’t make a fair one in time so went with a less ideal option just so it can remain Quickmatch.

But explaining how the things work, is defending and being a fanboy for the ignorant and unbright…

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If you think for even a second, a 4 stack of people on team voice, that have a grandmaster and 3 diamond 1 players, matched up against 5 solos that have 2 bronze players and a sub 35% lifetime win rate you are crazy.

If that is fair on paper, than the person who decided that was fair is a complete troglodyte. As is anyone who thinks that in any world that might be “fair” on paper.


Did you at least enjoy your loss?

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I assume you are being facetious. But yeah totally enjoyed that match /s

life isn’t “fair” and neither are going to be simulations that distract plebeians from the sad state that is the ‘life’ from which they are trying to escape by blaming every and anything else that they can. What makes a game “fair” is a supposition of probability generated across the expectation of more than 1 game. Unfortunately, the sort that go out of their way to cry about this crap – instead of learning how it works – just look for excuses on what things are ‘unfair’ that they’re ignorant, unobservant, and generally bad at what they do, so of course labels like “diamond” in a mode with different mmr functions isn’t going to have the same stats in a different mode. You’ve managed to figure out how to make a smurf account which means that ‘ranked mains’ that may prefer non-qm modes may incidentally play modes without drafts when a) their party mmr cannot queue together, but they want to still play b) game matching took too long and they didn’t get a game c) they games they paid to raise their ranks was a ruse to rile up players like you into being too afraid to play qm games such that you expect to lose, so you do :face_exhaling:

While game/devs may post blogs that try to post their matching tries to make “fair” matches, the bottom line is that it runs some simple math that is probably too ‘scary’ for most people to consider… People that ‘defend’ these games are those that are sick of ignoramuses that conjure up a bunch of buzzwords to describe how ‘crazy’ or ‘stupid’ the stuff around them without realizing how ‘stupid’ it is to persist in reveling in ignorance and faultfinding years after anything is going to be done about here, or really in any other game.

You’re posting this on an alt/smurf account with a generic name, so you can claim absolutely any complaint that you want: people don’t have to believe you, people don’t have to care, and you can find the same verbatim complaints on other online games that are still ‘alive’.

Life is based on persisting past ‘failure’ to do better the next time around. However, without pronounced consequences to push people to learn more, do better, and change their circumstances, they instead bungle around being oddly arrogant about their circumstances and would rather mire about pulling others around them, like some crabs in a bucket.

Since you’ve already convinced yourself of enough ‘evidence’ to suit a presumption, it’s others that are 'troglodytes" instead of the goober who rolled an alt to cry more

This isn’t any different from your other complaints; you apparently haven’t learned more about the game, learned anything about actually reading statistics (and the incomplete information from HP) and neglect other relevant details for dealing with these types of games in favor of rolling with more stereotypical internet tripe.

Frankly, I think you should stop worrying about how ‘stupid’ you think any and everything else is, get over yourself, and be that much more striving to do better and know more instead of reveling in the ignorance complacency you’ve convinced yourself is somehow magically worthwhile enough that it’s other people that should due for how blind and blunt you are. Rolling another account and crying about more x,y,z doesn’t fix it; matchmakers are only as ‘fair’ as players are willing to be the competition they expect to magically find despite the clear contradiction in their capacity to perform accordingly.


If this is QM you are talking about then you cant do anything about it. Stacks can que up with whatever they want and since matchmaker mostly goes extended que after 30sec then teams like this happens. All though HP mmr is not 100% you still got a hidden mmr in QM that the MM will use to to form a groupe for you.

I have once faced a 4 stack premade with a GM and two master players but us solo players still managed to win.

But yea I the same feeling like you. QM should not be taken seriously tho since QM mostly is a unbalanced game mode that gets even more unbalanced in the off-peak hours when not many are online.

Either join a team that will get you better games or play ranked. In ranked you atleast get to draft your own team and ban heroes you dont like to make games more fair.

QM have never been fair when one team get to draft thier own team and the other is forced to play what MM finds for them. Hence the unbalanced games you might get.

I play on EU and on that server there are several 5 stacks with 80% winrate that ruin games in QM for fun and mock/spray spam you in base when they kill your core.

Those people only play this game in premades to ruin games just becasue they got the power to do it.

Normal 4-5 stacks are still beatable cause they mostly are 5 solo players that grouped up for exp or some casual friends that logged in for some fun.

Rest of them are just try hards that ruin games on purpose just to flex thier 80-90% winrate in a game mode that only cater to them.


entirely unfair . in no legitimate game is this nonsense allowed . failure to balance QM is absolutely one of the reasons this game died. even when the population was high they refused to do the right thing for the game. so now the knights defend this corpse of a game it would be funny if it wasn’t so sad

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even without stacked teams in QM they couldn’t balance QM . just so you know you are arguing with the players that helped destroy this game. all of them take advantage of this broken game so good luck convincing them that it is in their best interest to have fair and balanced matches

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Why are you lying on purpose?

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why are you? if the things you say were even remotely true this game might still be around . we stand in the wreckage of bad decision making . there is no mystery here . ignore players at your games peril …oops too late

Setiously? A no u?
Then just ignoring everything to keep repeating your “catchphrase”?

I don’t lie. You on the other hand:

Spread malecious lies. Pitiful.

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'cept LoL and Dota 2 will have the same complaints on unfair/bad/shouldn’t do this matching. The topics go back to prior to HotS release, persist through it, and continue to this day despite what changes the games may have made to the games – or perhaps those dev blogs are just lipservice. Regardless, your notruescottsman rants don’t amount to much else but deluding yourself.

While they may have particular modes for particular matches, you’ll still see complaints of stacks vs non, gm vs newb, and so on. Find a ‘legitimate game’ that doesn’t have that nonsense and it’s either ‘ded’ too, or wasn’t an online game. Games that do not directly enforce matching parameters with specific skills are going to be all over the place and ‘unfair’ because the players that play them are demonstrably flawed creatures that do not consistently live up to the metrics stable matching demands for average performance, especially for games with massive rosters.

What is ‘sad’ is seeing personas like yourself that persist in willful ignorance for years on end; you have ‘fanbois’ that ‘destroyed the game’ and have little-to-no clue on how their over-generalizations simply don’t work, but as long as they have something to blame, they’ll keep on repeating them ad infinitum.


You should consider a career in PR. You would make an excellent propagandist or oil/tobacco company spokesman since you’re willing to spin anything, even this very obvious QM abuse by 5 stacks.

Anyone who has to play QM and face these stacks knows it’s not fair. We don’t even need heroesprofile, we know it’s messed up when the enemy Ana is behind your still standing fort bullying your team’s assassin back into the keep. They are also at least 5 times more likely to b-step around your core when they win. These people are mostly scum. It’s not enough for them to be a stack, it’s not enough for them that their enemies don’t even get to officially find out they are a stack before the game ends, it’s not enough for them that the matchmaker already puts them vs weaker teams just to get a match going, oh no, they will also further abuse QM by doing things like no tank Uther double heal, or playing some Cho’Gall cheese, or Samuro + Abathur, they will delay ending the game on ToD to farm your team some more, they will add level 79 smurfs to their stacks of level 1000s to increase their chances to prey on less experienced players, they will whisper you emojis post game to insult you in a plausibly deniable way. This are the people you’re making excuses for. If you don’t have that in EU, then just don’t say anything instead of making a fool of yourself. Honestly, the best argument you could have made against them is that they probably aren’t as good as their ranked ratings say because they probably abused stacking, smurfs, and off peak times to get those, too. But the state of QM is such that even a stack of genuine plats/diamonds will more often than not run into gimped competition.


It isn’t. It is the so called extended matchmaking which in a nutshell is a joke that should be removed for longer queue times. And what the game needs as well is a smurf queue for all modes which aren’t ARAM.

blizzard doesnt care, they think this match making is balanced and ok.