Who could be next heroes?

Now, assuming Mei wasn’t the last hero (been over that already), who do you think could be next heros? What heroes would you like to see?

I know we’ll have to wait another 6-7 months to know for certain (lol), but we can speculate. Here’s the three I think are the most likely:

  1. Lady Vashj - I’m kinda certain that they already have something about her for years now, and that she’s been on hold for a while now. She seems even more likely given that WoW TBC has been all but confirmed, and that she plays a role in the SL, there’s the most recent Heartstone expansion Ashes of Outland(which itself is kinda a teaser for WoW TBC) and Warcraft 3 Reforged was released not that long ago. She might as well be the next hero, or at least in waiting till WoW TBC or SL get near release. Plus the Naga are the only important faction in WoW left that have no representative in HotS, yet.

  2. Winston - With Overwatch 2 in the making, likely being the most important project to the company right now, it seems very likely that the last of the three promo faces for OW2 will be added to the game. Seems even more likely after Mei, the second of the three promo faces(Tracer being in game for long time already). Besides when you say OW, what face and hero do you think of? Yes, Tracer, but Winston comes close second after her, so he’s kinda overdue already.

  3. Baal - The last of the three brothers, and the three prime evils(not counting Mei), missing to have all three. Plus he’s confirmed to appear in Diablo Immortal, so that makes him even more likely.

What do you people think?

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I would love a Starcraft based tank, but probably not anytime soon…I was thinking a Warcraft character that plays an important role in upcoming expansion. Bolvar maybe?

It’s hard to predict who will be next, 'cause we don’t have any clues yet (that I’m aware of… Dataminers could be at it again without my knowledge), but some people are saying a Starcrat hero would be next, because it’s been a long time since one was released.

As for what I want, all three that you mentioned are in my “most wanted” list, though none of them is at the top (that place is for Blackthorne).

But for the next hero, I agree it’s Starcraft’s turn (unless Classics gets theirs first :stuck_out_tongue:).
I’d love to see the Overmind, Talandar, Tosh, or a Hybrid.

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obviously another classic hero is next.

Rock N Roll Racer Let’s Go!
/not serious.


Yes, I agree it’s Starcraft’s turn, but as of now there’s no Starcraft game in the making(that we know of), so to me at least, that seems to make them kinda “second class frinchise”, which is really sad when you think about it.

As for Starcraft, well currently there are 6 terran and protoss heroes and 5 zerg. So by that calculation it could be a Zerg, but on the other hand Zerg don’t have that many characters, and most (if not all of them are already in game).
What I want from Starcraft is a female Protoss(all Protoss in HotS are male), so Selendis, Vorazun, Raszagal, Rohana etc…Now that I think about it a Protoss healer or support that has something to do with shields might be fun.

As for Bolvar, we already have Arthas, that’s a combo of all three WoW DK specs(Tank like Blood, frost spells, two handed weapons+Death Coil and Ghouls like Unholy), so I can hardly picture him as anything. As a Paladin, again there are Uther and Yrel, so…

MERCY PLEASE (No, I’m not counting Auriel and Lt.Morales as Mercy)

I doubt it’d be Winston. We just got a tank from Overwatch. I doubt they’d release the heroes with same roles from the same universe when one was released before them. But i’m not gonna say he’s not coming cause he’s not highly requested. Cause Reinhardt was the most requested hero as the first Overwatch tank but instead we got Mei who wasn’t really highly requested.

Overall I think the next hero is from Starcraft. Cause the latest Starcraft hero was Fenix who was released in March 27 in 2018.



(although to be fair, they did apologize and explain why they thought it was okay).

seems (based on nothing but cinematics/what I read) like he Could be a bruiser. Which I still don’t think would happen at all. Because i think they will try to avoid same universe back to back. And when they do it, they will try to make roles different. (bruiser+tank kinda fuse into 1).

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We just got a new hero, can’t this thread wait another month or two :confused:


More like 5-6 months.

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Let’s face it, people might actually be hoping for something from there. I don’t care how fun the two ‘From the Nexus’ heroes are, no one had them on their most wanted list.

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Sadly, to me Mercy skin for Auriel seems far more likely.

He might not be a tank, remember Mei isn’t a tank in OW, but a “ranged assassin” rather. But yeah, I can’t picture him as anything but a tank.

Yeah, but honestly, there’s always a possibility that the next hero will indeed be from the Nexus.

The devs already got the class roles the next 11 releases should be if they know what’s good for the game

There is already a skin for Morales that resembles Mercy (Merciful). Neither Auriel and Lt.Morales look similar to Mercy to make her a skin (Widowmaker is Nova’s skin cause Widow’s body shape, hair and sniper are too similar to Nova)

I just hope it’s not the Raven Lord.

Any SC2 hero would be awesome in my books.

Would also like Stukov to be redesigned closer to his SC2 counterpart if anything…

Baal would be really fun to play and can appease all of the Diablo fanatics like me until Lilith makes her inevitable presence felt in the Nexus.

But Baal would likely come out next summer during the 20-year anniversary of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. Surely there will be a couple of heroes coming out before then.

Also I’d like to see the new battleground “Worldstone Keep” added along with Baal. I think the devs can do something clever with that map. Since the “Throne of Destruction” is technically the final part of the Worldstone Keep levels.

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Starcraft hero or riot :laughing:

I think the only Zerg we got left is that woman Zerg in heart of the swarm. Maybe Dural or what ever the Zerg ghost was called in sc1 expiation. Oh and the overmind. Then random units or creatures from that primal Zerg world or just normal Zerg units.

Then we got Baal, lol jk next Diablo hero is a Fallen hero we all know that.

Then we got are Warcraft hero’s. Good old goblin tinker or what ever he’s called. Him or that fat dreadlord ya he’s cool. When they make him I know they’ll come back and make Mals wings wavy like how dreadlords we’re in wc3.

Duran. Not to be mistaken with Duran Duran.

Gazlowe. I am very confident that that is what Gazlowe is.

I like those ideas of another Zerg or a female Protoss. I suppose a cerebrate would play too much like Abathur to be a real possibility. What I want to see is a StarCraft Science Vessel, though, I would probably not end up playing it. I tend to enjoy melee heroes the most.

That’s the problem with some people. So concerned on who the next hero is and when that they don’t appreciate any new hero that comes out.

Player base in one gif when it comes to new hero releases.

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The next hero from StarCraft is almost certain. Lady’vashj is also a very likely option.
I think she will come as the next hero (after the next hero).