Whitemane Tests on PTR. This is insanely busted

This post is hilarious. Sam and Butcher not using their abilities lose to a Whitemane that uses all her cooldowns! I wonder if Illidan can 1v1 all these heroes by just using evasion.

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Well, that would make sense, but I don’t see any point in making a big deal about it then. So it works like every other heal in the game, whoop-dee-doo!

The problem is that it turns her into a sustained damage/healer, which is about the opposite of what she was previously, which was a burst damage/healer. It does completely change how you draft and play her. She no longer brings kill pressure to a single target as she used to, so while the total damage done is the same, the impact on a team fight is wildly different.

For example, Lucio can easily and consistently top the healing meters, but if one of his allies is subject to focus fire, outside of his ult, there is not much Lucio can do to save them.

But to get back to the OP, I think the point of the video is that they dramatically changed her power budget and playstyle, which can potentially lead to situations like the video shows.


Wombat is correct, I should have been more clear in my wording.

Things that reduce outgoing healing do not affect zeal healing from auto attacks. Spellpower reductions thus do not apply but physical damage reductions do.

Matthew, I legitimately stood in chromie sands so that Samuro would crit me every time. The clones do almost no damage. Given I survived several engagements with nearly 50% health, and E is also an AoE, AND it’s common practice for Samuro to move clones away to other locations instead of dogpiling one character with base 18 damage clones, it would not have changed things.

Also Butcher had 400 meat and used charge and Q. We found that 400 meat + self heal + full talents did mean butcher wins that 1v1, but it takes a while for him to chew through whitemane’s HP. It’s a demonstration of how much damage she can sustain through/heal someone through. It’s a really good demonstration of it.

If her healing is based on dealing damage… yeah?
So the damage you deal no matter if it is single target or AOE heals the same amount?


I am talking about her damage changes, not the healing ones, since you were talking about the developer quote stating that her damage hasn’t changed. My point is that while the numbers are the same, the impact on a match is not. She has lost the kill pressure she used to bring to a team fight.


Ah, yes, my brain somehow read you meant she was an anti-burst healer/only bursty healing, and didn’t have sustained healing.

My reading comprehension failed, badly.


Local chad just rekt everyone

This seems to be the sole reason the community is upset.

I actually liked playing Whitemane on the PTR myself. I liked the AA build a lot but even I’ll admit there’s something off about her. Her abilities feel really weak (early on) and you have to pass on utility to make the AA build’s healing really good.

She lost the mage style burst that people enjoyed. That sucks because it was what made her unique in many ways. I wish they could have made some of the AA stuff baseline or merged a few of the talents together. That way you could mix your talent options more.

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*grumble grumble * especially since they axed Speed Boost *grumble grumble *


This is just like the wow video from the shaman in mop doing 1million damage, its not op if you need so many things set up before doing this, come on, if you want to do this you need to apply zeal to all your team, thats why you have vikings and rexxar, otherwise your AA damage will not be that good, if your team gets that closer in a TF you risk to get CC chained if the enemy has some AoE CC (which is almost a sure thing in leagues) in a regular instance you can’t do this, you need to ult to get armor plus 4 people more to tank it and you only tank one while staying in turret mode.

I was the first into saying that AA build is going to be a little bit nerfed once it gets live but this is taking things out of context, its like if i put 5 persons in straight line and spams mephistos abilities or the 5 in a circle and spam kel’thuzad heroics, its different in game

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Looks like i’m going to be taking Divine Shield with the level 20 upgrade every game when she comes out. :smiley:

I keep saying this, but you really don’t need much to set it up. Press R, right click the enemy, Press q on people your ult didn’t hit because 8 range. Boom, done.

Yes, a dedicated CC chain will stop it. Medivh activating protected, her tank peeling for her, her damage peeling for her, her own team’s CC, will all enable it.

The problem is unless you can get a near perfect stunlock, this is what’s going to happen. You have to save several CC’s to kill whitemane and then burst her down. And if Medivh pops protected, or uther pops DShield, then you’re kinda screwed. Zarya shields come with a cleanse talent too.

Meanwhile, her healing is applied to the entire team, and this is a bonkers amount of healing that lets her sustain through some of the highest damage in the game. And she can get this healing by slapping the enemy tank.

Well, isn’t it obvious that they gave her an overpowered basic attack build, but they took everything else away from her?
Sure this build should be nerfed, but she should get some alternative builds back :stuck_out_tongue:

I really doubt she would be the prime target of the enemy’s blinds.

ana with vampiric rounds can be pretty darn resilient in the lategame q:

i would say li li as well, but she’s less of a “stand her ground” type & more of a harasser/opportunist

You are always testing this in one way only, you always have at least 5 heroes with zeal and only one enemy hitting you while you have extra armor, in a real match up you are not going to fight 5vs1, if you go AA build you need to stay close to the enemy, its the same as tyrande, she will be focused. If you have to use a heroic to survive against one enemy and you need 4 more allies close to you then i don’t see it so strong.

Also this, do you know tyrande? she is exactly this, she can solo any assassin 1v1 yet i don’t see anyone saying how broken she is, because this game is not about 1v1 or 1v5

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I already did the math, and Whitemane can dish out roughly 260 HPS with a full AA healing build to her entire team by JUST auto attacking - No ult, no further heals outside of what’s needed to maintain zeal, not even E usable. Using heals and E further boosts her HPS up to 315 HPS with a full AA build. Ult makes her essentially unkillable for the duration outside of Ana’s grenade.

You also can’t just say “Just CC her”. Sure, that works early game, but late game if Whitemane was good with her quest, she will have tank level HP or higher, which requires a full concentrated 5 man to kill before the CC runs out.

Still, both of Whitemane’s top builds require her to CONSTANTLY AA non-stop, so blinds are incredibly powerful against her now.

The difference between Whitemane and Tyrande is…

1: Whitemane has 6.6 range with AA build, Tyrande has 5.5. Sure, 1.1 extra range doesn’t seem like much, but it’s almost universally agreed on that extra range makes the difference between squish and untouchable.
2: Tyrande’s HPS is only slightly above other healers while constantly AAing. Whitemane’s HPS is 260 HPS to EVERY target, or over 1250 combined HPS to her entire team. There are NO healers who come close to this amount of HPS outside of Ults.
3: Whitemane has a talent that grants her health available at lvl 1, and can be stacked every 5 seconds on however many targets get hit - IF the enemy team is full of potatoes, Whitemane can probably get more HP then the rest of her team combined. Even if she just gets 2 stacks per E usage, late game that’s still tank-lvl health.

As I said though, she needs both lvl 13 (So it comes online earlier then a number of other powerful builds), and blinds completely kills her healing throughput.

Tyrande has 6 range.

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