Whitemane Tests on PTR. This is insanely busted

Myself and the members of the Windstriders Discord, such as Blackstorm and Asddsa76 ran tests on the new whitemane on the PTR.

She beats 400 meat butcher when his W is not used, and can tank Samuro critting her on every single hit. She can successfully sustain under two towers of fire by just AAing.

This is insane. This rework needs to go back for another pass. No healer should be able to respond to dive by just standing there, right clicking it, and WINNING.


Not sure if this is sarcasm, but expect to get CC’d as the healer.


Most dive characters lack CC tools. Also, the sheer value of healing shown is applied to 5 people. If she is peeled for, or god forbid, uther divine shields her, she can do this completely unstopped. Likewise if medivh protectedbtw’s her through the CC duration.

With the range of an ADC and the healing to survive taking a samuro critting every strike to the face, any sort of defensive line around whitemane makes her entire team unkillable.

Also, she gets her own self-Unstoppable at 20 if the enemy is CCing you down.

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What are you trying to test? Auto attack build? You aren’t going to get those results if you don’t take SA btw.

Auto attack build vs some of the highest damage characters in the game. Whitemane gets dived and her teammates are busy fighting other enemies.

Quite unlikely you would be auto attacking while running away from a full team dive. Your demonstrations really only apply to duels.

If the entire enemy team, all of them, make it past your tank, and you get zero peels or support… Uh, your team is kinda AFK.

Also, as demonstrated, you don’t NEED to run away. We tested the most facemelting builds in the game. That samuro setup in slowing sands? That three hit kills Hanzo from full. If your tank and teammates are doing their jobs of applying their CC’s and attacking targets, you can easily pump out enough healing to last long enough.


Actually, what was the point of that? Slowing sands upgrade reduces spell armor, which Samuro has none of, aside from Bladestorm ult.


Samuro has a talent called Merciless Strikes. When the target is slowed, every single attack he makes will always be a Critical Strike.

I stood still in slowing Sands so that Samuro would critical every single attack he could make, while running the highest possible damage build there is for Samuro. With this setup, he three hit kills Hanzo.

Every single strike you saw me take was a Phantom Pain boosted Critical Strike. and I still won.


The AA build has insane potential. There’s some key problems tho: Blinds/CC completely shut it down and she doesn’t really have any other build that can put out anywhere near that level of healing. The new Whitemane feels very one dimensional.

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She really really does feel extremely one-dimensional, and overbuffed in that one area. Hilariously, she’s now best in double support. Pair her with uther, divine shield her, and your entire team cannot die.

If this gets released, it will get nerfed, and then she’s left with nothing.


Honestly, I don’t think it’s too overpowered. She needs allies around to buff AA damage, blinds cripple her and CC will mostly result in her death since her other abilities lack the burst healing that had before.

I really hope they buff up other parts of her kit. Like you said, any nerfs to her AA build will really hurt this new version of Whitemane.

so the mana nerf is gonna make actually playing as a healer really difficult,
but shes also became an unnaturally good duelist?
very weird patch.
why not just remove her from the healer role at this point XD

Well, as far as I could understand it, not really.

The result of this is from talents that empowers her for each active Zeal on allies.
Which she wont be having in a duel-scenario.

Ah, I forgot about that. Thanks for the clarification.
I tend to not take talents like that because I dislike relying on allies’ providing CC, especially when I’m playing a back-line assassin or duelist like Samuro, so I completely forgot he had that talent.

Even though I’m like level 45 with the green guy.

Ana will likely destroy her utterly…

Grenade can be used to prevent her from healing at all for some period of time. On top of that Ana can apply a -50% spell power. If the healing works like most other healing that is -50% healing she does from the -50% spell power on top of periodic -100%. To put it in perspective 1 ana grenade and Sumaro would have effortlessly killed you.

That and her AA was already lowered so the buff from one or two zeals don’t really make her AA all that dangerous, as it already had quite a low base damage.

That said bear in mind her damage output is actually roughly the same it is just that the old Whitemane was a burst damage dealer, fanatical power with proper set up is a strong burst that could finish off a damage dealer from reacting.

Whereas the new Whitemane… accomplishes her damage in a more steady manner via constant AAs. Meaning while the damage is more or less the same, or even potentially higher. The issue is you have much less ability to burst someone out of position / overstay and punish them accordingly, and in doing so forcing a reaction from the enemy tank or healer. So it is much more difficult to actually net those kills as the target simply has to back out as Whitemane can’t burst them down, and her AA damage isn’t all that impressive with the low base even with buffs.

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Healing reduction doesn’t apply to AA zeals, as it directly converts AA damage to healing. Nanoboosting whitemane doesn’t apply to AA based healing, nor does reducing her spellpower.

And yes, Ana nade messes up this. Medivh un-messes it up however, but we’re moving into the realm of team composition and not simply pointing out how overtuned and braindead this is. Imagine this with an uther divine shielding it, arthas popping sindragosa, and two hypercarries. Can’t escape. Can’t damage whitemane. Can’t kill her allies.

No, no, no, you’re ignoring all the people with their FACTS based on ZERO games played in draft format with MMR taken into account, and maybe a few try/versus AI games. Possibly even waited for a QM or three.

SHE CANNOT DO THE THAT AMOUNT OF DAMAGE!!! Her damage potential is not as high now! LOW damage potential!.

(Seriously though, the Developer response that was linked noted that loads of feedback across players was that her damage was nerfed according to player looking. Clearly this is not the case.)

I don’t play her, so identity things are true, but if this post is even semi-accurate there is clearly no reason to worry about damage and being able to deal it as Whitemane. Which has been part of the “she’s ruined!”

You’re gonna need to post a video of this if you want me to believe it. There are no exceptions to the healing reduction rule that I know of. If you can apply the debuff, it affects the target, no exceptions.

I see absolutely no reason why Whitemane’s new AA build would circumvent this rule when it still applies to Tyrande’s and Butcher’s AA healing, among others.

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I think he meant that healing reduction applied on WM doesnt reduce healing on Zeal targets (since it depends on damage done). At least that would make sense.

He is correct I think. Only “damage done” buff/debuff changes her healing output from AAs.