Whitemane Q cooldown revert to 0.3s

Whitemane’s Q is supposed to have no cooldown yet the spell has around 0.5s gcd…

It makes her feel very clunky when trying to save a squishy player…

Before you say, ‘don’t draft her with squishies’ or ‘it’s the spell cast time that takes 0.5s’, it’s not supposed to be like that…

If we for example take Li ming resets… If she kills someone with her blink she is able to blink right away… It made me waste second blink more than a couple of times, but it works as a reset, as a spell with no cooldown.

Whitemane’s Q doesn’t work like that, and it should.

She doesn’t give armor on range like uther, doesn’t have Anduin’s Leap trait, so spamming those Q’s is a really important factor to playing her.

It was 0.3 on her release and it made her extremely difficult to kill.

I think its just to balance it out, like every instant cast ability in the game actually has a cast channel before activating.

On release every hero is hard to kill?
Also, the talent which gave her shield (on 3 stacks of Desp) and increased Q spam heal is gone, so that no longer is an issue.

Plus, cast time changes little about her own survivability vs semi-capable opponents… she still dies in 2 stuns no matter the cast time if not defended…

This would just change mostly her ability to save allies outside teamfights which she lacks.

Furthermore, to respond to Damian, it is still balanced out by her mana consumption, isnt it? so if u spam it you can cast it only 4 times most of time.

And if it actually needed balance, then lower her Q heal more, i think it would be better to have 3 small quick heals, than 3 (hardly) mediocre heals with useless delay between them.