Which OW hero would you like next?

As we need a chance to Mercy, Sombra, Pharah, McCree, and Brigitte into the Nexus! here Mercy quotes below:


If not Sigma.

If not Wecking Ball.

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No, that’s not the case. We already have all of his abilities in the game. If they’ll add him, he must be very different, just like they did with Mei.

You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to think your opinion is garbage


:salt: :salt: :salt:

One of my favourite youtubers has a saying that I think sums you up perfectly

“Confession Through Projection”

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Why are you so angry? There was literally no point of answering so salty to my simple comment.

Some abilities have to be changed in order to be transitioned from OW to here in order to feasibly work in a MOBA. Expecting them to work exactly as they did in OW is silly.

D.Va’s defense matrix is supposed to literally eat any and all projectiles and delete them from existence, but that’s a bit difficult to code here (you would probably have to do a case-by-case basis for everything) and would be quite OP if it did work that way.

Genji’s Deflect is supposed to bounce any kind of projectile back, but that’s an absolute nightmare to get working vs specific abilities, so they had to rework it to what we have now.

Winston’s shield is different from Reinhardt’s in the fact that it is a dome instead of a horizontal line, which means they would actually have a much easier time working it in. Perhaps it has its own healthbar and absorbs damage from allies standing in it, or maybe it just applies a Shield.

They do not have to make her an exact copy of what she currently is. They could easily give her the timed version no problem if it became necessary.

Heroes that have ultimate which are similar enough to be called the same already exist (such as Illidan’s Hunt or Tyrael’s Judgment), so this wouldn’t be a problem, especially not if they differ even slightly.

No, some of his abilities only exist across split up amongst multiple heroes. His kit would be just fine.

Just because 2 heroes share a single similar ability or ultimate does not make them the same hero. Li Ming and Zeratul both have an instant teleport but they work entirely differently. Nova and Samuro can both summon copies of themselves. Varian, Kerrigan, Illidan, and Greymane all have a point-and-click abilities that charges themselves at enemies.

It’s the sum of the kit that makes a hero unique. Their entire kit does not need to consist of abilities that have never been heard of before.


Ok good then, because literally all abilities of all heroes are in the game. Reaper regardless would be awesome to have, even if you can’t copy paste his kit, which imo, wouldn’t be bad (ie tracer, hanzo, junk, zarya).

Btw, does anyone know a rational explanation how is Winston still not in HotS?

He’s as iconic as Tracer, the main character of traolers of both OW and OW2, on most posters.

When you say OW, you think of Tracer and him.

So, basically, a better version of Wormhole

At least they have some differences. Sombra and Malf don’t. Or you calling “Shield” destruction a different stuff? No, it’s just OP.

Because their other abilities are unique.

I say it again: look at Reaper’s kit:
Tp - already exists, Fenix’s E
Shift - already exists, Tassadar’s Shadow Walk
Passive - already exists, Illidan’s Trait
Heroic - obvious, Valla’s R

There is nothing left. That’s why i said they need to remake him as they did with Mei.

And they all work differently. But not Sombra’s.

They should, because i don’t want to have LoL’s situations, where new heroes are just stitched (and OP) versions of previous heroes.

Well they are at least unique.

I don’t. I think of Junkrat, Mccree and Reaper, but totally not some 200IQ gorilla with tesla gun.

Ashe and maybe Moira.

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As much as I don’t want Sombra in the game I do have to not only concede this point but even add onto it
Even ultimates like the Hunted and Judgement have different dynamics JUST because of the hero they are attached to

Even if it was an exact replica of Twilight Dream giving it to a mobile assassin with stealth and teleport mechanics already makes it an entirely different ball game vs a mostly defensive in how it idealy should be used from the very squishy Mr Malfurion


I repeat
“Confession through projection”

I’m not salty I literally said you’re entitled to your opinion even if I persoanlly think it’s a dumb opinion.

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It functions similarly to wormhole, but unlike wormhole you could see where she would teleport to instead of having to keep track in your head. Also, with Wormhole Zeratul gets 2 teleports (1 in, 1 out), this is just a single teleport.

There are differences. Sombra’s ult does not deal any damage (or at least, it’s not supposed to assuming we’re transitioning it that way) but completely deletes enemy shields. It’s also supposed to Hack other things nearby as well, so assuming that she doesn’t just Hack enemy heroes, it would probably also apply itself on those hackable entities.

Thank you for literally agreeing to the point I was trying to make but still making it sound like I’m wrong about it at the same time.

Those heroes all share roughly 1 ability. But oddly enough, the way they function and play are entirely different because the rest of their kits are pretty different from one another. It’s almost like their identity is not defined by a single button.

If we went by your argument, we shouldn’t ever get any more heroes because somebody already has something that is kinda sorta similar to a single ability of whatever the new hero has.


My theory is that they could not or currently trying to get his barrier to work.

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She could do an aoe shutdown of buildings or complete takeover of them and turn them against the enemy. Like a twilight dream but instead of damage it freezes them like sylvanas trait or possesses them.

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More hot-:poop: takes by SMILE, everybody!

There is so much obviously wrong in this post, and just about every other post you’ve made in this thread, that I don’t think I even have to explain it for anyone else here.

I like how this is basically a repeat of what we argued over in that other thread back in November, where you actively argued against adding most characters to HotS because they vaguely overlap with some other character in some minor way.

My favorites were when you claimed that Tosh = Nova and Stukov = Infestor. That was funny.


I dont really like overwatch, but bastion is cool. His cinematic where he come out of the forest with the yellow bird is well done.

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Dude, I would LOVE to see Bastion with his Gatling cannon as a channeled rapid-fire skillshot! Like, when he’s in Sentry mode, you can press Q and then hold click and you’ll constantly spray skillshots downrange.
That’s one of the really interesting mechanics I think could be done with Bastion to make him fit into HotS.