Which OW hero would you like next?

Who have a topic for WC and SC heroes, but I want to have the honor of making one for OW.

Thus if we were to get another OW hero, who would you like?

As always my picks:


Sombra, Sombra, Sombra! If we are gonna add another ranged assassin (though I would prefer a debuff-support), let’s make it something that we haven’t seen in a while and make it a stealthie!

I would also accept Zenyatta and Orisa.


Either Moira or Symmetra. Sombra and Brig sound fun tho.


Don’t really care about OW, but if I had to pick one, I’d definitely pick Winston. He’d be a Tank of course.

I’m surprised he’s not in game yet, heck he’s as iconic as Tracer.

P.S now we need someone to make Diablo one.:crazy_face:


Put me down as another vote for Sombra!


What’s the hype around Sombra? We already have her abilities in the game.

I would like to have Mccree, Doomfist or at least Torbjorn. And YES, it’s not hard to make them unique.

I would also like to have Roadhog, but we already got Cosplay stuff so it’s not going to happen for a long time…

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Wrecking Ball

Bob (and Ashe, fine)




No one else who I like and miss.


I would like to see:

Mercy because her being in Nexus with her Staff, Pistol Gun, and etc from Overwatch would be pretty cool.

Mccree because he’s a cool looking Cowboy outlaw.

Winston I really want a Gorilla Hero in the Nexus.

Torbjorn a Engineer Hero would be cool as well.

Moira since we really need a Talon Hero in the Nexus.

Finally Sombra because like Moira we need a Talon Hero and she’s also cool too.

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I find that we’re missing a Talon hero and an Omnic one.
Both are very significant faction to the OW lore, so it feels a bit like if we had Diablo without any demons or Starcraft with no Zerg.

For Talon, my pick would be Reaper, as I feel he’s the most iconic of the bunch (having appeared almost every time Talon did, in cinematics and comics)

For an Omnic, my pick would be Zenyatta or Bastion. Orisa’s cool too, but since she was created more recently and as a human protector, it feels to me like she’s not as good of a rep.

Winston would also be pretty unique (in that he’s not a human), and as someone said, almost as iconic as Tracer.

As I have been waiting for years I can check to next Overwatch heroes for me: Mercy (as I check her voice actor would be good as I know), Sombra (possibly Stealth from Overwatch?), Pharah (Ana kit), McCree, and Brigitte.

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The only role Overwatch is missing is melee assassin and Doomfist would be the easiest to slot in there. They’d probably have to give him the Mei treatment since two of his current abilities are pretty vertical.


I would also like to see how the dev team would make a modern stealthie hero’s kit. Maybe we’ll be able to catch a glimpse at a future Nova or Valeera change.

My pick would be Sombra or Symmetra.


I want the rolling hamster just to see how fun he would be in Hots.


Symm, I love her kit before her rework. The one with Photon Barrier and Photon Shield.

I made a concept for her too, so a bit biased.

Pharah will be the next hero.

Inb4 “valla is just reaper because she spins” because shotguns, phasing out of existence and teleporting are all what valla does right?


Personality. Her personality is great. Also, it’s the specific combination of abilities that make the hero. Plus, we don’t really have anything exactly like her channeled silence.

Aside from Sombra, I’d love to have Ashe and BOB as two separate heroes. They’d have to be played on the same team and have combo abilities like Cho’gall, but they’d otherwise play like two normal heroes.


Though I have my preferences Mercy and Symmetra as they are 2 of the four heroes overall that I want left

but rather… I just want anything that isn’t DOomfist or Sombra
LITERALLY ANYTHING other then those 2

There is exactly one hero we need.


I’d like Symmetra if she was like this: