Which OW hero would you like next?

As much as I don’t want Sombra in the game I do have to not only concede this point but even add onto it
Even ultimates like the Hunted and Judgement have different dynamics JUST because of the hero they are attached to

Even if it was an exact replica of Twilight Dream giving it to a mobile assassin with stealth and teleport mechanics already makes it an entirely different ball game vs a mostly defensive in how it idealy should be used from the very squishy Mr Malfurion


I repeat
“Confession through projection”

I’m not salty I literally said you’re entitled to your opinion even if I persoanlly think it’s a dumb opinion.

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It functions similarly to wormhole, but unlike wormhole you could see where she would teleport to instead of having to keep track in your head. Also, with Wormhole Zeratul gets 2 teleports (1 in, 1 out), this is just a single teleport.

There are differences. Sombra’s ult does not deal any damage (or at least, it’s not supposed to assuming we’re transitioning it that way) but completely deletes enemy shields. It’s also supposed to Hack other things nearby as well, so assuming that she doesn’t just Hack enemy heroes, it would probably also apply itself on those hackable entities.

Thank you for literally agreeing to the point I was trying to make but still making it sound like I’m wrong about it at the same time.

Those heroes all share roughly 1 ability. But oddly enough, the way they function and play are entirely different because the rest of their kits are pretty different from one another. It’s almost like their identity is not defined by a single button.

If we went by your argument, we shouldn’t ever get any more heroes because somebody already has something that is kinda sorta similar to a single ability of whatever the new hero has.


My theory is that they could not or currently trying to get his barrier to work.

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She could do an aoe shutdown of buildings or complete takeover of them and turn them against the enemy. Like a twilight dream but instead of damage it freezes them like sylvanas trait or possesses them.

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More hot-:poop: takes by SMILE, everybody!

There is so much obviously wrong in this post, and just about every other post you’ve made in this thread, that I don’t think I even have to explain it for anyone else here.

I like how this is basically a repeat of what we argued over in that other thread back in November, where you actively argued against adding most characters to HotS because they vaguely overlap with some other character in some minor way.

My favorites were when you claimed that Tosh = Nova and Stukov = Infestor. That was funny.


I dont really like overwatch, but bastion is cool. His cinematic where he come out of the forest with the yellow bird is well done.

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Dude, I would LOVE to see Bastion with his Gatling cannon as a channeled rapid-fire skillshot! Like, when he’s in Sentry mode, you can press Q and then hold click and you’ll constantly spray skillshots downrange.
That’s one of the really interesting mechanics I think could be done with Bastion to make him fit into HotS.


A zone of invulnerable/untargetable/protected would probably be the answer.

Winston’s could probably make it in as a shared shield. Everyone within the AoE gets a set amount of shields, and whenever any of them take damage the shared shield’s health is reduced by however much damage was taken. Even better if the same instance of damage hitting multiple targets only deals 1 instance of damage to the shield to prevent AoEs from nuking it.


If replies are any judge, it would seem there is more interest in Overwatch heroes as than all other franchises, with Warcraft getting the lowest replies, aside from Nexus originals.

In an ideal world we should have one of each universe coming out each year. I can’t believe we were once spoiled with so many new heroes a year, it seems like a world ago.


But isn’t he too similar too hammer in OW? That means he would need a creative rework like Mei.


Right, that was the idea I put forward. He doesn’t have a basic attack in Sentry Mode, instead he has a channeled rapid-fire skillshot.
That alone would be incredibly unique, and we can base the rest of his kit around that.

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That’s probably a combination of factors.

Warcraft is so low because there really isn’t much discussion to be had over the given heroes. People were mostly just throwing out names and moving on because so many of the characters can be interpreted in so many ways that there’s sort of an overload of possibilities to get people interested. Pair that with people getting a bit tired of WC additions, and the thread would naturally fizzle pretty fast.

This thread has so many replies because OW heroes have more concrete basis for discussion to start from. There are fewer heroes and they already have their core identity and abilities predefined. There’s enough information to foster discussion but not so much as to smother it.
Also, I’m pretty sure SMILE’s bullheadedness on why we can’t possibly add this hero or that hero over vague similarities to existing heroes is responsible for probably a good quarter or more of the replies in this thread. Controversy draws attention.


Not sure if they will ever implement the strongest noobstomper from OW into HotS.

I agree with all this, I felt myself that’s the reason too. It’s just a nice change from the usual “Overwatch ruined HOTS”, maybe the community has finally moved past that?


I suspect that’s because they just have other things to blame for ruining the game now.
Like these new Loan talents or something. :roll_eyes:


Ashe and B.O.B.


More like an immobile Tychus because rapid fire and ult turns him into a new hero
Tychus with a self heal tho :eyes:

Yea I noticed that as well. Now I am not a WOW hater but I feel most are generally tired of WOW heroes. Also nexus originals tend to be a wired topic.

Though for the record I am not against either of them being added.

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