Which heroes would be the best parents?

Qhira would teach her kids to swing like a pro.


I just wanna say that murky is his own daddy and mommy at the same time.


id say yrel but… shes a little crazy about the lights…
still. id prefer her.
daddy deathwing will protecttt

Fixed it for you

Never Deathwing. As a boss in his own raid Deathwing tells us he don’t care about his family!

I want the record to show it wasn’t me who said it first

Specail hidden thingy

In Melke’s fanon lore Qhira had originally planned to put down her sword and start a family until she blew up Iresia.

yeaaaa i kinda forgot about how much he neglected his brood.
idk maybe alexstraza then?

DW kids were merly a tool for him to use. He cared for none of them just as long he got what he wanted.
Alexstrasza failed to protect her kids which were made into twilight dragons.
Also just took at Sinestra which where his consort. She had huge scars on her body from mating with him and were left to rot in the deeps of twilight highland.

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Tried to kill each other.

Several times.

Because one was fed lies and the other became immune to the Mind Wipe that Ghosts go through duh

Hanzo because no-one would dare to lecture his kids about Honor
He would also be an excellent math teacher for his kids.

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Alarak. For sure his kids would win every kind of competition.

Alexstrasza - Because “Never mess with a Mother” & The Butcher so the family will always have Fresh Meat on the table.

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Yrel would teach kids to do genocide on people who don’t use light magic… and Deathwing literally states in the WoW dragon sould raid that his children- Onyxia, Sinestra, and Nefarion are nothing.

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in deathwings defense.
they are nothing tbh.
in yrels defense. all praise the light.

Please, let me.

Hey Frog, this is a fun thread.

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Most of these suggestions for best parents are Mass murderers. Are any of you actually taking lore into account when you make your choices? Some of these choices I doubt can actually reproduce much less find someone else out there in the world that could get close enough to say hi to them without dyeing.
If I had to choose I would say some of the orcs, not all, Yrel and most of the Overwatch crew, not junkrat the dude is unstable. And definetly not anyone in the diablo universe, they took the belief in heaven and hell to a whole new level. Straight jackets for all of them.

mei might be the best mom.
OH DUDE. sargent hammer will let you blow stuff up xD

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Arthas and Ragnaros. I will not elaborate

Chris Hansen to anduin: “why don’t you have a seat right over there please?”

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