Which heroes would be the best parents?

I was trying to meme it up but apparently it didn’t deliver.

No I’m just not good at recieving the memes when I’m in a mood it seems, my apologies.

Kerrigan, she’s already taking care of an entire species as her children pretty much (ok it depends from which point in her timeline you’re looking at it but you get the gist). Then again of course her ‘parenting’ consisting of sending her children by the millions on worlds to exterminate opposition isn’t necessarily what humans in general would perceive as good parenting, but humans aren’t Zergs, and Zerg parenting is its own thing I guess.

Actually yeah, maybe not a good example.

abathur since the child would be evolved and improved

Thrall since he already has a son in Wow.
Alex. Well becasue of all the kids she has in Wow


You’re confusing “Hogger” with “hugger”.

For sure :beer::beers:

Would be even funnier if the question was reverted: which heroes would be the worst parents? Now, there are lots of materials to draw preposterous (and funny) examples from.

Then i would say Butcher. He eats eveything and keeps nothing.


Tassadar. He will teach you to like everyone equally and how to make friends, protect them.
Uther. He will teach you justice.
Kharazim will teach you balance and how to defend yourself by being peaceful (and by using punches).
Deckard will help you with education and tell you some stories, so you should stay awhile and listen him.
Fenix will teach you how to get value from loses and stay strong as long as your spirit is unconquered.

Alexstrasza would be a dream mother who would protect her children and they would be compassionate and helpful.

Garrosh is the opposite of Alex who does not protect his children directly, they will be strong and disciplined by his upbringing.


Change my mind.


Yet she failed to do so and lost so many of them…

Most of the cast is either too focused on being their character, or has a iffy track record for being a parent. For example Zagara literally uses her children as suicide bombs (banelings) and Anubarak, Abathur and Deathwing are no better. Kerrigan accidently murdered her mother and permanently crippled her father before she went on a mass murder genocide spree. Characters like Raynor, Valla and Alexstraza failed to protect both their children and their partners who mostly died (a few of Alexstraza’s are still alive). Varian failed Anduin by dying. All the featured angels are too busy being angelic to reproduce. The demon lords literally use their children as disposable assets. Protoss being parents is unheard of.

Out of all of them, possibly The Lost Vikings? I mean they did literally go through time and aliens and back to get back to their families. Some of Overwatch might also make decent parents, if they are not too busy saving the world.

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Dying, in a way to leave one last lesson for your now adult child whom you in the end instilled the one lesson they needed for sure is far from a failure as a parent.

Tassadar would teach kids when to and not to obey rules, and right and wrong. (9/10 score)
Chromie would teach how to repair timelines without causing anomalies. (?/10)
Samuro would teach about honor. (6/10)
Chen would be an awful role model because he is always drunk. (3/10)
Varian would teach how to die for no reason (joke), but also how to be a good person. (7/10)
Diablo would teach how to terrorize. (1/10)
Azmodan would literally teach kids to sin a ton. (1/10)
Greymane would teach kids to fixate on one enemy (Sylvannas) and always assume they are up to no good (she was doing evil, but Greymane didn’t know this and just assumed it). (4/10)
Lucio would… teach kids to like music? (?/10)
Uther would teach kids about justice and honor and peace. (10/10)
Tracer would be a combination of Chromie and Uther. (9/10)
Zeratul would teach kids to help others in need, plus all of Tassadar’s stuff. (10/10)
Garrosh would be a terrible role model by showing kids how to seize power (2/10).

dehaka would help baby evolve properly

Jaina, Cain and Tyrande would make for the best parents.

I’m a bit more curious as to who would make the worst. Maybe Diablo and Murky.

All of the Zerg and Protoss heroes (with exceptions of Kerrigan, Stukov, & Zagara) have The Royal Lineage (belongs to Tyrael & Malthael) which The Royal Guards have as parents Abathur is one of these students.

This is cute, but I still ship Anduin and Nova. Their interactions are adorable.

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Fate of the Queen’s Reprisal Canonically happens first, and tells Genn all he needs to know to warrant attacking her.

Plus the head of the Alliance’s spy network was a dreadlord at the time, so there’s no telling what he “knew”.

I would ship that… but NOva and Tosh

guess that makes sense, WoW lore has so much too it!