Which hero of the Storm are you? [reddit]


I need a magnifying glass to do this.

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I broke the game, I’m too many heroes.


Annoying person = Tracer

This is accurate

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This is so funny :joy::joy::joy::joy:

The unfunny jokes thing may be a little too accurate…

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TLV are pretty accurate.

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This chart is a trap. Who isn’t going to end up being Raynor?

My journey ended abruptly when I realized being called a cold hearted beesting is exactly what honors me.

Hello, Sylvanas. Still #NotMyWarchief.




I am tyrande :slight_smile:


I would have landed on Sylvanas but does that require you to actually be called a cold hearted… you know… or just feel honored if someone did?

If it doesn’t require you to actually be called that, then I landed on Sylvanas lol
If it does, then I landed on KTZ

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Sylvanas is very interesting in WoW. I had a “Friend” who hates Sylvanas and called her a traitor among so many things, but at the same time he adored Arthas, so I told him that Arthas did much worse things, etc and he kept quiet.

Garrosh I guess, but I can’t see how anyone would make it far in the chart.

Also, pour one out for our boy Illidan T_T

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People don’t like her because of her actions and the fact that she has no loyalty to anyone. Its understandable, but its a double standard that they dislike her since other characters have done that, or worse, but still don’t receive as much hate.

Arthas technically made Sylvanas how she is so… if anyone is truly to blame its him.


I guess I’m raynor because I like guns?

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anyone who supports gun control?

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Indeed friend, that’s what bothers me: The double standard. People attack Sylvanas like if Arthas was good, and worst of all, a lot of people overvalue him.

He betrayed his whole race, home, people, and father, while Sylvanas died honorably defending her race, home, and people. Now of course this doesn’t justify her actions afterwards, but it shows how she was clearly a better person before her fall. And she gets 10x more hate for it.

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