Where is Grommash Hellscream?

So where is this groom?

How many people have to apply for this great hero to finally invite him to the game one day?

Please get him into the game sooner.


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Well I’m still waiting for Cairne Bloodhoof from WarCraft III since Alpha testing.
If you really want him, you need to make a full planned out talent list. What are his basic abilities, his heroics, not all but some of the level talent upgrades. More so though, it sounds like they’re looking for heroes that would fill ‘perceived’ gaps. Whatever that means. (Hopefully something along the lines of “We broke the game with too many disabling heroes, now we need more re-enabling heroes to counter them.”)

I have never bothered to think up anything for Cairne, nor have I tried to add to anything anyone else might have suggested. So that’s probably why I’m still waiting.



It’s a skin for Garrosh :slight_smile:


In development, I would hope.

Or at least in the famous “long list of heroes they would like to make someday” (I don’t have any evidence; it just wouldn’t make sense for him not to be).

Unfortunately, there’s no evidence that making concepts for a given hero “helps” that hero get into the game.
I do concepts from time to time, but only because it’s fun, and I personally think that actually expecting the devs to use your concept is likely to just set yourself up for disappointment.

The one exceptions was when the devs asked the community to give out ideas for how to make Deckard Cain, and (presumably) used some of those ideas for his kit.

Actually, I’m not sure if they’re even allowed (by company policy) to look at player-made concepts. I know they aren’t supposed to check out pitches for games or adaptations (novels, movies, etc.), but the site where they tell you that ( https://www.blizzard.com/en-us/company/about/legal-faq.html ) doesn’t explicitly say anything about game content (such as heroes or maps) for games they already have, plus they have done it with skins.

So, I’m not saying your ideas would never make it, but I am saying you probably shouldn’t get your hopes up too much.
“hope for the best, but expect the worst” kind of thing.


Well, doing something is more likely to get you farther than my doing nothing.
I did get my wished for Fenix though, so doing nothing can work…

And Kyle Vlaros, too!

(Cries in Waluigi)

Then again, Deathwing used to be “the Waluigi of HotS”, and before that Imperious and Fenix (kind of), and before that it was Kel’Thuzzad.
So I expect them too show up eventualy, probably even “soon”.

Except Blackthorne, he is my most wanted hero, but I don’t actually expect him to be added


We already have orc Hitler do we really need another hellscream


Define it as a skin for dehaka.hehehe

he will be a powerfull bruiser,a nice warrior,will actually a nice case for game.

If you repeate this then thousand times,I will repeat this apply again.

It is actually a nice concepts.
(Grommash Hell Scream//My wish and My Idea).

This has always been one of my main motivations for making a concept, and especially working on my famous project.
That Hots should understand and accept that the offers that people make to the concept are not just fun or even entertainment. It’s really a suggestion. A suggestion that people like to see and play it in the game.

Even though you spend a lot of effort on a project, and get a lot of feedback, does not always mean its going to be succesful, or even become good. There is a good reason for most concepts to never get implemented, and especialy not in the way the concept was designed.

Its very easy (just look at some of my medivh ideas in the thread i made earlier) to make things broken. And thats why feedback is needed in the first place. But you generaly only get feedback when people like your idea, or when its horrible.

The average idea is generaly not going to get a lot of feedback, even though in those cases its generaly a few things that are well designed.
The problem is simply that the good idea is cluttered with needless information. In your case, you are forcing a theme around a hero, and tried to make interesting talents. But the issue is, of all your talents, most of them are basic and boring talents. Sure, its essential for a hero to have those, but they should be discovered by playtesting.
And it gets worse when you are stating exact values. It at that point is often no longer relevant to your concept, its just a way he can get a boost.

Thats why for hero concepts, you only need a few things:

  • The hero name
  • Basic ability ideas
  • Ultimate ability ideas
  • Gereric talent ideas
  • Talent adjust ideas

And in theroy none of these should be tied to a level or button, unless you got a good reason to! In most cases, you can just let the devs decide the order by playtesting. Cooldowns and comfort usualy matter more here.
Thats for example why stitches has his friendly hook set to 1 and not D or W. Its not used often enough, but when needed, D feels out of position, and as 1 is above Q, it simply works well here.

Rexxar and hammer got reworked for that very same reason. And yes, for players that used to play the hero, it can mess them up as muscle memory does a lot. But logicaly it is generaly better to aim towards a long term playability.
(but then again, not all games use logic on this part as they dont want to hurt existing players)

But you probably could already have said your idea was nothing special since you only got 3 posts from someone else. Its a very generic hero concept. And to be honest, even though i wouldnt mind having a relatively generic hero, i rather see them come up with some more game iconic mechanics.
Deathwing, Deckard, Probius and fenix all have 1 feature that realy makes them stand out from others (unstoppable, potions, power grid, a true protos shield mechanic).

The very basic mechanics are therefor only good if the hero itself would be a very iconic hero. Warcraft is on that part in most cases poorly usable due to the many races in them, there is only iconic raidbosses remaining for that. And on that, kelthuzad and ragnaros did a VERY good job at having special mechanics with that. They arent even a basic hero in this game. Why do we even need a very basic mechanic, garrosh with his throw did enough for his race.

The only rare case in which a relatively basic mechanic works is imperius. As there arent a lot of races in diablo, characters there usualy matter more. And taking a leader there, even if basic, does simply just allow a lot of lore in it.

But for imperius, no matter how basic he appears, his spear is still a unique enough ability that has some interesting side features. His behaviour is also iconic on that. Its why he is considered a good hero. He doesnt match the other angels in that game even closely.

For starcraft, the only reason why blaze exists, is because of the status that the unit has within that game. The best method to kill zerglings is fire after all. You use the unit plenty enough. Just like the medic and siege tank.
But all these units are very restricted by default, and they are generaly given abilities they didnt have in the game.

But the main reason why your concept is most likely not going to be used: tanks and bruisers are too similar in gameplay. He at least should be an assassin to allow a big enough variety. Thats why Varian and Anduin both are in the game, they differ a lot.

Why they took garrosh instead of grommash, probably has to do with key behaviour aspects etc. Garrosh on that simply matching the hero design better. But enough reason to make grommash probably never get added.

And if you think its a lot of wasted effort, and you dont like it. Just consider the lenght of this post and the time it took to type it. Not a lot wil read this.


He always been a highly requested hero but developers never noticed his potential as how many players he could bring in the game (his fanbase is insane). But i feel like it’s already too late. Let Grom live as a legend.

P.S: His fighting style nowhere close to Garrosh. He can’t be a skin, don’t be silly.

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Please, no more orcs.


No, my God-worshiper !!
Incidentally, I was more motivated to work more seriously on projects. Especially to kill you and get some hero points for game…:slight_smile:
I would recommend the most awful ones to them. Don’t worry.
anyway thanks oppinons.

It is the last.

boycott hots until Lasarra is released! WE NEED LASARRA!

yes he is simillar to garrosh,but He enter with a totally different performance and effeiciantly as a Bruiser.(in a way to like you).

I completely agree with having a Firebat with all the abilities that do not originally exist, but there are elite Firebats in both StarCraft 1 and 2. At the very least for all of those basic unit hero implementations, they should have used names from the games.
For me Garrosh comes off the same way, because I refuse to play World of WarCraft until they change it to a pay-as-you-play game instead of pay-and-the-less-you-play-the-more-money-we-make-for-nothing game. So to me he’s just some random grunt.

Hmmm… In a way this is wrong. Garrosh and Grommash’s fighting styles are very similar.

It is Garrosh who fights nothing like Garrosh.

And then they consider LFG as playing… If they do that, it should be a mix where spending at regions where basicly no combat happens it doesnt cost anything.
And for that, a base cost might be unneeded, but i would say a very small cost is better to avoid spammers etc.
Like for example, for $2 a month, you can stay in towns without a timer counting down, but outside of it, you only get 5 hours, for each $2 up to $10/$15/whatver you can play an additional 5 hours.

So has deathwing been one, look how long it takes.

Grommash was added, lets complete the list and add all major orcs! lets add [insert name]…
People are always going to be like that.

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I’m so glad you understand. I don’t know what you know about the game, so maybe your suggestions of pricing are reasonable. At the very least, if I pay for a month of game time, I want that month to count down only while I’m playing.

Anyway, I’m not trying to derail too far. There are 7 empty slots left in the Quick Match Hero selection menu. I think it would be cool if Grom was one of them—For old-times sake mostly.

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Oh not this again…

You do know that every time the slots get close to being filled, they just add more slots, right?

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you all times make barrier for doing suggetions,

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