Where are the White Knights Now?

You know, those of you who absolutely refused to see the direction this game was headed? Who blindly defended the worst aspects of the game? Who constantly tried to silence those of us speaking out against the direction of the game, calling us conspiracy theorists?

And my personal favorite, those of you who were delusional enough to claim this game was even close to popular?

I saw the news today that Blizzard is moving development away from HotS, and at first I was happy, but now mostly I’m just disappointed. This game had all the potential in the world to be the best MOBA on the market, but bad decision after bad decision left us where we are today. As I’ve said multiple times on these forums, 2.0 was the biggest mistake the devs ever made with this game. Instead of actually fixing the major problems with the game, they abandoned the players in pursuit of microtransactions. And for that, I’m glad to see this shambling half-dead corpse of a game finally being put to rest.

But for us, the players, I’m very sad. We told you for YEARS what you needed to do to make this game great. Sometimes you took our advice (when it came to balance changes), and other times you completely ignored us. And still other times, you twisted the community’s words to implement more microtransactions that nobody asked for or wanted.

To Blizzard, congratulations. You made the perfect game…for investors. Rife with microtransactions and a matchmaking system built to minimize churn risk. All the equations and formulas are there. All the cool lootbox opening graphics are there. So I suppose there’s only one thing left to ask.

Do you guys not have players?


I’ve been saying it for ages.

People here always been in denial. Just because Blizzard dumped money into a hole to keep it going and give it an esport scene and the naive people interpreted that into the game is “growing” and the game is popular etc etc…

Blizzard finally decided it wasn’t worth throwing more money into something that isn’t giving anything back. This is completely and utterly PREDICTABLE. It’s a business and there’s something called RETURN ON INVESTMENT. And HotS just cannot justify anymore investment.



Useless character limit.


ya know, you’d probably get less flak for your rants when you dont double-back on what you say.

Similalrly the demand for “white knight” can generally indicate you could have been doom-saying for the sake of both attention and the hopes of being “validated” cuz really, theres no investment or stakes with constantly saying stuff is “dying”

If people jump ship over hgc, then so what. The playerbase that plays the game hsnt cared much for that scene and its part of why it flopped. Aspects of the “publically traded” game scene demand “growth” on visable aspects of the game and the sports scene hasnt had it because the gameplay is divisive.

Much like how investment to doomsay is low, so is the commitment to the game and people can come and go all the time. Some may take the hgc bit to rile up more of the “validation” on this, but the next time a hero is announce, the line of claim for “dedgame” will be put off till another content cycle.

Thats how movas go.

Granted dota inheretedna competitive scene and went with randomware for its organized play, but how long has that had dearths of content?

Heck, hots could prob “survive” off ai and pve brawl modes for game “lore” long enough to put out a new “engine” and just reincent itself by finally bringing out the stuff people demand

Much as people bemoan the “maintanence mode” for games, well, to some degree, it looks to work out. Hi D3 on the switch :smiley:

If people want to be prophetic about game deaths then go on and leave it instead of coming back time and again and being apart of the mau loop that looks like the content cycles are working.

Otherwise, it can be as much white-noise as the articles that literally put out deathrows for dota.

Otherwise jump in on genchat and join the crowd bemoaning their wait for a tank to queue


Oh, so you guys are still here. In utter denial. If Blizzard would have made a good MOBA, we wouldn’t have seen the news we saw today. Heck, even if they made a bad MOBA, but the fixed it over the years and made it into a good one, we wouldn’t have seen the news we saw today.



The white knights have left because if you are white you are just going to get told you are racist if you disagree.


its not as if evo didnt have bad years with content dropped as players lost interest from one year to the next. Wow has had years of slumps, and sure people can say its still crap, but its also alive.

Much as people dont like the back-to-back slams, even the floks in poe would at least try out whatever diablo release happens cuz the name “blizzard” is still there and fanlashback at least sparked enough traction for the activision side to do somethibg as stupid as sell the name off

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Drat. I was hoping you were actually going to talk to the White Knighters, and instead you spent the body of your post just talking to/about Blizzard.

Ironic portrait.

Padding for character limit.

  • Forcing esports.
  • Balancing/designing around esports and leaving the bottom 80% out to dry.
  • Focusing on cosmetics over quality of life changes.
  • Matchmaking. Jesus Christ the matchmaking.
  • The failed war on toxicity resulting in too many false positives (This isn’t to say that we shouldn’t have a proper war on toxicity).
  • Bad reworks.

Hopefully for the remaining devs this is a wake up call to focus on quality instead of content for content’s sake.


Can’t wait to vote for him again. Anything is worth the SJWs crying


I honestly thought you were talking about overwatch for second

You might have more water to tread on if you hadn’t been saying it since the game was three months old.

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White knights only have balls until they a proven wrong. It’s an echo chamber of children talking to one another. Mostly just trolling to try and hurt someone for their own sadistic pleasure. I hate the term, but the virtue signaling was prevalent.

It’s not even the white knights I am laughing at. It’s the apologists for the draconian silence/ban system. If someone has an actual 18 month silence (ban from competitive play), and people are saying that’s a deserved crime…it’s insane. When that person is former GM, former TEACHER OF GAME MECHANICS, Thousands of games under his belt.

Keep banning all the best and most passionate players of your game for getting frustrated in the moment and see where your games get you. This is justice. I just wish it wouldn’t have ended like this because the game was actually damned good for a time.


You’re delusional if you ever thought HotS ever had the same potential as DotA or LoL. From day one this game was a money grab, p2w, unbalanced mess. Don’t get me wrong, it’s fun, but Blizz was never EVER serious about MM and balance.

Because you are one. If you vote for someone because you dislike someone’s ethics or morals, because they differ from yours, you’re a SJW. You’re free to feel however you like, but don’t waste your life being miserable, and wanting everyone around you to be miserable.


Ohhh salty.

I actually only started saying it back in 2016. When it was obvious the game wasn’t growing. But people like you prefer to shut their eyes and cover their ears and pretend everything is great.


That’s why they introduced the report system, to disagree with people morally. Hence, why the game died. Because morals have no place in a competitive game about killing each other.


White knights vs Black knights

There always have to be two sides fighting each others.

For pride and glory.

The war is never ending.

Politics has nothing to do with this thread and is best avoided on the forums. Neither is it a strong argument or related to the issues at hand.

It’s hard to deny the company had very selective hearing and creative interpretations of user feedback. Considering how stifled many discussions are regarding various problems because of “rules” and people flagging differing opinions as toxic, the blame can’t be all placed at the feet of Blizz.

I saw this problem coming for sometime, I could see it in my own game, every game mode with increased queue times. Fewer of my friends logging on and many of them quitting. Events and new release characters hardly having an impact on queue times, where once they would swell numbers.

Promising changes and improvements and rarely implementing them, introducing things nobody ever asked for or wanted. A lack of engagement with their offical forums… Well I could go on, but it’s just repetitive.

It upsets me that this game is in trouble, it is still fun, it still has great potential even without the HGC. I’m just not sure if we’re past the point of no return.

I don’t see it like this at all. I don’t identify with your label of White Knights or Black Knights, neither is this a war.

I honestly feel most people post here in good faith because they enjoy this game on some level. I can only speak for myself, but I post because I love this game and don’t want to see it fail, I also have too much time on my hands.


What is there even to White Knight about? Gaem is literally ded. The CEO said it himself.