Where are the White Knights Now?

The only threads that get shut down are the echo chambers of players complaining that matchmaking isn’t up to par or they got silenced ‘unfairly’ or [redacted] is bad and deserves banned forever that become exponentially more toxic as they get bumped repeatedly by a handful of posters who demand attention and an individual response to their personal grievances.

Because anything less is an outrage.

I wasn’t talking about threads, though I’ve seen many shut down that didn’t deserve to be, but individual posts are often flagged and removed when the only transgression was a differing opinion to those who flagged it.

I can only give my personal anecdote (without quoting as it’s against the rules), I was silenced on the forums for a day in a discussion such as this one. I said “people should have the right to express different viewpoints as long as they are respectful when doing so”. This got me flagged and punished.

This is my point, often differing views are seen as “toxic” or “trolling” when in fact they are providing feedback that could be useful to address problems facing the game. The sound of the echo in the chamber might change depending on your point of view, but if you restrict and limit respectful discourse, it’s still just an echo.


Sadly I’ve been saying this since post-Hanzo/Alex release.

I don’t think 2.0 was bad for the game, but rather the game design in itself. Moving maps away from macro, removing ammo, basically removing specialist as a class, stuff like that is what killed the game. People played this game to get away from Dota and League, yet the devs started changing the game to be closer to both.

After Alex and Hanzo came out, development for this game came to near halt. We went from getting 2 or 3 skins per hero to just 1 (paid) skin, we’d get remastered tracks and a cool menu screen with easter eggs on it, we’d get a hero at least once a month. Development was clearly getting slowly axed.

I didn’t want this to happen, but it’s really not a surprise.

Blizzard keeps shooting themselves in the foot though and their idiotic corporate leaders think that if they make a bunch of mobile games they can keep themselves afloat. People don’t forgive and don’t forget, look at Battlefield V Blizzard. Blizzard is systematically betraying every single one of their groups of fans, it’d be quite impressive if it wasn’t so disheartening.


It’s like… you’re celebrating that the game is going down like the Hindenburg. I am not a White Knight or anything but it’s frankly bizarre that you derive pleasure out of something like that.


Do you have any clue how many posts I’ve made over the years that have been toxified, downvoted, and reported that said this exact same thing? The only thing worse than this game (besides my begrudging continued play) are the players who sit on a throne of lies.


youre right. I would also say this game has been dying for a while because of the trash ban rules as well. Weak research on false reports = players leaving.


Couldn’t have said it better myself.


Here’s an interesting thought. Why announce it now?

Why so close to Christmas?
Why only just after they have released the Christmas event?
Surely they would know how much of a dive GEM purchases would take.

I don’t get the thinking behind this announcement now, rather than after the event finishes.

Even if you had to do a HGC announcement now and another one later.


I would like to address one big thing there…

The people working on cosmetics are the art team. I doubt they have anything to do with development.

Now, hiring a few extra developers instead of a few artists… There you may have a point!


If you read my entire post, you’d see where I stated that at first I was happy to hear the news, but that happiness quickly gave way to disappointment.

But if I’m being honest, while feel bad for the developers who were just doing what they were told, I am actually beyond excited to finally see real consequences for these gaming companies who have completely lost touch with their players. I’m not excited to see desk-job developers get ridiculed and punished for where gaming is today. They do not deserve the ire of the gaming community. But the greedy %#^%bag corporate heads that took gaming and twisted it into the unrecognizable, mtx-ridden, soulless monster that it is today deserve every single penny lost they are seeing right now. I’m not happy that your average dev is likely going to be the only group of people severely affected by this, but I am very happy to finally see this business model fail. It is the only way gaming can ever return to what it used to be. It’s the 80’s all over again.


Whao! Lightning? So you didn’t die IRL?
Ok ok cool.
I’ll say to Activizzard what I said to Tumblr. Congratulations you played yourself.
But really, Bearded murloc said something that could save the game for sure. The real good side to cutting the HGC is to put that money into ad campaigns for the game and get new blood in here! I have to add they need to care about anything other then the microtransaction to keep any blood in here though.
Game ain’t dead till it’s dead! Just like the Nexus core!

You say lies like this when Blizzard has removed big threads both here and in Overwatch the moment they become a threat and get people talking and somehow you still deny you’ve been White Knighting them from the start?


You should have felt terrible for the HotS developers at Blizzcon when Blizzard themselves stated the HotS developers weren’t great.


There are plenty of games with out a pro league that are doing just fine. No pro league doest not = dead game. Now if you can support a pro league then that is better for sure, but don’t over state things, it’s not an all or nothing type thing.


No I’m still alive. I haven’t played HotS since my data analysis threads months ago, but I’m still around :slight_smile:

I sincerely doubt they will use the pulled HGC money on advertisements, but one can hope. Contrary to popular belief, I actually always wanted to see this game succeed, and I’m very sad to see the news about what’s happening with it. But at a certain point, you get what you deserve. This game was sorely neglected and long-standing fundamental issues with the game were never solved while things like 2.0 were somehow a priority. This game never fully made it out of beta.


couldnt stand the whiteknights, but i dont agree that 2.0 was a failure. it brought me back to the game because i gained access to a lot of free heroes and skins id never be able to obtain, because the pricemodel was absolutely rediculous.

but it had too many flaws, like unable to still directly purchase wanted items or that they got rid of the free 20 heroes. there was little to no investment to attract new player (and teach them about the game via good tutorials). instead they invested into an artificially created pro-scene hype that also never took off.

you cant build the roof without investing into the foundation first.

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Absolutely agree, I’ve had the same experience. Nothing but an endless stream of apologists who attempt to use logic, fail, but still have the audacity to look down their nose at you because of sheer pretentiousness and arrogance.

Every time a complaint is brought up about ANYTHING in this game, apologists come out of the damn woodworks to defend this game as if their lives are on the line. And now this game is circling the drain ala Diablo 3.

I hope people have the courage to look at other game companies and start seeing Blizzard for what they truly are.


I truly feel sorry for the devs. They do not deserve to be demonized for the fate of this game. They were only doing what they were told.


Reminds me of the players who were defending Wild Star. Where are they now? Part of me is happy this is happening to Blizzard, but at the same time…sad. It’s like a bittersweet vibe.


So then, we will get it massive influx of SC and Diablo heroes now? I mean, they were saving them so they wouldn’t run out, right? That was the reasoning that was always given for YET ANOTHER WOW HERO…

Serves all these jagganoffs right. Blindly defending The Master while their own legs were being cut off.

Your diehard fans of “the forgotten franchises” were giving you warning signs. We would like a little more development for our favourites, please. Then they released this little white haired sl— who doesn’t even have a franchise - and she is 100 times stronger than every hero combined! WHAT A JOKE!

That is a major reason HotS failed Blizz.

Then, the clusterfup you started in the Diablo department fanned the fires to >9000.

Please understand that.