When you team gets the bot and

You get the bot and the 3 people not in the bot go chase murky, leaving your bot to get raped by valla, hammer, sonya. Then they complain the 2 people in the bot wasted it. It lasted 10 seconds.

Its this kind of madness that just makes you scream “why”.

So by bot do you mean the Triglav Protector on Volskaya?

It does sound infuriating. You can ping, switch lanes, have the ranged poke at structures, approach towers so you can only be hit by one of the two. At least you got it, and the enemy didn’t.

Yes, the protector. You win it and then your team just lets it die as they chase murky. MURKY!

Whenever more than one person chases Murky. You just lost the fight.

Best case scenario for Murky. He punishes poor play so hard. That’s why I love playing him.