When is it a ever a good time to pick Valla over Raynor?

I don’t see any reason to pick a hero with less HP and less range with no way to heal back her squishy HP prior to level 13.

She deals more burst damage than Raynor, but sometimes it’s better to sacrifice more damage for better survivability. Valla cannot survive something as simple as one pyroblast or one butcher Charge, whereas Raynor can. Valla has more mobility, but so do Raynor with W and Giddy-up (both combined offer 20% movement speed but Raynor doesn’t require AA stacks for it), and Raynor has knockback, and IMO having a knockback is better than having a roll because you can save allies with it as well.

Only situation is fighting Immortals, but that’s pretty much it.

Valla does more damage if left alone

i’d say pick valla vs no divers and she should do better than raynor


Yeah Valla does a lot of dps and has good mobility and better burst to boot. Not only that but she’s really strong on BoE.

Edit: Also has better poke and waveclear. She’s also a much stronger hyper carry than Ray Ray.


High mobility
Tons of DPS
Simple playstyle

Valla is always a good pick, and a top tier pick against low mobility heroes.


Literally any time you can trust your tank in a draft
Raynor is a safer pick but has less reward, for Valla has higher DPS
but Raynor can make up for less peel with self heal and a knockback for peel himself and for others.

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Well she’s got an area stun on ult and that’s an amazing resource in and of itself.

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If you build an entire team around Valla she can be much more destructive. Tassadar or Zarya shielding her constantly, a pocket healer keeping her as close to 100% health as possible all game, two tanks peeling for her.

Randoms will almost never agree to “hyper carry” team compositions though, so this would only happen in a 5 premade.


Raynor is super underestimated on BoE. Pick the Merc talent at lvl 1 and watch the Immortal melt.

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I don’t think that people underestimate Ray Ray on BoE, he’s definitely a strong, solid hero on that map and in just general.

I am relatively sure that Valla can kill the immortal faster than Ray Ray can on BoE but I’m sure that Ray Ray comes pretty close.

If I had to guess in terms of speed, it’d probably be something like Valla, Artanis, Greymane, Raynor, and then probably Hanzo. I am sure someone has already done the math on this somewhere out there.

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Valla has a dash , better aoe , and has better range at 20


I am a fan of Raynor over Valla. I like having more defense over a little more dps.

I mained Raynor for years (even when he sucked), and Valla definitely kills the immortal much much faster with her full pve talents and AA build. It’s not even a close contest

Plus she can evade skillshots more reliably thanks to Vault. If she is indeed being pocket healed she will also kill enemy heroes super quickly compared to a Ray with a pocket healer.

I prefer Raynor over her in situations where you have to pepper double tanks who are hard to drive away otherwise. You can also get easy trait stacks from double tanks after his rework.

Anyone who is more confident on his positioning and his tank would pick Valla over Raynor any day of the week.

Raynor has knockback and self-sustain from lvl1 , YES

Valla gets self-sustain at 13, and is much squishier.

Valla has better sustained damage with her AA build
Valla has better burst damage with her Q or W build

At 10, she has a Stun
With AA build and Manticore and rancor, she can 1v1 even a 200 stack butcher
thts something raynor can only hope :slight_smile:

Raynor is a safe pick, slow and steady damage
Valla actually adds a lot to team, with better wave clear, better mobility, a stun, and sustain + burst damage. Her sustain damage is still high even she goes Q or W build by just picking up manticore at 16.

In short
Valla and Raynor = No Comparison

The only similarity is that both are ranged assassins

Hell, Valla even shoots with both hands, while raynor has just one gun LMAO

you forgot she has gloom for things like pyro
+ her stun ult is way better than raynor’s q, u don’t need to spam it just to use it so it turns tf or games in your favor and ultimately it can save you just like raynor’s q

more bursty more mobile, i’d pick raynor for sustain dmg vs tanks, otherwise always valla


The main reason for Valla is sheer damage output. Raynor is sturdier, but Valla is faster and simply deals (a lot) more damage.

Just base aa’s:
Valla with full Hatred deals 75 * 1.8 (hatred) * 1.67 (aa/s) = 225 DPS.
Raynor with Pepper deals 101*1.31 (Pepper, averaged)*1.25 (aa/s)= 165 DPS.

True, and in those times Raynor is indeed better. Other times you can afford to sacrifice some survivability for lethality, and that’s where Valla shines.

Both Heroes have their benefits. Raynor is sturdier and easier to get value out of, whereas Valla requires a bit more setup (needs to be able to get/maintain Hatred, requires team that can help her survive), but is more lethal when she can get going.


It all depends on how capable the opposing team is at punishing the Valla. If they can reliably dive her then Raynor is a safer pick. If team Valla has adequate protection for her, then she’s a stronger damage dealer than Raynor is in pretty much every category except range.


Her Q-poke doesn’t knock targets out of chain cc.

She has a heroic to contribute to chain cc.

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She loses the first immortal becuase it spawns before 7. her Q build level 1 does bonus damage but she cna’t overpower Rays DPS until the reset talent at 7 and even then it’s a close fight

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Insert Melke taking a joke to seriously
Hey now. a Rifle can consistently do more damage then a pistol because you can get bigger bullets and just generally get more kick into it. that’s why it needs two hands

When your tank and healers know what to do

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