When is it a ever a good time to pick Valla over Raynor?

Valla is more rewarding if you have good mechanical skills.

Lets put it this way:

She deals more dmg in general,
Unless you’re a moron and go AA build, she is harder to counter,
She has more mobilty
has better waveclear/siege dmg

In general, Valla is a better pick in most scenarios, but not every can play her, due to her lack of sustain and low health-pool which requires better mechanical skill

TBH it sounds like the valla you play with are bad. She actually can survive a pyroblast (check her lvl 13) and as for Butcher, it’s not a valid argument. That’s like saying you should never pick KT over Alarak because Valeera will take a giant dump on KT. Some people can’t play Alarak, that doesn’t mean KT is bad.

As for your argument of knockback, yes it can save allies, but Valla can GAP-CLOSE to gain a kill, which can be argued to be just as important.

Valla is a beast in a good support comp. If ur team happens to have a extra support like a Tass or medivh then I’d go for valla over raynor. Go ray or if u don’t trust ur team to protect u

From my perspective as a healer i like Raynor more. Vala often gets out of healing range.

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when u lack be female heroes.

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Valla has better chase potential and kill secure.
I pretty sure she can solo a siege camp faster.

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Maybe you’re playing too conservatively and/or your Valla too aggressively?

Honestly though, you should be fine as long as your frontline can keep you both safe and you as a healer get a feel for how your Valla wants to play.

We are talking about Vala, not me :slight_smile: I always adjust my play to my teammates, but Vala is really difficult to follow sometimes. On the other hand, Raynor plays slow and steady and is really easy to keep up with him.

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Ah I gotcha, yeah Raynor plays a bit more conservative because he has long range and no mobility.