I mean…
the only characters without that thing are Gall and DW (because they are always unstoppable).
next we’ll get abilities with tru stun that even the medallion can’t cleanse ;D
Medallion can’t clinse stuns tho.
If you are in it, i mean.
w8 what?
I thought it cleanses all cc…?
I honestly don’t know the difference between stun and knockback. A lot of abilities use the term stun but I never know what they mean.
Slows, Snares, Silences and Stopped are much clearer to me.
I’m guessing the medallion doesn’t stop being ‘stopped’… is there a clear explanation yet?
You can press it before getting stunned, and you will not be stunned because you got 1 second Unstoppable.
A stun is the hail-mary of cc. It prevents movement, attacking and casting. Basically a root, a silence and a ‘blind’ all in one.
The problem with the medallion (as far as I’m aware) is you need to ‘cast’ it, which you can’t do when stunned or silenced as they stop casting. So you have to pre-empt the stun/silence with that tiny 1 second window.
And yes ‘stopped’ ironically ignores unstoppable
Why are you both called Wolf?
I’d be CasualWolf ;D
So it’s not a combobreaker at all… i c
ye this does seem confusing for characters that already have this ability like Johanna. Now they just have an extra.
I thought the medallion works kinda like a summoner’s ability from LoL. As it’s not the character casting it but the summoner controlling them.
It can break combos like cc-chain, when you hammer the button and you are faster than the enemy, who throws the second stun/silence and what so ever, but it’s need timing and it’s fair for me, it’s not a no brainer.
Combobreaker is a term I’m borrowing from fighting games. Every single hit that you land on an opponent usually stuns them for at least 1 frame (tho there are unstoppable mechanics as well).
Combobreakers can be used once per round by each player and they can be cast anytime, usually while inside an enemy’s combo to start your own counter combo chain to win.
Yes and still cc-chains are combos and you can interrupt them, so it’s a kinda combobreaker either?
for all the “this wasn’t thought through” gripes, i would be more indicative that the impulsive outcry (esp for people not playing this stuff out) is the part that’s not ‘thought through’.
Yes, a few select heroes had some anti-cc talents, (such as fleabag) and that pretty much rewarded taking cc hits and became mindlessly dominating picks. Similarly, in some of the ‘cc’ meta trends, having a form of cleanse tends to be a stagnant aspect of healers with the expectation from everyone that it magically be up all the time to use.
well congrats, now there’s a potential ‘unstoppable’ for the whole hero cast which means … drum roll … some picks are probably going to gasp change! A lot of usual hero ban/picks are “scary” for their zoning power due to their cc combo. So if other heroes have a long-cooldown cleanse of their own, that might shift some of the ‘scariness’ of those picks.
Or, the stuff that usually stagnant cc/unstop don’t change at all and nobody cares about the button they’ll accidentally use at other points in the game, and effectively regulate it to a non-factor that takes upwards of like a year for people to figure out (per other trends on hero balance) and not be this “zomg” freakout people keep expecting from their usual outcry of doom for any change they see on paper.
Wanna guess what my play experience has been so far? Cuz ya know, some of us actually try to get in some play experience on this stuff instead of pretending to be armchair experts. What’s that forums? The stuff you said that was underpowered about cassia was the stuff that ended up being her dominant picks? Wow, how dandy was that prediction
Only if they make mistakes and don’t correctly time their chain. With good timing on the enemy’s part there would be no chance to break any cc-chain no matter how much you spam the button.
The only way to reliably counter a cc-chain would be to negate the first hit with the 1 sec unstoppable. After that your only chance its down to bad timing, i.e. mistakes, from the enemy team.
Thats one way to handle too much CC in the game.
I’ve personally never liked generic talents, so giving every hero a universal cleanse button doesn’t sit well with me already. Even beyond that though, this feels a lot like LoL’s Flash to me. There’s a bunch of stuff in LoL that’s specifically balanced around the fact Flash exists and everyone can use it. Suddenly dropping something this drastic into HotS is going to have some wild effects because most heroes are not balanced around everyone being Unstoppable. Obviously there’s still going to be a lot of skill required for proper timing, but in a game like HotS you just need that one good timing to swing any game to end.
Exactly and that is the reason I read in the dev notes why they added this anomaly. They want give players opportunities to play more aggressively and have sth against cc-chains. This talent requires a lot of skill and this could be the thing the community demanded so long for being able to “solo carry”.
So let’s wait and see how it’s end and decide later, when we all experienced it.
The only thing that got to my mind about the Medalion is:
- When will we get a 2nd “extra item” beside the cleanse?
- When will we get old ancient removed talents be added as “item skills” (Bolt of the storm, First aid, Envenom just to name a few)
- when will we be able to shuffle these in the loadout section?
This Medalion things gives me LoL feelings.
Tho…a self cleanse can make a few chars viable, like Butcher who needed a cleanse if he charged in and started to slaughter ppl
I feel that if devs felt too much CC was an issue, they should have looked at actual root of the problem.
Something we can agree on.
If there is a balance problem with long CC chains (which are still much shorter than what it is in other games where such tools are more prevalent), then they should operate on the heroes that cause such balance issues.
Funny that this come right after they introduced Mei, which essentially brings 4+ CC spells to the game. This medallion seems like a lazy way to avoid fixing things the proper way.
You are true, but still I like how they try to handle the case, it’s a good way to test it how it works out.
What is lazy about it? I don’t understand it, because for me this new feature might be what the community demand it long ago, an ability what makes good players better and maybe able to solo carry more. So let’s wait and see how it’s turns out in the end.
Abathur + Zeratul/Illidan wasn’t hard enough to kill? >_>