Ok, I concede you are right about it, but still it is only my assumption and I wouldn’t based on that saying remove or keep it without testing it. Everyone has impressions, but based only on impressions it is wrong to demand sth. to remove, when it wasn’t live at all.
Anomalies shouldn’t affect heroes’ functionality. What’s the point of hero balance if anomalies are changing how every hero works? The weather anomaly buffed certain heroes and nerfed others. Same here. Some are nerfed (heroes who rely on cc) and some are buffed (hypermobile heroes who are supposed to be countered by cc).
I haven’t tried it, and won’t until it goes live, but I don’t think this was a good, well thought out idea. I know it’s just an anomaly, but maybe a little more brainstorming on blizz’s end to come up with a better anomaly would have been beneficial.
Based on your logic we should only play “Final Destination, Fox only”. But in reality we have already maps that affect heroes functionality, eg. Rag/Rexxar for Braxis or Valla/GM for BoE and so on…
That’s just called good drafting… Valla doesn’t get anything extra from playing on BoE, she’s just really good on that map. She still functions the same except chooses different talents
The difference between Valla on BoE and Rex on Braxis and the medallion, is that not everyone has the bonuses they do. It’s just those heroes. The medallion gives everyone the bonus for free regardless of comp, map, or anything.
So to sums it up the maps are actually more unfair then the medallion, because some heroes gets hidden map bonusses thanks to their kit while others don’t, but with the medal everyone gets it?
Anomalies are designed to play with the water on large scale, they are pretty much no different than a patch changing XP from structures or increasing all movement for all heroes by 10% baseline but they take it one step ahead in doing a large impact in general.
Point is, you will expect this type of thing where people are very much concerned due being a base mechanic that affects not one hero, but everyone else and the whole game and how its played as a whole.
For me? The unstoppable would be weird, could work, probably not, I expect it to be removed inevitably though I don’t have strong opinions on it, yet.
I still think that if blizz wants to tackle the CC problem, there are other ways.
Like adding anti-CC talents like Sixth Sense which Kharazim has. I don’t mind having 4 talent choices per tier, with the fact that 2 of the talents are purely situational which I pick when I need them on or a map I need them.
Or they could implement the diminishing returns for CC’s.
Or make cleanse a bit more available to healers, like lower it CD or give it to supports as well so they can help their team.
I just think that adding it to everyone, without thinking about consequences is just bad, despite it having 5 minute cooldown.
Its the same as when the blanked movement speed buff occurred and suddenly all skillshots were nerfed as a result. Was not properly thought through change…
I don’t think that they aren’t aware about consequences, but when I follow their reasoning to introduce it, then I read they want to experiment how it’s works out. Because theory =! reality; and when it’s too bad, they can still remove it.
That’s why wait and see.
They implemented blanket nerf to all healers. Yes, it ended double healer meta, but at the same time ruined a lot of healers who had to receive buffs later on.
Was not thought through.
Then it was blanket buff for all movement speed. Without increasing projectile or ability speed. All skillshot based heroes got indirect nerf.
Was not thought through.
Then all hit boxes got shrinked. Another blanket change. Without widening the skillshots. Another nerf for all skillshot based heroes without giving them anything in return.
Not thought properly.
Medallion is another blanket change, without thinking about the consequences.
Just like experience changes.
Implemented, broke several heroes (not in a good way) and required ~4 months of constant patches and changes to balance it at least to some degree.
Another blanked change that wasn’t exactly thought properly through.
I am not sure what more you want, because from the way devs are implementing blanket changes, it was never thought properly through.
Buffing movement speed was a nerf to skillshots but in the end everyone adapted just fine. Oh well if it wasn’t thought of properly
Can you imagine 100% successful Storm, Earth, Fire?
Perhaps I should have said channeled cast, not channelling.

So to sums it up the maps are actually more unfair then the medallion, because some heroes gets hidden map bonusses thanks to their kit while others don’t, but with the medal everyone gets it?
Yeah, and that’s why drafts are so important. AFAIK Valla is banned a lot on BoE.
Add another button. Now Sam and Vikings have 9 buttons to press

once the Illidan is done chewing me out for not permahatting him while he takes camps or fails to 1v3
personally, i’ve not encountered (m)any players like that in my Abathur games for a few years. Maybe 1-2?
Sorry you must experience them. I hope you don’t have to deal with any more of them in the future!

No, body soak was better 100%
I do think they should make an exception to stealth/bushes and soaking for Abathur.
And fix how his hat works on forts/keeps.
Because I would personally prefer to not have to micro as much purely for soak and be willing to accept the extra risk that would place by Body in as Abathur.
But his soak isn’t straight nerfed with globes. It is more of a burf or whatever the “kinda nerf, kinda buff” (maybe “sometimes nerf, sometimes buff” is a better wording in this case?).
It’s like Gazlowe’s new bomb, if you were going to be doing stun combos with his ultimate, it is a nerf. But imo (playing against it two games on PTR) it is overall a buff.
But for some people with playstyles around being able to land long chainstuns with them, it is still a nerf.
Make sense?

Because I would personally prefer to not have to micro as much purely for soak and be willing to accept the extra risk that would place by Body in as Abathur.
Exactly, but it raised the skill-level of Abathur.
huh… never even considered that that could be interrupted. Same with most of your examples. Interesting…
Medallion: Gets added
KTZ players: ight we gonna head out

I do think they should make an exception to stealth/bushes and soaking for Abathur.
Yeah, maybe add a passive that lets him bodysoak from farther away, but make xp globes he soaked leave like a slime trail or something? So it’s still semi risky to body soak
There is a reason why some characters don’t have unstoppable, I don’t want to know how annoying this will be fight a QM Hammer