Literally every nexus anomaly has been an Aba nerf. I’ve kinda accepted that now.
Just because it requires this active usage I think it will be good for those who seriously complain about ranked.
Better players will better be able to take advantage of this to climb higher.
And anything that makes chain CC worse is good in my book. shaking up the meta and how you have to play is good generally. And while I think this would be bad to keep long term, if it sticks around a few months, just a shakeup.
The biggest issue with this is that it occupies the first slot in the hotbar. Haven’t experimented with moving it.
Did you play with the weather?
The random performance drops it gave people?
The effects that you couldn’t predictably count on happening.
This is a player skill thing. And I think it is not good for the long overall, but I don’t think it is bad enough to pull based on 2 whole PTR games.
globes (After initial change) was/is an Aba buff if you micro your hat soak.
I sure will, once the Illidan is done chewing me out for not permahatting him while he takes camps or fails to 1v3
No, body soak was better 100%
w8 what?
You mean people will use the Combo Breaker to position themselves better to get a better ult off?
That does not make sense for most of your examples. What do you mean?
Well it could be possible, but it is rather unlikely that people will use this talent for anything, but interrupting cc-chains, because the cd is just too high for the risk.
It is not a talent if it is given for free, a talent is a talent that you take. This ‘Medallion’ if people likes it, will only encourage more of those League players to ask for more ‘items’, which this ‘new anomaly’ is.
5 minutes CD and 1s of Unstoppable can set apart good and bad players, but it can also make a lot of Heroes too powerful for their own good, thus resulting in a ripple of balance.
Therefore, I abhor this decision, it isn’t good for what HotS is.
This helps abathur. It’s not a nerf
Mind to explain?
How would it hurt him? He doesn’t have hard cc
Because you effectively only have four medals on your team, not five
This game isn’t about individual players unlike LoL my guy, it’s very specifically built around team
I’m a potato and I play with other potatoes in Potato Match so I don’t think it’ll be have too much of an impact. I could see how it could have a big impact in more organized play though.
I like it. CC chains feel abysmal to do, and a self cleanse on openers or things that require a channel to always go off, feel good.
For example, an imperius stab.
Why it is not a talent, if it is given for free? I can’t follow you here. For me it’s clearly a talent, doesn’t matter if it’s bind on level or not. What else could it be? Clearly not an item, because you can take or drop items like in Dota 2/LoL or in Hots (Attackturret and Healturret from camps).
If you want compare it to LoL than it’s rather like the “summoner skills/talents” the player can choose in the draft, but it is still not an item at all.
This item is only impactful for a minority of players; for the most won’t have that much impact, but we will see how it is, when it’s live. I am excited about it.
How so? Are you sure that the body of Abathur (not the hat!) don’t have a medal? If so, then it’s clearly unfair, but I guess I need to test it out first, if it’s true.
It doesn’t matter if it is a minority of players, changes that affect hero balance are problematic. While a small minority of players main Zeratul or Samuro, buffing them would cause problems at the higher ranks where they are already oppressive.
Balance changes should never, ever, be based on whether or not it affects a minority of players, but how it impacts game play at any rank. As another example, Kael’thas isn’t seen much in the top ranks, but buffing him would be a bad idea given how oppressive he is at the lowest ranks.
While we don’t know yet if this change is a Zeratul change or a Kael’thas change, either one could very well be a problem.
You are right, but it is an experiment Hoku. Stop complaining about things that you didn’t tried out yet. If it is really problematic after playing and testing, then the devs, who knows the best what to do, because they have the accurate data, can still remove it.
And stop saying they are fine until we have data. This argument goes both ways.
No it’s not. It is dumb to take conclusions when you don’t tried it out yet, because you have no experience to judge it right.
I agree that at least certain heroes who currently have it on the PTR should rather not have it. For a selected few where it might be balanced and ok.
And yet, that is exactly what you are doing.
How so? Explain it, please. I don’t judge the medal like others do, but I am excited about to test it out, when it’s live…