Deathwing is my favorite character. This acts like a nerf to him since it gives everyone an unstoppable which is the trait he gets in exchange for not being able to be healed. So no I don’t like it. They need to nerf the crazy amount of cc abilities, but not like this.
It’ll be aggravating for people who skillfully play heroes with CC at first. They’ll lose some big plays from players that use abilities like this correctly. But I don’t think it will be that game changing at a 5 minute CD.
A lot of getting hit hard with CC is a lack of situational awareness by players. Giving them an easy out button won’t make them better players. A lot of players will burn it the first time they get stuck rather than save it for “game changing” moments because of the lack of game awareness that gets them jammed up in the first place.
as for new Nexus anomaly is introduced how did Abathur use activated Gladiator’s Medallion?
I want to see some sick potg genji videos with this medallion ;D
I do think that CCs being too strong is a result of too much damage within the duration.
I’m still of the opinion that lowering damage and cooldowns across the board would be a better option.
As is, it’s kind of an oh shoot button for when you know an ETC Slide is about to get you killed.
On a 300 second cooldown it’s only going to be used a handful of times per player per game.
I sort of thought “every support gets cleanse at 8” was something they might try, but I don’t know why I didn’t think self cleanse specifically.
ETC can use Mosh 4 times within 5 minutes.
With Encore you can possibly Mosh closer to 8 times, depending how aggressive you are.
We need to add the display of the colddown medallion of each of the 10 players to the interface, next to the display of colddowns of ults of all players, since the medallion is a very powerful mechanic tool - everyone needs to see its colddown.
P.s. Share someone this idea with reddit plz.
It sounds dumb AF. It’s essentially nerf to tank + healer whose main job is to CC. All while DPS are most likely to be target of CC so they are the winner while also having less CC themselves so they don’t lose as much.
I didn’t have time test it so I want to ask one think:
Can you use the Medallion while you are chanelling other spell (like Mosh Pit or Holy Word and if yes, does it interrupt the channel or no?
Nice sum up.
Let’s indirectly nerf two roles which are already underplayed and boost all the assassin mains.
It interrupts the channel.
Doesn’t it go both ways though?
ETC casually getting unstoppable just right before casting MP after stunning two targets seems as dangerous as it gets when it comes the other way around.
Considering he has 0.75 seconds delay during casting Mosh, he will be unstoppable only 0.25 seconds…
I like the idea and 1sec unstoppable isn’t that much on a 5min cd and it can’t be used while under the cc effect already. To really make use of this one needs to have perfect timing.
There are many assassins that also have cc. Chromie’s heroic temporal loop can be easily countered with the medallion.
Other assassins with cc:
Valla, Qhira, Cassia, Maievh, Butcher, Illidan, Sylvanas, KT, KTZ, Jaina… almost all heroes have something that the medallion can be used against, even if it’s only soft cc. There are only a few heroes without any cc at all.
I think this is a great anomaly to try out! We’ll have to see how it plays out live, but this is type of improvements they should be looking into: allowing for more play making or counter play.
How do devs collect the opinions on new anomalies? Could they not use the smiley system that always asks you how you feel about the reporting system?
Not really. Most assassins don’t have much CC.
Tanks are the ones with CC usually, followed up by healers.
Chromie will suffer or just play sands.
Valla, Cassia, Illidan, Sylvanas, KT, Jaina have CC. But they dish out a lot of damage and usually their CC is their ultimate (except for KT and Jaina). They won’t suffer that much. Also they all have range, so for them its another free jail card.
Butcher, Qhira, Maiev and other melee assassins, which are already struggling, will struggle even more.
I like it, both teams have it but it will test their skillcaps in a new way.
Qhira is doing fine. Others not so much
Some channelling ult will get huge value.
- Cleansing Flame or Dragonqueen (0.25sec gap)
- Resurrect
- Storm, Earth, Fire
- Upheaval
- Wrath of the Angiris
- Medivac Dropship
- Sound Barrier
- Twilight Dream
- Dark Conversion or Carrion Swarm
- Sanctification
- Poison Nova
- Ultimate Evolution (99% success!)
I want to add that there may be a problem in which the dynamics of games at high ranks shall drop and the high colddown of the medallion force players to wait for its rollback. Imagine a picture in which there shall be only 3-4 fights between teams for 20 minutes of the game.
Sad, but might happen.
Engaging setups still exist.