What's yor opinion about Gladiator's Medallion?

You can’t cleanse stun, you have to use it before you get stunned. If this would be a cleanse I would agree this talent is great, but it is not a cleanse at all. You still can get stunned, if you dont use it before.

Garrosh 4th level Unstoppable has like 90%+ pickrate.
Not sure which league you play, but rightly timed unstoppable is just OP.

Sad to hear you are not that good player to utilize it, nor to realize that giving it to every hero is problematic.


This item anomaly is pretty scary. I was cool with the others but this one has pretty severe consequences on heroes across the board.

This is true but a diver may not have it ready for an engage compared to a ranged hero just sitting back. A more close ranged hero may need to use it to avoid CC more frequently than any ranged hero.



Maybe I am bad I am fine with it and when I was wrong we will see it, when it is live or on PTR. It is pointless anyway to cry over sth. we didn’t tried out yet, except you have experienced it on ptr?

Heroesprofile, just check diamond and above for Storm League.
Also after playing 300 SL games this season, every Garrosh I saw had Unstoppable.

It is not pointless.
People were telling from start that the weather anomaly is stupid as it breaks certain heroes and nerfs others.
And not only it was true, the anomaly was removed.

Giving all heroes self cleanse is just even more stupid and broken than shield and movement speed.
I play long enough and have a lot of games, bot unranked and ranked to know what cleanse can do and how strong it is in crucial moments.

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How it is “self cleanse” I don’t get it, can you explain it to me? Because you can’t cleanse stuns, but only be prepared for 1 sec, if someone is going to stun you.

Considering we have CC-meta (what doesn’t end), adding GM to every hero sounds reasonable. Why? Because teams, what doesn’t have cc or something vs cc-chain mostly lose.


You press it, you gain Unstoppable.

If you anticipate some stun, taunt, charge, w/e, you press it before it happens and you wont get that stun.

That is called pre-cleansing.

You see ETC sliding to you and the mosh animation.
You press 1. You gain 1 sec unstoppable. You walk out of mosh or you just interrupt it.

Thats why I am saying it will break higher leagues.
I doubt it will impact QM or lower leagues.

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All this does is make being out of position and brain dead players less likely to ever learn. It punishes players who are in the right spot and make the right plays because the DEVS want to be like League of legends.

If ETC slides on you, you are already Stunned. Or he can buit your cleanse and Stun you after.

It’s 5 minutes or 300 seconds CD. People MUST learn better positioning anyway because they won’t want to waste it for nothing.


I never declined that it will have impact on higher leagues, but I am not sure if it is really that gamebreaking, even it is a strong tool. If it is really that gamebreaking the devs wouldn’t make it go live because they get the results on ptr.


Mosh has almost a 1 sec windup time.
There is miniature window after slide ends and mosh starts to use it.

There are countless of times when running away from Malfs roots or Orpheas stun will result in turning the fight and winning the game.
Which will be allowed now for eveey hero.

You are naive if you think there are people on PTR which are testing things. The sample is just not big enough.

Also PTR is more for finding out hidden bugs or things that may break the game, the balancing is secondary.

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His Stun = 1.25 second from Slide.
Delay before Mosh = 0.75
You will still be stunned for 0.5 seconds before Mosh.


Well people just play, but blizzard will still get the data of the games like on live servers and what about you? Don’t you use ptr for testing things? I did and tried D.va and Gazlow, my first impression are they are nice. And I agree with Dark in her thread.

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From the moment you are hit.
Which doesnt stop his slide.
His slide takes about a second.

IF he hits you at the end and immediatelly cast mosh, you cant do anything.
If he hits you before the middle of the slide, you can activate the medallion and ignore the following mosh pit.


Actually, everyone getting a free 1.5 sec stasis on a 5 min cooldown is a great idea.

Oh boi here I go with stupid ideas

I have only played around with it a little, it doesn’t seem too bad so far. I don’t have a problem with a cleanse once every five minutes, someone like ETC can cast Mosh twice in the same period of time.

One thing I noted, it’s incredibly effective against Maiev’s umbral binds, as timing it is pretty easy. But again, once every 5 minutes.

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Even more than just two times, because every ETC takes the new busted Encore talent with CDR on heroics, especially Mosh Pit.

It’s definitely a good anomaly…for once.

The details could maybe be adjusted, like unlocking access at level 10 for example, but overall this serves as a decent solution to an overbearing CC meta. I daresay it might even increase the ability to solo carry a game.

Uh oh. Don’t say the word solo and definitely not carry